Chapter 36 Servants in other world

There is a single tower near the southern edge of Eden where high-ranking officials lived. The tower has 2 signs on it, symbolizing the relationship between the world and heroes.

Moon Tower is one of the most important buildings in the city because this is the place where heroic spirits or servants gather. Due to Arthur's huge magic supply and miracle power, they escaped from the cruel destiny of heroic spirits and lived free same as elves with a great lifespan.

Arthur allows his servants to have a life like normal people and do whatever they want within certain boundaries. Hence, many spirits live like humans among the mortals and continue to observe and save them from the sideline.

However, there was a fatal mistake in Arthur's decision. By living normally, they created an energy wave that attracted other masters and spirits from another dimension like the Einzbern family. Their greed has caused a huge stir in the balance as well as creating ordeals and masters that didn't belong to either of them.

" This is pointless. Do you think that they would agree to join us even if we have no clue about their world? Remember when Arthur gave us lives he separated us from the hall of Heroes and destroyed our information about another dimension. We have to start a war before they make things go out of hand."

Julius Caesar leaned on his chair while glaring at other faction leaders. Among the leaders he represented Roman heroes, making him absolute in voting power.

" Whether you like it or not Round Table will always always follow Arthur's words. We don't wish any unnecessary bloodshed."

Lancelot said coldly, stating Camelot's standing. Their king followed their master and so did they will. As knights, they valued honor and chivalry.

" The same goes for our paladins. We agree with them."

Roland expressed their intent. Charlemagne prohibited them from harming innocents, so they kept their actions on the light side compared to others.

" Hassan will follow our master. We have no interest in others."

Hassan of serenity spoke lightly while leaving the table. Among the factions they were the most loyal ones, hence they never disobeyed Arthur like independently moving on their own.

" There goes most of the servants. You do realize most of them wouldn't individually unless Arthur orders them, right?"

Augustus said calmly, looking at his ancestor. Unlike his bloated body, Augustus was a handsome man with pure white and red clothes which symbolized Roman authority. However, he admired Julius because he was one of the smartest servants among Arthur's servants.

" Sigh* I expected this much. Arthur's influence is too great. At this rate, we will have a holy grail war in this world."

He rubbed his temple with stress, knowing the war wasn't simple. It would cause too much damage and Eden would become the tip of the arrow. They would try to shred Eden in pieces with political maneuvers.

" Artoria and Charlemagne are adamant about their status while rulers, divine spirits, and other special classes are keeping their mouths shut. They just want to manage their fields."

Nero grumbled, placing her sword on the table. Her words created another sigh wave in Roman faction heroes since they couldn't persuade other factions like the Greek or Japanese. They all had the different thoughts and the same goal.

" What about emperor Romulus? He should have talked with other grand servants, right?"

Marcus spoke gently, thinking he must have a way.

Meanwhile on the upper floor.

" Absolutely impossible. Do you think we would agree with that? The world will blame our master."

Merlin shook his head while refusing his request. So did other grand servants. As the administrators of the city, their authorities were enough to support him, but they couldn't accept such a thing before consulting with other leaders and Arthur. They currently keep dark factions at bay while reflecting the villains and organizing aliens and other races.

Waging war against invaders all out would cause huge drawbacks in their development and strain their relationship with others.

" I agree with Merlin. Romulus, our attention should focus on keeping balance, not starting the battle."

Noah also refused his request. He saw no benefits and he had no manpower to spare. Although servants were troublesome, he could dispatch mechanical forces and mages to apprehend them.