Chapter 37 Delicate space and time

" Even so, I can't agree with your logic. Do you think vampires and werewolves could possess power that can harm us? Although I can't say about Vlad or Elizabeth, other pure nobles can't defeat servants like us."

Romulus tried to convince them, but his words didn't go through. The grand servants had power that could threaten the entire race, but they only listened to Arthur and continued to observe the situation.

" Enough of this. You don't know how busy we are because you act as a commander. Both Hassan and Tezcatlipoca work together to keep an eye on the demons or creatures similar to them. Who could stop their advent if it wasn't them?"

Solomon said lightly, shutting down him with a logical answer. It was indeed true that powerful servants like them had to complete impossible tasks such as dealing with demons and superhumans. They were the collar that Arthur put on them as a last line.

" Kugh* I understand. However, please keep my words in your mind in case. Even I don't know how many invaders or mages from inside that are aiming for us."

Romulus said, leaving the room with a heavy silence.

" He does have a point. After the great war, our time and space barrier was weakened and many invaders are drooling over our power and resources."

Tezcatlipoca said calmly while sipping his drink. Recently he had to fight against many mages because they wanted to obtain the secret records in Eden. Although Kamar Taj and Eden kept them under control, rogue mages created chaos everywhere.

" Then after our lord returns from his journey, we will expand our fort once again."

Hassan put the chess piece on the table, showing his stance on this matter.

" Well, at least we can locate them easily. There is no point in being too serious, right?"

Merlin spoke gently, but Solomon shook his head. He could foresee terrible humans would emerge in this era and bear their fangs toward Arthur who held this era's hegemony. Even governments were willing to kill him.

" For now we will observe. If anything goes out of hand I propose sending out special class servants and units, including us to disarm them."

Solomon said with a sharp glance. The throne must be kept under their control, otherwise, there would be carnage outside the world.

Meanwhile in some corner of the world.

Three masked figures sat down while the other 5 individuals. Each of them had numbers on their chests indicating their order and faction.

" Eden's forces are still pushing us. When will you take action?"

An elderly man with large fangs said, looking at other members.

" The same goes for race. The recent heroes and humans are getting too powerful. We can't even properly fight them."

A burly man with messy hair spoke coldly while observing other members. The other members showed no interest in their affairs except for their shares.

" We have to recruit other factions and members for our interest since Eden has huge armies and the support of great nations. Even the USA seems to be changing its policy to have a cooperative relationship with them because of Eden's close relationships with their rivals. They became chokepoints of the political and economic world. "

The man with a black mask showed the top-secret intel he got from the White House. They saw secret meetings between two forces and how close their ambassadors were.

" Tsk*, as long as we can continue to amass our influence and wealth, we can hinder their development. I believe collecting magics can provide us many useful benefits."

The black man replied while clicking his tongue. Among the members, he was one of the former colleagues of Arthur and he understood Arthur's intention to keep things under control. He was acting the same as the UN which was divided by the interest of nations except he was in control.

Thus, there was no point in direct war now. As long as they can recruit talents and collect items that could help them establish their bases, things should go their way.

" Haha, I agree with the mage. Although I have a personal grievance with them, it isn't bad to be prepared since their first generation is almost retired."

The man in a suit laughed with amusement. As a devil, he was amused to see the suffering of living beings. Especially he wanted Arthur and Ghost Rider to suffer more.