Chapter 43 Deal

" What will you offer me? If you can persuade me, I will bring wealth that can change your country forever. You must have seen Samira's car."

Arthur placed his hands on the table, looking at him with a smile. Before he was a scientist or a hero, he was a businessman who dominated the business world, so he understood his priorities.

Noxus would gain huge power and wealth by allying and joining with guardians. Hence, he had to put a hold on them to give them a chance in other countries like Demacia.

" Hmm, we will provide you with our knowledge and people. Also, I will personally agree with nonaggression pact and I will comply with your 3 requests without any demand."

Swain threw out a huge piece of meat toward Arthur which tempted him. He knew Noxus had great access to the magic technologies and he was willing to accept his term since he achieved his goal.

" Then don't mind if I do. I will personally take Samira with me as an ambassador and I will invite you when I return to my home. Also, I will build a portal here, so you can access our city whenever you want."

Arthur smiled, extending his hand with anticipation. Swain took his hand, and shook with a firm handshake. However, he didn't see Arthur's surprise in his eyes. Arthur who was puzzled by his scent, found out the secret of him. Swain was a demon, no he was becoming a demon in a very arduous and slow process. As a demon King Arthur could sense it easily.

He furrowed his eyebrows for a moment and switched back to his normal face because he could tell Swain was still a human. He was able to suppress the demon inside him, but that wouldn't last long.

" Wait, wait we didn't talk about this before. You know I had to travel through the continent to search your ass before and now you want me to do it again? Not a chance, honey."

Samira refused his request due to her schedule. She wasn't willing to give up her precious time for such a difficult task. On the other hand except for Arthhr being handsome, she had no virtual payment. Thus, she shook her head to express her determination until something happened.

Arthur sighed with a defeated look as he threw out a key and an account book.

" Sigh I guess I will go give this to another person. A luxurious house and a savings that can help someone to retire whenever they wanted to do."

He said with a defeated look while opening his one eye. Samira quickly grabbed both items while changing her mood. She smiled brightly to lighten him up.

" Oh darling, I am so sorry. I was being considerate of your being. Who said I would refuse such a mission?"

She spoke shamelessly under the gazes of two men with a poker face. Her one eye darted between Arthur and Swain's faces whom she thought would be horrible. They were looking at her in silence because they knew her behavior.

" So, we reached a deal. The paper contract will be signed when I visit our new office."

Swain ignored Samira who was still glaring at him. There was no way he would increase her cut even if she was assigned as an ambassador. She was already filling her pocket why would he increase it again in the first place?

"Tch* As expected from you. Only my money husband, no my Arthur would give my allowance. I ought to change my side."

She hugged Arthur's arm and leaned on his shoulder. Contrary Arthur wasn't bothered by her actions since he was used to it. In fact, he was always amused with her irregular behavior and actions.

Somewhere in Noxus.

LeBlanc was watching their negotiations with her magic. She understood this deal would strengthen his faction, so she was thinking of a way to contact Arthur, but the main problem was Swain was preventing and restricting her movements.

" Hmm, can you go there as my negotiator?"

She spoke calmly, looking at the woman who was sitting in front of her. The woman smiled at her words, showing her seductive body.