Chapter 55 Regret is like wind

Arthur successfully persuaded Viktor to build a secret portal in Zaun as a safety measure. He then assured his friend that everything would be fine since he became part of his allies.

" Then we will come by again."

Arthur waved his hand, getting outside with his group. The women kept their mouths shut because they understood the matter of this talk shouldn't travel outside. Even Caitlyn was reluctant to report it to the council because when she saw the faces of children who were laughing after getting toys from Arthur, she felt it was right. Zaun had been suffering from poison and waste for many years, yet Piltover watched it happen without any remorse. They kept things going and that reached today's point where everyone was sick. Hence, the only hope for them was Arthur who could cure the people with his advanced technology.

Vi thought the same. As a Zaunian she didn't want to destroy the home that her former family tried hard to protect. She despised Chem barons who polluted Zaun with their drugs and chemicals. Furthermore, she understood Arthur was giving them a chance to be free and happy.

" Guys, go to the bar and wait for me. I will be back in a moment."

Arthur halted his movements as he glanced at the air. The group seemed to be puzzled by his actions except for those who had divine powers. They could vaguely sense something was there and it was watching them without any hostility.

" Be careful."

Diana whispered as she dragged Samira and the others away. Other Diana also gestured to him to be careful as she pulled Zoe who was trying to do something stupid again.

" Please guide me."

Arthur smiles lightly while following the gust of wind. The wind directed him to the place where he could see the bottom of the city and it was a pretty isolated place.

" So, tell me your name and why do you want to talk with me, spirit? "

Arthur said calmly while looking at the woman with a golden staff. He carefully seized up her face as he felt a connection to her because he had total elemental control over nature elements. He could feel her pain and existence, most importantly her heart which was pure.

" In old times everyone used to me call Jan'ahrem aka the guardian. Now everyone calls me Janna."

Janna introduced herself while sitting next to him. Her blue eyes never left his face and she touched his face with interest. For some reason, she felt kinship with Arthur and she felt like he was one of her children. Obviously, as a spirit, she can't have a baby, but she thought of humans as her children and protected them with utmost care.

Arthur didn't remove her hands. He allowed her to touch his face as she touched his face and hair with interest. She seemed to be taking a liking to him as she smiled.

" Please tell me your story. I can feel your desire to protect these people because you are still observing them with gentleness."

Arthur gazed at her eyes, believing she was the protector of this city that he was looking for. To cure this city, he needed a being with the most affection for this city and she was sitting next to him.

" Sigh* I was their protector in the past. Everyone worshipped me as a goddess and in exchange I gave my all to protect them. However, as time passed, the city forgot my existence as I grew weaker and weaker each passing day. I could move the wind with my thoughts and guide people without a problem, but when I was weakened the disaster struck the city. In the end, everyone lost faith in me. I couldn't save my children as they died in front of my eyes. I could only see the horror on their faces with guilt and rage."

Janna said with sadness in her voice. Arthur could see she was having a hard time telling her past as she recalled the trauma, so he placed his hand on her hand to ensure that he was next to her.

" We all have suffering. Even Gods and spirits suffer, so please let me help you."

Arthur said softly.