Chapter 73 Missing

The curtain of night drew as the mansion got livelier due to its new guests. People from Alpha World stayed in Arthur's mansion and found themselves wandering around peerless artworks, artifacts, and technology.

" Wow, this place is super huge and fancy. How can your brother afford this? Is he still a single?"

Jett asked, eating a popcorn with an interested look. She never seen someone as fancy as them and how they could afford all of these because the prices of these things blew her mind when she heard it.

" My brother is smart. He utilized his research work to create the first space-time technology in this world. After gaining enormous investment, he developed his technology more and attracted many talents to his company. Furthermore, he traveled through the worlds and sold his items as well as getting ideas from them."

Eliza bragged about Arthur while pointing at the items in the display. Neon who was walking with them nodded, thinking his brother was cool.

Meanwhile in the personal laboratory of Arthur.

" Don't touch any unknown items! I can't guarantee your safety, you know."

Leonardo warned them as she flipped through Arthur's daily logs. Recently, she found a way to improve her portal technology but she didn't have enough research data, so begged Arthur to lend his notes because only he and Tony were able to help her.

" Wow, look at this. This is a space storage unit. How could he think of this? Even I can't think of this type of technology."

Killjoy admired his inventions, looking around at items with shining eyes. Raze also browsed through weapons, thinking of countless possibilities for her new item updates.

" It is indeed fascinating. Maybe we should ask for a few samples, don't you think the same miss Viper?"

Chamber asked calmly, looking at the swords and guns. He never saw delicate schemas like these before and he believed this was a kind of artwork that was painted by Arthur.

" He is a very meticulous person. I could see why he is the leading figure in scientific research here."

Viper answered lightly, scanning the armor. Every detail in this armor attracted her her since she could improve her armor greatly with his blueprint, but sadly that was impossible to get.

In the dining room

" I had a pleasant day, touring your city. I have never seen such a unique city before. Honestly, I couldn't tell if it was whether man-made or not."

Brimstone praised Arthur's creation with honesty. Although their date was advanced to this world, their technology was nowhere to par with this world as he saw flying vehicles and super canons on the towering walls. He also witnessed a great barrier that could protect the city from nuclear attacks.

" Hmm, it is refreshing to bring new people to my city. You see my city is closed from the outside due to certain problems. I know I have opened it sooner or later, but I am still afraid of people."

Arthur spoke with a sad face, showing his concern about the world. His family members also fell into silence because that was the truth. Many politicians were urging them to open the city to the public as they forgot about critical things like technology theft.

" I understand. Since we became allies, our corporation will help you with our utmost care. Besides, I like this place. I have never seen a place where everyone lived with so much happiness and harmony."

Brimstone reassured him, deciding to him help with everything he could do. Arthur's face softened as he thanked him and continued to eat.

" So, tell me. What is bothering you? Although I am not as powerful as my father, me and my siblings could help you."

Kyle offered his request, looking at the tall man with interest. He thought it was a good idea to train in a new place after training for so long. Unlike his siblings, Kyle didn't have enough time to go outside and he didn't have a chance to create a bond with normal people, excluding elves and others in the city.

As they were chatting with enjoyment, Arthur's face suddenly paled when he heard some news. He excused himself, quickly leaving to his study room despite other's looks.

" Mother!"

Kyle looked at his mother as Tyrande and others nodded at him to follow after him.