Volume 6 Prologue- Gods

The burning light of the sun descended upon the earth, bringing another daylight to the realm of humans. A man lay on the bed, chained with heavy chains that immobilized his movements. His groggy eyes opened with reluctance, yawning with a not-so-great rest.

" Ah. I wish I had a great night. Like always my legs feel like shit."

He complained dragging the chains on the floor while looking at his miserable face in the mirror. He opened the tap gently, washing his tired face to refresh himself but even cold water couldn't push away his exhaustion.

He sighed with another expression, brushing his teeth while turning on the TV. Like always he saw the news about heroes and political tension between countries after the emergence of the newly established hero team of the government.

" Ah, they should just shake their hands and be friendly with each other. Why do they always try to rip each other?"

Steven felt a headache while watching the TV because he worked for the national museum and his work was related to the archeology of Egypt. However, recently some idiot created chaos there, inducing sharp tension between Egypt and England.

" Ah, I really should find that guy and kill him. Why did someone even rob a museum unless they are an idiot? They will hunted down by the government and heroes."

Steven shook his head with a bitter face, putting his peanut butter on the bread while eating it with a calm face. The taste of butter was bland as his life and he was sick of it.

" Oh, time is up. I should leave for my work."

He put on his old coat while biting the bread but just as he was about to put on his shoes. He felt something sharp under his foot.

" The fuck?"

He shook his boot as a golden scarab fell into his hand. His face paled instantly, knowing this item was stolen from an Egyptian museum and he was the culprit behind it.

Meanwhile in Olympus

Two women were looking at each other with calm faces. One of them painted herself blue while clicking her tongue with annoyance because she lost her bet against her sister.

" You look hilarious, Artemis. That is what you get for dodging my call. If it wasn't Apollo's plea, I would have extended the duration to a hundred years."

Athena nudged her sister who was sulking on her throne. She had to stay like this for a year and this was all thanks to her stupid brother whom she believed. He said he would back her up but he disappeared when she needed him the most, so she had no choice but to accept her defeat which resulted in this horrific look.

" Fine. I will descend to the mortal realm and meet with that mortal. However, you must promise me that you will reduce the duration to one month. Look at me. I look like Cyclop from Serifos."

She helplessly put her bow behind her back while putting on her armor. Athena seemed to enjoy her appearance as she chuckled. She silently took her image with her magic, saving it to her album.

" Damn it. Why does it have to be me? You could have sent Hermes to him."

Artemis complained with a cold face, thinking most mortal men were untrustworthy. Specifically, those with great power tend to have problems with women which disgusted her.

" Oh, my sister. You might be charmed by his looks because he is no mortal. He is almost God like us and he has one of the best appearances."

Athena warned her with a teasing look while knowing she would be charmed by his looks because he was like his type. A brave man with great looks and a heart, he was bound to be loved by her.

" You know my blessing and love aren't for the mortals. I don't like interacting with them after that scoundrel."

The memory of some scoundrel who managed to witness her holy body crossed into her mind. After that incident Artemis no longer believed in mortal men, only blessing women and children who were innocent in her mind.

" I highly doubt that because even I might have a hard time against him."

Athena smiled mysteriously.