Something was horribly wrong I could feel it in my bones, the chill that permeated every pore in my flesh and the incessant murmuring that seemed to take place only in my head not to also mention the fact that we had not heard a single word from Terrence for days now, it was obvious that trouble filled the air, the council members of the realm tried their best to hide it from the inhabitants of this part of the realm but even with their impressive powers and whatnot, one look into into their eyes and one could see the stark fear clawing its way out
And as Samhain and I made our way to the Dark Court for the next meeting, a sudden sick feeling of panic and dread washed over me and the murmuring in my head grew louder and louder until the tumult of voices grew into one distinct chant
"he's coming!, he's here" they chanted in my head
I tried to ignore it at first but the chanting only became worse until it was nothing more than a shrill yell in my head