Chapter 11

Thursday, 23 March 1742.

Dear diary,

Today Kane and Duncan explained what had happened yesterday.Then, I told them about the dream I had.Then after I told them about the sign, the colours were drained from their faces.They said that the sign is the sign of the world between life and death, which is named Kirene.Kirene meant happy and sad at the same time.

I was confused, for I had been caged in the castle since I was born.

They explained that the sign follows someone who belongs to the world of life and death and will appear in random places all around the person it follows.Hearing this, I was bot shocked and surprised.How can a human belong in another world? I actually knew that my family was hiding something from me, but I never thought that we belong in another world aside from earth.

Not only that, but it seems that the world we are in, lives the Thunder Goddess.The Thunder Goddess is known as Tia the humble and brave thunder goddess.The elders of Megyphys also wrote her history and origins.

It was written that Tia was once the one and only noble duchess of Megyphys.She was then betrayed by her best friend, Marchioness Lia.She had gained the queen's trust and told the queen that Tia had poisoned her maid, when the truth is that Lia herself poisoned her servant.The queen had sentenced her to death in the court, but Tia made her last wish to give her some time to pray to god.When she was guillotined, shone a bright light and everyone could see her soul became a beautiful light purple mist.

Then, a light shone from the sky and a everyone heard a voice.'What have you humans done to the soul that was going to be the goddess?!'. The story also explained that the voice was very angry because they killed Tia.'Because of your foolishness, you will not be saved from the wrath of the devils!'.Then, the light and the purple mist disappeared, leaving only poor Tia's guillotined body.

After what happened, Lia was guillotined and a very eerie voice came from the ground.'Hahahahaha! The devil of war has completed her task! She has returned! Oh goddess of destruction, Lia April, we missed you!'

The former queen then was told to give her title as queen to the queen of Megyphys now, Jane Kelly Paris.She gave her title to the daughter of the Paris couple because they were known for generations as geniuses.And the title was labeled permanent, so the title will be given to Queen Jane's daughter when she dies and so on.

That was when many people started to hate the Paris family.

The Veronica family, once a very good friend of Earl James Day Paris, also started to hate the Paris family.

The Paris family had also been through so many trials.For example, Jane was almost poisoned and was shot by an arrow.

This made Jane ill and she slept for a whole week.

That made her always put on an anti-bullet robe.

After that story, we decided to rest for a day.