Chapter Twenty Four

Two days ago (from the last chapter)

"Here we are." He says, causing the car to screech to a stop. I zoned out most of the drive, listening to the radio playing from his car. I notice we are in the parking lot of a mall, not my usual preference, because I know for a fact, this one is specifically for rich people.

Walked in here once with Avery and ended up leaving after paying 12 bucks for a coffee. We shared.

It was almost impossible to shop here without going homeless. I look over to see him, watching me intensely. His eyes don't leave my face.

"Stop checking me out. I know I'm gorgeous." I say, flipping a part of my hair over my shoulder dramatically.

Erin's overconfident side has been revealed.

"Don't be so flattered. I was just noticing the little scar near the top of your head." He says gently and so softly, it's a mesmerizing feeling.

No, it's not a feeling. It's an emotion.