Chapter Twenty Three

"Merry fucking Christmas sis." Evelyn says handing me my gift. Mom scolds her quietly for the foul language, but she just ignores her. It might as well be normal now.

"Thanks Eve." I say, instantly cringing at her childhood nickname.

"Ew, don't call me that ever again." She says shoving me playfully.

"Here's yours." I say handing her a nicely wrapped box." Her's wasn't wrapped half as good as mine. I'm not bragging, just informing y'all of my excellent gift wrapping skills.

"Merry Christmas Evan!" I say cheerfully, handing him a bag. He repeats the action.

After exchanging gifts, mom yells "let's dig in!" We all rush into aggressively ripping off the wrapping paper off our gifts.

Christmas has always been a nice time in the house. We always did Christmasy things like decorate gingerbread houses and bake tons of different treats. We're so "in the spirit," it could be concerning.