Chapter Forty Four

What way?

What way does he mean?

"Never mind. Forget I ever said that." He mutters, walking ahead, noticing my silence.

He walks around and opens the door for me, letting it shut with a small touch and walks and sits in his seat, pulling out of the street without even putting on his seatbelt.

"Eli! You forgot your seatbelt!" Jay screams from the backseat. He pulls the seatbelt and buckles himself in instantly without a word.

In the middle of nowhere, he makes a sharp turn, pulling into the gas station.

"Need gas." Is all he says, before stepping outside and shutting the door loudly behind him.

"Eli looks upset." Jay says softly, leaning forward in his seat to talk to me. I just nod.

"Did you make him sad?" He asks me with the tilt of his head.

"I think so." I say. It's my fault. I could've said anything really. Of course I zone out for the longest times.