Chapter Forty Five

I take his hand in mine and hold tightly, trying to push myself off the ground, but instead fall again. My butt hurts.

"You can't skate, pretty girl?" Jay asks me. Yeah no shit. But obviously, I don't use foul language around the kid.

"Nope." I say, trying to get up, but fail once again. I might even get an award for failing so many times.

"Even I can skate." He brags and Elijah lets him down, and he takes a few steps before wobbling a bit.

"Woah there." Elijah grabs him before we're both on the ground.

"I can kinda skate." He admits, sheepishly.

"I can't." I say and try to sit back on the bench.

"Watch me." Elijah says and puts Jay down on the bench beside me. He takes a few steps and skates forward and turns in a circle. He comes back and picks Jay up, putting him on his shoulders before skating in circles and does figure eights again. Jay giggles, showing off his cute little dimple.

"Sit here." He says to Jay and puts him down beside me.