Chapter Seventy Three

Present Day

"Rick's calling." Evan says, pulling out his beeping phone from his pocket, causing Avery to make a face from having to move away from him.

She's obsessed.

Rick is Evan's right hand man. When he turned sixteen, The East Side's gangleader, Eric was shot and died. Ever since then, Evan took over and has been trying to bring the gang up to where it was before Eric died. Evelyn is his other hand, always there for him.

He mumbles a few words to him, before mentioning a quick bye and shoving his phone into his pocket.

"New bar's opening down in the next city. We could go check it out." He says, getting up.

Check it out is code for raid. He probably said that because Aidan doesn't know. I told Avery a few weeks in.

"Oh okay. Then I guess I'll go home with Aidan. Text me when you're back." She says, pecking him on the lips before getting up and grabbing her jacket. Aidan follows her and they both walk out the door with a small wave.