Chapter Eighty

The Black Viceroys?

I'm sure I've heard the name before.

"They're a strong gang. But they've got a weakness." He whispers quietly, as if someone would hear him.

"What?" I asks curiously.

"The gang leader is young and heartbroken." He says.

"We just need to find a way to get to him." He adds.

"Yeah, no shit!" I say, earning a glare from him.

"And how are we gonna do that?"

"I'm not so sure yet." He says, bowing his head down slightly, looking defeated.

"Cheer up, we'll figure it out." I say giving him a pat on the shoulder, feeling his muscles ripple from beneath my palm.

"So who's it? The name?" I ask, hoping I can do some research, because right now, I have no clue.

"Elijah." He mumbles quickly.

"What, who?" I ask in utter shock.

It couldn't be.

It can't be.

It fucking-

"Elijah D'Cruz. 19-year old gang leader."