Chapter Ninety Nine

"Just watch, I'm an expert at this." He says, screwing off the lid and dipping three fingers into the container.

He swipes off a bit of cream and takes a small section of my hair between his fingers, before gently applying the product. He moves his fingers so gently, I can barely feel it.

He bites his lip as he concentrates, making sure to perfect it.

At the end, he massages my scalp before washing off his fingers.

"You're done." He says, screwing the lid back on.

I almost jump down from the counter, but he pushes me back.

"I'm not done yet." He smirks, placing his hands underneath my-his shirt.

Is this round two?

He leans up and plants a kiss on my lips. I didn't even get the chance to kiss him back, before he removes his hands and places them under my ass, gently picking me up, giving me a squeeze as he does so.

I feel my nipples harden underneath the thin shirt. He notices too, as I'm not wearing a bra.