
The boy nodded and exclaimed, "okay! I'll try my best to join the Infantry. This reminds me, uncle Xu, I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Arza Redwood, nice to meet you!"

"Redwood?" Xu An recited.

"Oh, some people have that name. My father is a former explorer and has been all over the world! He told me that the people with the name 'Redwood' scattered around the world but their numbers are really low, I want to meet one of them one day!" His eyes sparkled in anticipation.

Xu An on the other hand kind of shocked, the name he chose for his alias was something he thought on the spot. He didn't think it had a mysterious background to it.

What a terrifying coincidence, Xu An thought to himself. He just hoped trouble wouldn't come to him because of it.

"By the way, uncle Xu. Why did you bring me here?" Arza asked curiously. Xu An could've helped him and then let him go home yet this happened.

"No reasons, really, and if there's one. I guess it's because I want to? What? You don't like it?" Xu An returned a question.

Arza shook his head, "no, this is my first time here and I'm nervous. Also, my clothes…" Arza cast his gaze to his clothes patched with fabric.

Xu An pondered as he found out the problem but then, his danger senses tingled.

Narrowing his eyes, he hugged Arza and leaped to the side.

His decision was the correct one. As soon as he did that, something penetrated the ground. Forming a small crater and faint smoke coming out of it.

A sniper assassination? Xu An thought to himself and was confused. Wasn't the world supposed to be in an age where technology had not advanced that much?

But this shot was clearly from a modern sniper rifle in his past world! Hell, probably stronger as the bullet formed a small, yet deep crater.

Not giving him a chance to rest, another one came at him. As guarded as he was, he dodged it by jumping back around three times like a bunny.

In this process, every time he landed, he quickly leaped backward and the same crater was formed.

This happened three times.

Xu An panted heavily as he looked in the direction where this bullet was coming from. Thanks to his eyesight better than mortals, he perceived the outline of a human figure, sitting on top of a three-story building.

Unfortunately, that was his limit. It was impossible to see any further, much less the figure's appearance. The person's distance was about a kilometer away!

Just as the figure was about to send another shot, it stopped and quickly fled. Xu An heaved a sigh of relief, for the fact his qi drained dry.

How he dodged those bullets despite his low cultivation base was because of the footwork technique he had learned from that book.

As he was walking to the capital from his small hut, he entered his mindscape and read the book so as to learn a technique to escape.

Although running away wasn't his style, there were many times it was proven worth it. So, it was better than sorry and that was when he found this footwork.

It was called Hundred Footsteps of Insanity. Despite its name sounding sinister, it was in truth because of how insane this technique drained one's qi. Once the latter ran out, it would use the person's lifespan instead.

On second thought, yeah the name proves right, Xu An changed his mind.

His eyes got blurry and a sense of weakness soon engulfed him whole. This was a result of the qi in his body being less than one percent!

He immediately collapsed with Arza in his embrace.

Arza was panicking as he kept shouting, "uncle! Please don't die! Uncle!"

Before falling into the abyss, Xu An saw a figure approaching him. As his eyelids were getting heavier, Xu An couldn't see who this person was except for its outline.

Arza turned silent when this figure came.

"Who?..." That was Xu An's last thought before closing his eyes.