Why Should I Believe You Now?

"Mrs. Tipton, Mr. Tipton is here to see you." Davis spoke after he had entered the dining room.

I looked at Martin and Sterling. We were in the middle of finishing up dinner. "Excuse me for a moment please." I began to get up from my chair.

Martin nodded to give me the okay and I headed out of the dining room. It had been weird staying here. Martin tried to make us as comfortable as possible but I missed my home. I missed being with my family in our own place. But I had to stand my ground.

I walked into the living room where Damon was sitting on the couch. He looked worse compared to when I left the house a week ago. I could tell he was tired. Being alone must have been getting to him. Serves him right.

"You came." He seemed surprised to see me.

"Yes. Now tell me, what do you want?" I asked as I sat next to him on the couch.

He adjusted himself to face me better. "I wanted to talk. About everything."

"Okay. I responded.

"I'm sorry. For everything Love. I know that your forgiveness at this point needs to be earned which is fair. But I'm working on this. I promise." His icy blue eyes looked into my green orbs.

"Why should I believe you now?" I couldn't trust his words. He had lied about two major things. It would take time to build back the trust.

He pulled the prescription bottle out of his suit jacket. He handed it to me and I could see it was full. The date on it made it clear that it had been filled about four days after I had left him alone. He then pulled out a slip of paper that had been signed by Dr. Gordon confirming he had been to an appointment today.

"I started treatment again. I knew you'd want hard evidence so I figured I would be prepared." Damon explained.

"Okay." I nodded.

This was a step in the right direction. One appointment and refill of medication was not going to be enough to get me home though. I couldn't go back to him too soon. He had gone six weeks before he stopped treatment, I needed to make sure he was determined to finish this.

"Because of my stupidity I do have to start all over." He sighed. "It might also be a little longer than twelve weeks for me to be finished. But I'll do it, I'll do it all Kaydence."

I nodded again. "Okay."

"The therapist did have an idea that he felt would benefit us if you're willing." I could tell Damon was uneasy about my demeanor towards him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I talked about what happened after I cancelled my appointments. He thinks it would benefit us to have you join me in therapy halfway through." Damon answered.

"Why did he suggest that?" I questioned further.

"Because I broke your trust. It'll help give us the opportunity to repair it and it also gives you confirmation that I'm one hundred percent committed." He had a sincere look in his eyes. "I need to fix this. I need to prove myself to get you back home. It's not the same without you and it's killing me."

"Well, I appreciate the fact you're doing something about this." I tried concealing all emotion the best I could. "If the therapist really thinks that it'll help then I'll go. Just make sure you tell me when and where."

"Absolutely." Damon nodded.

"Davis." I called out.

Davis hurried to the room and stood in the doorway. "Yes Mrs. Tipton?"

"Will you have Martin bring the children in to see their father?" I asked.

"Of course." He nodded and then proceeded to exit the doorway.

He hadn't spoken or seen the children since he left for work the morning he came home drunk. I knew they missed each other. Sterling asked multiple times to talk to Damon but I didn't allow it. Damon had a lesson to learn. However now he had taken the right step in the direction so I felt it was only right for the kids to see him.

Sterling came running in with a smile on his face. "Daddy!" He exclaimed as he ran up and wrapped Damon into a hug.

Martin came in carrying Scarlett and looked between Damon and I. I knew he was trying to feel the atmosphere of how exactly our conversation was going. He kept his eyes on Damon as he brought Scarlett over to me. I took her from his arms and then he sat down to keep an eye on things.

"Hey buddy." Damon spoke with a slight smile as he hugged Sterling back tightly.

Sterling then pulled back. "When can we come home daddy? I miss you."

Damon thought for a moment on the best way to answer. Finally he spoke after a few minutes of silence. "Well son, I have some important things I need to get done before you, Scar and mommy come home. It'll be soon though but for right now it's best that you're here with grandpa."

Sterling nodded. "Okay."

I helped support Scarlett into sitting up. She smiled as she looked at Damon and let out a giggle. Damon smiled in response. "Can I hold her?" He asked.

"Of course." I nodded and passed her over.

I watched as Damon interacted with both Sterling and Scarlett. He seemed to relax a little after our conversation. I could tell he didn't expect that he would see his children tonight but I wanted to give him a little taste of what was missing. Not to hurt him or to be malicious, just to remind him as to what it is he's working on himself for.

After about an hour it was time to get the children ready for bed and Damon needed to leave. He stood up from the couch. "Thank you. I hope to see you guys later." He spoke before heading towards the doorway.

"Wait." I stood up. He turned around with a puzzled look. "I'll walk you out."

I made my way up from the spot I was in and walked with Damon. Both of the children were left with Martin. We were silent as we walked. I didn't know exactly what to say and I don't think he did either. We reached the porch and that's where I stopped.

He noticed I didn't move and took the hint that this is where we parted. His arms wrapped around me in a hug. I hugged him back and he felt so good. I missed him so damn much right now. He pulled back and was about to attempt to kiss me but I stopped him.

"We're not there yet." I spoke quietly. I could see the disappointment in his face. "But it doesn't mean we won't get there eventually."