A Way To Make It Happen

"I see." Damon responded calmly. "Why are you so nervous about something as little as that?"

"Because I wasn't sure how you would feel about it." I explained. "Especially with Zach or whoever he is still out here."

Damon nodded. "I understand. But as we agreed we can't let him impact our lives further. If Sterling wants to go trick or treating then I think we should figure out a way to make it happen for him."

"Are you sure?" I asked. I was slightly surprised by his answer.

"Yes I'm sure. There's actually a way we can do it with keeping everyone safe." Damon explained. "Tipton Enterprises has thirty-two floors, we can have the staff set things up and he can trick or treat around the building. I'll even have the other staff members bring their children. We'll supply the candy of course because there'll probably be a lot in attendance."

"Won't that interrupt an entire day or work for multiple projects?" I questioned.

"I'm the boss. If I decide projects can take a break for a day then who's going to challenge me?" An amused smirk crossed his lips. "I don't think the staff will put up any fight on having children come around and get some candy. If they do then they can take the day off."

"I guess if you think it's doable then why not? It couldn't hurt." I responded.

"Exactly. The boy has gone through so much already in his seven years of life that the least we can do is give him his first proper Halloween. I feel it's a reasonable request and I'm more than capable of making it happen." Damon seemed very confident that this was the way to go.

"Okay." This was his first Halloween with us. I wanted him to be able to enjoy it. If Damon felt it was safe enough then I trusted his judgement. I know he wouldn't willingly risk our safety.

We walked out of the study and Sterling was patiently waiting for us in the living room. He seemed eager to find out the answer for whether or not he would be able to go out on Halloween. "Well?" he asked as his eyes met Damon's.

"Your mother and I have discussed it. We figured out how you can get the experience of Halloween but also keep you safe. I'm not sure if you'll like my idea though." Damon's voice was stern as he spoke.

"What is it?" Sterling asked.

"Well things are still a little crazy and with Scarlett being a baby we don't want to risk her getting sick if the weather is bad. So why don't we set up for you to come trick or treating at my office? Then I can make sure I get to see you." Damon made it a point to not talk about the actual threat at hand. Sterling was a child, he didn't need to know about Zach.

"Okay." Sterling nodded. "Can Izzy come with us?"

Damon thought a moment before speaking. "Why don't you and your mother visit Mrs. Strahm and see if all the children can come? Maybe I'll even make sure we can have a little pizza party or something for lunch."

"Are you sure? Is that too much?" I questioned.

"I'm positive." Damon turned his attention to me. "They all deserve to have a taste of what Halloween really is about. Besides Tipton Enterprises is locked down so securely with the cameras everyone can have a safe and fun time."

"Thank you Daddy!" Sterling smiled happily as he had gotten the response he wanted from Damon.

"You're welcome." Damon responded in a pleased tone. At this point I think he was excited himself about hosting something like this. It's definitely going to be a first for Tipton Enterprises.

After the conversation we went to the dining room for dinner. My mother even stayed to join us this time. We talked back and forth about everything that had gone on through our day. It was a pleasant time overall. After we ate the kids were bathed and then put to bed.

Sterling and I were given the task to go to the orphanage and talk to Mrs. Strahm about the Halloween idea that Sterling and Damon had agreed on. Sterling was thrilled to have everyone come to experience trick or treating. I was surprised by how willing Damon was about the whole thing. It had to be a way of making things feel normal while we continued our man hunt for Zach.

After a goodnight's rest Sterling and I got ready to go to the orphanage. Damon decided to stay here with Scarlett while I was gone. When we were ready Sterling and I went and got into the car. Max drove us to the orphanage for our visit today. Alongside him in the passenger side was Ricky, the guard that had been put on duty for Sterling.

We arrived in about twenty minutes and stepped out of the vehicle. Sterling held my hand as we took the steps and went inside. Max and Ricky accompanied us inside this time. They were given orders to not leave us alone no matter what. Even though the orphanage was still relatively safe we still had to be sure.

"Good morning." Emily greeted us as we came inside.

"Good morning." I smiled. "Is Mrs. Strahm available to talk?"

"I believe she's in her office." Emily nodded. "If not just come back and I'll pin point where she is."

"Thank you." I nodded and then turned my attention to Sterling. "Why don't you go find Isabelle and play for a little bit?"

"Okay." He started running to where the children were. Ricky followed quickly behind him.

I headed down the hall where Mrs. Strahm's office was. Max followed me. I knocked on the door and heard her voice from the other side. "Come in."

I opened the door and let myself inside. Max waited outside to give us our privacy. "Hello Rebecca." I greeted her.

"What brings you by?" She smiled.

I proceeded to tell her the reason for my visit. How Damon wanted to have them all in attendance for Halloween. I even explained the safety precautions we were planning to take and that it was going to be inside so any bad weather wouldn't be an issue. It didn't take long or a whole lot of convincing to get her to agree. Apparently she had always wanted to give the children a real trick or treating experience on Halloween but with how many children there were it just seemed impossible.

"That's wonderful." Mrs. Strahm was pleased with the offer we had given. "It's so nice of you guys to keep the children included. I'm sure they will be so excited when they find out. Thank you for all you and Mr. Tipton have done for them."