Heart attack

Dad went on a business trip the same day Mrs. Wisdom and her children left for the so call family vacation. I was more than happy with the fact that I was going to have a very peaceful break. it was more than I have hoped for.

I spent the three week going to the shopping mall and hotel and when I was back at home I eat my meals in peace and help Gladness who was the only maid that treated me well with whatever I can.

Three week ended in a flash and Mrs. Wisdom returned with her kids. On the day they return I was more than surprised to be told by one of the maid that Mrs. Wisdom asked me to join them for dinner. I was surprised because the only time I was allowed with them on the table was when Dad was home.

I went downstairs and joined the meal. Danielle went on and on about the vacation answering questions that no one was asking and Mrs. Wisdom kept encouraging her to continue. Now it made sense to me why I was called to join them. It was so that I hear how much of the fun I have missed out. And I was sure the whole conversation was to make me feel sad or selfpit. But I did not have any of those feelings because I was more than satisfied and happy that I did go on the vacation.

Ella if you keep talking so much you may chock on your food Daniel said. I could have just started laughing at her childish behaviors but I knew it was best I hold that laughter until I got back to my room.

Danielle rolled her eyes at her brother and I scertly smiled at myself. Mum I will be returning to school nextweek I already informed Dad I said. Of course I had to add the Dad part I can not be too careful who knows what plans she may have up her slivers.

She looked at me with disgust, I don't care if you leave tomorrow she said. I smiled in that case I think I will leave in two days time in other to clean my apartment I said. The earlier I leave the sooner I get some peace. If she thinks telling me she doesn't care will hurt me in any way then she is mistaken because I already know this and it makes no difference to me.


I resume school as planned and I was happy that I will be away from Mrs. Wisdom and daughter for another few months. Lisa was doing her best trying to make me feel uncomfortable with any chance she got but that was okay with me since she was very easy to ignore. It not like she can say or do anything worse than Danielle, so I did not pay much attention to her.

Infact I saw her as a motivation, since I knew she picked on ever of my mistakes. Time want on and it was like I was rediscovering myself as I could see myself smile more and living with little worrie. Sometimes before I go to bed I tell Mrs. Wisdom thank you for pushing Me to this part because I knew I may not been this happy, if I was studying in same school as Danielle.


We are preparing for the second semester exams and trust me, if there was a semester you want to be in the top five, it was this one. The top five students get to attended a writers workshop with a teacher at the capital. Five teachers from Mount Wings will be attending. So it was one student to one teacher to be his or her guild at the seminal.

I walked out with Elizabeth after class that Monday evening. Her driver was already at the front waiting for her. She got in and left me while I worked over to my car. It has been so peaceful. Freedom from Mrs. Wisdom has really taken away my sad face.

My phone started ringing as I got to the car. I brought it out of my bag. Daniel was the one calling. I smile and picked up the call. Dan how are you doing? I asked.

Apart from Dad, Daniel was the only one who checked on me.

Am not sure he replied.

Are you okay? I asked noticing that his voice did not sound excited as usually.

What happened? I asked since he did not answer my first question.

Dad had an heart attack and dead he said.

What! Oh my God! What did you say I asked.

I heard him the first time but I could not believe my ears. He repeated himself. I felt tears running down my chick. why? I thought. Why do I have to be this unfortunate?

First I lost my parents as a kid, now the man that has always been there as a father is gone too. I sat down in my car for hours crying my eyes out and lost in my own thought. Just when I thought life was getting better now this. I look at my watch it was past seven already and everywhere was getting dark. I need to go to the house.

Daniel has to be joking, I convinced myself. Dad can't be dead we spoke yesterday on phone. I clean my tears then started the car.