The wisdom family

When I got to the house the reality done on me. Dad was really dead. I meet Mrs. Wisdom in tears and a few of her friends with her. Before I could greet them why are you just getting here? Mrs. Wisdom asked on top of her voice.

I had no idea what to say and it was moments like this that I always prayed Dad was around but now he has left me forever. I allowed the tears in my eyes to flow. You this useless girl….Mrs. Wisdom was going to take out all her frustration on me. When I heard Daniel said mum please not now.

Mrs. Wisdom stop put herself together and continued sobbing. Daniel walk up to me as I could not move my feet out of fear and grief. It seems my mind was no longer working and I had no energy left in me. He walked me up to my room and tried to console me but he was feeling hurt himself . I will ask one of the maid to get you something to eat he said as he walked out of the room.

I tried to put myself together and stop my tears. Few minute later Gladness the cook brought my food. I don't want to eat I said.

Bella dear you will have to, you can't Starve yourself. It will not bring him back she said. Gladness was always very kind to me. She treated me like a daughter. There were time when Mrs. Wisdom had order I should not be given any meal. of course that was when Dad was not home. But Gladness will always secretly bring me food.

What's the point of living? I asked looking at Gladness. Mrs. Wisdom hates me. You know it, now that Dad is dead, don't you think it is as good as am dead. Do you really see any difference between my death and staying alive? I asked as I started crying again. This time not just because of Dad's death but because of what I most likely be facing here after. Why did he have to die now. Why is my life full of so much worries and trouble? Why am I so alone in this cool and heartless world? I asked myself as more tear run down my eyes.

Clean your tears dear, I am sure everything will be fine she said now try to eat. I took few spoons from the rice she brought then I told her I was filled up. She took the plates and left and I continue crying. How can everything be fine I said to myself? I cried on till I could cry no more. I slept off in between my tears. I wished I would wake up and realize everything was just a bad dream.

I woke up the next morning at about five am. I did not have good sleep. my eyes where heave and I felt this unbearable headache. I went into the bath room to have a cold bath, maybe that will make me feel better. After taking my bath I brush my teeth. Then come out of the bathroom. I looked for something simple to put on then lay on my bed.

The reality of Dad's death come to mind again and I started crying. How am I going to live now I wonder, I certainly alone with no one. No body cares if I live or die. The last family I have is gone forever. I snob quietly holding my pillow and wanting death to also pay me a visit.

After crying for an unknown time I stood up from my bed, it seemed like I could cry no more my eyes were feeling so heavy so I walked into the bathroom and wash my face. Then an idea hit me.

Why go through all this pain, what was I living for I should just end my life here and now, all this suffering will be over. I will not have to know what Mrs. Wisdom will do to me with Dad dead because I will be dead too.

The idea sounded perfect. I began to think of the best way to kill myself maybe I should just jump down my window yes my room is on the second floor and it high enough to kill someone. What if I don't die and get crippled that will be worse. I needed to use what will guaranty the result, not make my condition worst.

Poison, yes I need to Posion myself that pafect. I will go out and get some then use it late at night. By the time anyone fines me in the morning I should be dead. I took a deep breath at the wonderful solution I have come up with.

At about ten am, Gladness come into my room with breakfast. The rest of the family where having breakfast at the table but I knew better than any one not to join them. I did not feel like eating but I knew Gladness will not take a step out if I did not eat. I was going to dead anyway why not just eat and act normal. Besides if Gladness suspect my plan she may try to stop me and ruine everything.

I looked at the tray. It was bread tea and eggs. I took a slice of the bread force myself to eat it. Then drank a little from the tea and took a spoon of the eggs. Am full I said and without a word Gladness took the tray away. I am sure she is convinced I am putting myself together which is just perfect.

Few minute later my phone started ringing, Elizabeth was the one calling I knew she would call since she did not see me in school. I picked the call and told her what happen. she asked me to send her my address. And I texted it to her. It was pafect that Elizabeth is coming I will just go out with her when she is leaving to get the Posion, besides she is the only friend I have, ibshould see her one last time before my death, I conclude within myself.

I called Gladness on phone to inform her that my friend was coming over. I did not want her having any encounter with Mrs. Wisdom mostly because it seem like she has forgotten I am in the house. so I would like to keep it that way.

Elizabeth came over about three hours later. Luckily, Mrs. Wisdom was not home she has been busy making preparation for Dad's burial. Elizabeth stepped into my room she wore a warm smile on her face. She come over and hugged me and I felt comforted.

How are you? she asked. I honestly don't know I replied. Don't worry dear everything will be fine she said. I wanted to nod my head in agreement but I could not so I shook my head. Nothing will be fine, my life just went from bad to worst I said.

Elizabeth looked at me with surprise. It feels that way in moments like this but trust me everything will be fine she said. I kept quiet and allowed more tears to flow from my eyes. Elizabeth hugged me again and help me clean my tear. you will get through this she said. How? I wonder, I am not even sure I will be able to complete my studies. Mrs. Wisdom may not be willing to spend that much money on my education.

You did not tell me you live in the wealth mansion she said. Now you know, I answered I knew she was trying to change the subject and maybe brighten my mood.

Wait! she said as if something just occurred to her, you' are Wisdom Wealth? she asked But it sounded more like a statement. I did not understand or get the question. And before I could say anything she answered herself. Of course you are, your last name is Wisdom. How come it never occurred to me that you where from the Wisdom family, she said.