Chapter five

Her small fingers pressed the buttons on the game controller, her frustration reflected in it, and on her face, and on her choice of character. Her Ken was taking more than a beating from Akuma. She'd been proud of the damage she'd done in the first round. But she lost the second battle and the third one was on its way to being won by her opponent. Her palms were sweating and her body felt hot with rage, not to mention the deadly scowl on her face and her ever increasing heart beat. Darin watched from the door way. A smirk on his face. Her character's life was very much less than her opponent's and still diminishing. He almost laughed. He knew what was coming, the fight wasn't over and any second she would chug the controller at the TV. He walked closer, his eyes on her, and her eyes darted from screen to controller, screen to controller and then it happened. The howl of defeat by her character. She gripped the controller tightly and shut her eyes. He couldn't help it. He threw his head back in laughter. "If I had made a bet, I would have lost a grand or more." He said as he walked up to her. He took a seat beside her on the couch in front of the large TV screen and relaxed, spreading his legs wide open. With a sigh he took the controller from her and chose a rematch. She let out a deep sigh and ruffled her hair while licking her lips. "You have to learn to actually know what your pressing. That garbage method won't hold for long." He adviced while Ken landed all the punches.

"Well I've beat you with it more times than we can count." She crossed her arms as she watched him play. Slowly getting enthralled in the fighting and the movements.

"What's got you this ticked off?" He glanced at her sharply and turned back to his game.

"Fay had something to say. An apology." The thought of it brought her scowl back. She continued to speak. Darin's eyes didn't move from the screen even once as she told her story. She made sure to leave Tom and his problems out of it.

"The increasingly poor decisions of Lacey Atkins. you don't like her, and you don't like them, but you choose to hang with them. Then quit letting whatever they do get to you. They chose to still be friends with her after you left and you came back and decided to act like everything is normal while you half expect them to realise their stupidity. I don't know why you decided to keep walking with them but a sane person would have ignored them from the start." Half of his words were lost to her as her eyes and ears where on the screen. He had defeated her monster and was on to the next one.

Ten minutes of no words between them and battle music and the sound of punches filling the den, Darin spoke up. "Who was it you were on the phone with?"

"Dad's secretary." Her eyes didn't leave the screen

"Oh! Cool, how is she?" Neither did his.

"Old and sweet as usual." He nodded, then smiled at his victory.

"So he'll be here soon huh?"

"Mm hmm."

"Where's Sadey?"

"She's with her, helping her pack up her stuff."

He nodded with a smirk, "It's that time again huh?"

"Yeah." She let out a deep sigh and rubbed the side of her face. An unwanted memory stopping her from watching her brother's kick ass moves with a new character, whose name escaped her.

Her mother had gathered all three of them in their living room with a big information in her hands. "There's something I need to tell you." That was clear, but her voice was shaking and Lacey couldn't help but worry. "Your mother-"

"You're not our mother?" Marvin joked to ease the growing tension. Lacey remembered how cold her feet had gotten from the anticipation.

"What! Of course I am." She smiled. "Marvin quit it, this is important." After a few seconds of silence, in which Lacey believed was her mother trying to put the words together. "I'm having a baby."

All three of them sat there, stunned. Then Darin asked. "For who?"

"Your father. " Came the reply. Marvin began to laugh hysterically, and used that opportunity to leave the room. It didn't sound real to her. So, her head was blank on what to say.

"Does he know?" Darin asked.

She shook her head then said, "I'll tell him soon. I just wanted to tell you all first. Twelve year old Lacey and thirteen year old Darin nodded. Before Lacey gave her mother an encouraging hug and her sweetest smile.

Once all three of them were back in the same place, the place being Marvin room, Darin broke out the rage he was holding back. "Are you two insane? Laughing and leaving without a word." He pointed at his older brother, then his fingers moved to Lacey, "and fake enthusiasm for a new kid?" She couldn't quite remember the words he'd used, but those fit. She didn't expect him to see through her. The look on his face was that of disappointment. Marvin chuckled at his brother's display and walked into his bathroom. "Don't you get that this is a good thing? I mean they could get back together."

Marvin laughed again and stepped out. "Really? Really Darin, you think so?"

"Yes! Of course I do."

"Well I'll be glad to shatter that hope for you." Lacey stood there frozen, speechless then and speechless now. "Its not happening. You know why? Because if it were, he would have been there to tell us with her. Does he even know?" Darin stood with a deep scowl. "Well?"

"No, he doesn't." He turned to storm out the room. "But you're wrong, just you wait."

"No Darin, you wait. At least it wasn't for someone else."

And there it was. It did shatter Darin's hope and her's, but her's was way worse. Because with that their parents didn't want to be in the same state or town as each other. The baby came, and everything got worse. Nobody blamed Sadey, because it wasn't her fault. Her father just couldn't see how much her mother suffered because she couldn't stop loving him.

Finally, the bell rang for the end of the week day. As students made their way out the school buildings, Tom Wade did his best to slow his heavy breathing, his blood boiled with despair, and he couldn't quite get his thoughts together... no, he couldn't think of anything else. He missed his little sister and his mother. And having never shed a tear for them caused him more pain, the pain squeezed his heart tightly and enrage him deeply as well. Tate walked beside him and couldn't do a thing to help his friend. Tom balled his hands into fists, the dead weren't his only problem. Lacey wouldn't give him the light of day, or even a look and that was all he wanted.

If he couldn't shed the tears through the emotional pain which gripped him like a leach at the moment, then he would find another way. He searched the crowd for the perfect person, no the perfect guy to make him feel enough physical pain. He needed someone strong enough to take him. His mind went straight to Dennis. It made him smile. Dennis would be perfect. He glanced around but his prey wasn't close by. His heart rate increased and so did his heavy breathing the moment he spotter Bad Mouth Harold making his way towards him. He smirked, his new prey was not just all talk, but he knew exactly how to provoke him. Once Harold was close to him he bumped into him, their shoulders clashing hard. "Hey!" Harold stopped and turned around, "watch where your going Tom. You trying to end up in a pile up like your mom?"

Perfect. Exactly what he needed. He smiled, his body trembled and the squeeze on his heart tightened. But it wasn't him who turned around first. Tate beat him to it, with a dangerous look on his face. The people around them who heard the words, gasped and stood still, whispering to each other and spreading the word to those who were far off. "What?!" Tate exclaimed, his British accent held anger. Harold shrugged like it didn't mean anything and the dangerous look on Tate's face grew deeper. Harold started to walk away but felt a tug on his shirt, and before he could utter a word he was being dragged down the hall, out the doors, down the parking lot and out the school gate. "Let go of me!" He repeated between struggles. Curious students followed right behind them.

Tom smirked, his best friend wanted him to calm down, but he didn't want that, no he wanted to use his anger on Bad Mouth Harold. He walked slowly with his hands in his pockets. He knew what his friend was doing, taking the fight away from school to prevent school punishment. Once they were safely out of the school compound Tate let Harold stand up straight. Meanwhile the crowd made way for Tom to get to the front. Tate hit Harold across the face, sending him back with a grunt and his hand on his stinging face. "What's your problem? It's not like I was even talking to you."

Tom stepped up, sensing that that was his cue. "No you're right." He said and placed his hand on Tate's heaving shoulder. And Tate stepped back, letting him take his place. "It was me you were talking to." With force, he took Harold by the neck and pushed him to the sandy ground. He grunted again as his knees hit the ground. "Do you want to back those words up with action? You want to say stuff like that and bring my mother into it?" He got back on his feet and Tom, with still quite the force, kicked him to the ground again, this time he landed on his ass with another grunt. "Come on Bad Mouth Harold, you're not just going to let me beat you, are you? I mean I did bump into you. Matter of fact I think I hurt my shoulder." He massaged his left shoulder, which didn't hurt at all. He needed him to fight back, he needed him to hit him. "Yours must hurt too." Harold was on his feet again, dusting his hands. "Hit me Harold." He walked closer to his scowling prey, daring him to hit him. "You know you want to Harry so do it." Harold hated to be called that, and he knew it because anyone who did got a beating... of sorts. "Come on Harry hit me!" He yelled, standing close enough for Harold to be able to stretch his hand. "Hit me!" The veins on his neck popped out as he yelled. And Harold obeyed, his hand meeting Tom's stomach with so much force that Tom bent his upper body foreward and started to cough, gripping the throbbing spot. He chuckled and shook his head as he stood up straight. Yes! This was what he wanted, what he needed. "Again Harry, again!" And he threw another punch, his fist meeting Tom below his left ribs. Harold didn't have enough time to draw back his hand before he felt an ache below his own right ribs, and he didnt take it well, he threw his head back with his eyes closed as he screamed.

The students were watching, and talking, but he wasn't hearing them. All he heard was his own heart beating. Harold threw another punch, hitting him directly below his chest. Before letting his nerves register the new throbbing pain, he took a swing at Harold chest, hitting his mark. Harold stepped back, both were fuming, both gripping their latest aching parts. As if frustrated, Harold let out a loud cry and lunged at him. And in the split second Tom's hands went up in defence, moments before his body hit the ground and shooting pain all over his back he spotted her by his left, she stood with her hand gripping her bag and her eyes transfixed on them, her head slightly tilted and a small smile on her face. She looked like one of those creepy anime girls that watched bad things happening to people and would just stand there loving it. It sent a chill down his aching back. He laid down there and did his part, blocking Harold constant blows. Then he let his hands fall to the side and let the punches hit him. He grunted and moaned at each strike until he felt the taste of blood in his mouth. He wasn't there when it happened, and he couldn't shed a single tear for them, not even his sister whom he loved so much, or his mother who always encouraged him when he felt he wasn't taking good enough care of his sister. The punches kept coming, his shoulder, his chest, his left rib, his right rib, his stomach...

He felt a lump in his throat. Yes, it was here. And stinging in his eyes. He would shed the tears finally. Moments passed and not a drop spilled down his cheek or even left his eyes. As disappointment started to set in he felt numb, with adrenalin and new rage fueling him, he sharply grabbed hold of Harold wrists and shoved him off him. Harold hit the ground again, on his ass, returning the favour, he pounced on him and rained down his own punches; chest, below left ribs, below right ribs. In that order. Unlike him Harold let out loud cries and strained grunts. "My mother never did anything to you, do not speak of her like that..." as he spoke he felt himself being pulled off of him, he struggled to stay on. The sound of Tate telling him to stop felt distant, but somehow he began to feel satisfied, for defending his mother. Weakness started to fill him and he stopped struggling, letting Tate pull him away. Tate lifted up his arm and wedged him over his shoulder, and led him to his car.

"You made more than enough points."

Tom grunted his reply, "good." But it wasn't good, his plan didn't work, he still didn't shed tears, almost a year and not a drop. Not a drop. He shut his eyes and let the anger drain away. There was nothing he could do.

Lacey took a seat next to her brother with a well deserved sigh of relief and a smile on her face. Finally she was free from all the education the day brought with it, even though she still had a whole Saturday that was definitely going to be a long one. "You look happy, unlike the last time I picked you up." He pointed out though very uninterested as to why she was happy.

She looked at him just about ready to burst from the gist she had. "Did you see it?" She asked expectantly, lifting her waist slightly to adjust her skirt suit.

"No. I heard. But I bet you did." He gave her a fake smile, well aware it was the fight she was talking about... thinking of talking about, since she hadn't said a word about it, and neither was he interested in hearing it. He took her well ironed suit and handed it to her, praying she wouldn't speak of what she saw. Or else he would have to be more interested in their evening activities. Ms. Lawes had told them the meeting would start by 3:30, it was already 4:09. It didn't matter, she just needed them there to listen to what the board had to say.

As she opened her mouth to speak he closed his eyes knowing his hope had been dashed. "Mh-mm" He adjusted his tie then he shook his head, making her silent. He took it a step further by saying, "I'll hear it again tomorrow or on Monday , I don't need it to start earlier than that." She nodded in understanding and put on the jacket.

He watched her step into the classroom, her head bent, she looked timid, like she expected him to pounce or something, a look he somehow expected from the first and second Saturday but never got, he didn't even expect it now. He relaxed and let his back rest on the wall. He'd decided to go back to his former sitting position, his curiosity peaked, maybe it would be as fun as it had been lately. She glanced his way and said a sharp "hi" before slowly walking to her usual chair. He watched her take out her books while trying not to look his way. This was different, and it made him smile. He used his hand to cover the smile that was spreading uncontrollably across his face. Maybe she thought he would attack her or yell at her or something vicious like that. "I'm not going to hurt you know." She looked his way with widened eyes. "Although I will say that it was upsetting seeing you walk away after you said you would let me take you home. I could have been with my friends but I was outside this boring hell hole for another hour waiting for you only to watch you leave." There, he had wanted to say it and he had.

She smiled small, her confidence growing now that she knew he was calm, at least it felt that way to him. "I didn't say I would go with you, you just asummed I would."

"Usually, when you try to persuade someone to do something and they don't answer it usually means yes."

"To you." She smirked, "because it's not always the case... as you can now see."

Tom nodded, clearly seeing what she meant, although the case was different for him. What girl wouldn't want Thomas Wade to take them home?

"But I'm sorry, I should have just said no. I was in a bad place."

"So no bad place and it would have been a yes?"

"No." She stated.

He sighed and his shoulders fell, somehow he expected a yes. Why was he way off? Better yet why was she so different and unpredictable? Maybe she was off.

With the intrusion of her literature teacher and a seven chapter reading work, silence engulfed them for a full thirty minutes. Barely moving past the third chapter with the her constant conflicting mind interests and dares, she raised her head from her book and let out a shaky breath. "I heard what happened to your mother and sister." His eyes turned to her, if he was thinking anything his face didn't show it. After what felt like forever and a half of waiting for him to say something she dared herself to keep talking, "I didn't say anything cause I can't find the words to offer my condolences."

He scoffed "people normally say 'I'm sorry' or 'sorry for your loss' you know."

She nodded, unsure whether continuing would have some sort of negative result. But the dare controlled her. "I feel it's not enough."

"Meaning you don't say it?" It stunned him to think someone did that.

Lacey nodded again "I don't know many people who've lost someone, and the few I do know I always feel like it won't make it better and that they need more. Some times you need more than just a hug or the words cause it won't bring 'em back. Cause it's like a hole that needs more than just food or words or a hug. Sometimes it needs more."

He smirked and started to tap the desk, ready to test the water she was pouring. "I get your point." He sat up straight, "so since you won't say it then I suppose you feel like you could do more." His eye brows came together when he said the last seven words, making him look serious. She nodded. Good. He smiled, "Then let me take you home." Her eyes widened, she definitely did not see that coming.

"What? No."

"You want to do more so this is more. You want to show sympathy and pure concern that you are sorry for my loss don't you?"

"Well yes but-"

He was liking this, "did you have anything in mind?"

"Umm... no but-"

"Then let me take you home, tell the biker to leave. That's how you should show me your sympathy. And let me help you with your work too." There was no way she would say no. He watched her face with an mischievious smile, victory was on its way.

She let out a short breath with a quick smile, instantly regretting her self dare and idea that he would understand her point. Seeing as he did and somehow managed to trap her with it. She hated the smug look on his face. Defeated and clueless with no plan in sight she said yes, shaking her head as she took out her phone to call her biker. She heard his chair scrape the floor as he got to his feet. "Literature right?" She nodded hopelessly. "This would be fun." He flashed the mischievous smile again.