Chapter six

Tom glanced her way for the eighth time in the last minute, she had her head down, she looked deep in thought, with one hand on the staring wheel and the other hand tapping the hand break, he decided to speak up, despite the music playing on the radio the silence between them was uncomfortable. "You know sometimes 'sorry' is what a person needs to hear." And with that she raised her head, a questioning look on her face. "The condolence thing." He pointed out. "I mean it wouldn't be okay if no one said anything because the one word wasn't enough, sometimes it's all a person needs to hear to feel like people care you know."

She nodded. "It all depends on who you want to say it, just imagine," she shifted her body to face him. "They say it but they don't mean it. I bet Harold told you he was 'sorry for your loss'?" He nodded. "But look what happened yesterday. Would you think he meant it if he ended up saying such a thing to you?" His eye brows furrowed, he didn't want to look at her, she was right . "But I bet Tate and some of your other friends did more than just say it right?" He nodded once. "So I just wanted to show you that I meant it somehow. Because sometimes words just aren't enough."

"What would've happened if Dennis and that girl didn't apologize to you? I mean them apologising to you made you feel better didn't it?" He didn't like the gradual intensity of the subject.

She shook her head, "Not in the slightest. I was hurt, and sorry wasn't going to be enough... It can't be enough." She sighed and looked at her hands. "There are a few words that are meant to hold depth. Like trust, but it's taken for granted, and love. I love you is a strong word and it's being thrown around so much that it's lost its value... to me anyway, a person could mean it, but then can the other person trust it. Or like the sentence 'tell me the truth' when someone says that they expect the truth but people still lie. Value and depth lost." He took in a deep breath and let out a heavy one. If he knew she would give such an intense yet quite understandable speech he probably wouldn't have tried to contradict her. But he learned something, it made sense and he got it.

After a few minutes of nothing but a talking radio the next words were Lacey's, "Take a left." He nodded and did as he was told. "Did you break up with her cause of me?" She was looking at him.

Tom glanced her way twice, confused. "With who? Oh! Abby?" He chuckled, glad for the new topic... A very unexpected topic. He looked at her a third time and spotted she small smile. "Did I break up with my girlfriend because of a girl I barely knew who threatened my life the first time I talked to her? No." He said with another chuckle.

Her mouth hung open. "Threatened your life? I didn't threaten your life." She laughed.

"What?! Are you kidding, it sounded so much like Darin was talking." His eyes widened, when she shook her head. "Are you kidding? His voice is naturally like that, not to mention when he's mad or pissed. He could be talking about what you did but what you really hear is 'another word and I'll gut you' or 'touch me again and it's your head on a spike' it is super scary stuff."

Her body shook as she laughed. "So what did mine say?"

"Talk to me like you know everything about me one more time and I'll kill you with my bare hands." They were both laughing. "Something like that. Honestly." He added before she could deny it. Once they were quiet again he said, "no. I didn't break up with her cause of you. She was trying to cheat on me with Tate so I had to let go."

She clicked her tongue. "Does she know that's why?"

"She said it's not true, but I didn't want to stick around to find out." After another round of silence, he had to ask, "What made you bring up the condolence thing?"

Unsure of how to put it she looked out the window. "I... uhh..."

"Was it the fight?" She couldn't decide whether to deny it or not. "I saw you there."

"While fighting."

"For a split second but yeah." He laughed just remembering, and remembering made his bruises hurt more. "You looked so into it like you were lost in it. I looked right at you but it was like you didn't even notice, it creeped me the hell out."

She scoffed and covered her eyes with her hand. "But I was rooting for you though. He deserved it."

He shook his head, "Ok weirdo. But I've never met a girl who likes watching people fight. Most people were cheering but you just stood there."

She laughed, and let silence take its place.

"Left or right?"

"Foreward. ." He nodded. "Umm..." She glanced at her, "can I put my feet up?"

"Yeah, of course." Once she did he added. "Ahhhh! Well see? you can't put your tiny tiny feet up on a bike now can you?" He chuckled.

She drew her lips together and moved it to the side. Her way of trying to hide a smile that won't take a hint. "I can't believe you ride on a motorcycle with a guy that looks older than your brother."

"Actually he's pretty young. When I told my mom I wanted to ride on one, he was good at it so she let me and she thought I would be safer doing it with someone his age..." He kept Glancing at her in shock. But her eyes were on the road while she talked. "He's really fun to do it with. And it's kind of cool." She finally stopped talking. "Make a U turn then go left." She added.

He kept Glancing at her while he obeyed, waiting for her to take a hint. When that failed, he spilled. "Your mom let's you do it with an older guy and ride his motorcycle with him?"

She glared at him. "Yeah." With the shocking expression on his face she got the hint, "What? Oh! No, do it as in ride the motorcycle and it's not his it's my oldest brother's and he's one of my mom's driver." When his thought hit her again she squeezed her face in disgust, unaware of the sigh of relief he let out.

"Its cool that you like motorcycles."

"Right here." She pointed at her house.

"You Lacey Atkins are a weird, unexpectedly cool shorty." He winked as he set the gear in park.

"And you Thomas Wade are a stubborn and persevering person." She laughed as she said it.

"Huge house. " He acknowledged. He looked at it, then at her as she nodded. With a sigh, he let his elbow rest on the open window. "This was nice." She nodded with a smile, before bending to pick up her bag. "Let's do it again."

"But this was your last detention. " She chuckled.

He nodded slowly. "Ahhhh! And you would ignore me in front of everyone." She didn't say a word, instead she opened the car door. "Then I'll get another one."

She turned and made her way out with a scoff. "Really?"

"Yeah. If I only get to talk to you in detention then I'll get another one." He smiled brightly.

"I don't believe you." She stated as she closed his door and stepped back towards her house.

"You're just going to have to wait and see Lacey Atkins." He winked and drove off. His hand popped out the window for a quick wave.

She covered her mouth with her hand while she laughed. She liked how he said her name. He didn't even bring up the fact that she thought she was really the reason for his break up, another thing she regretted daring her self to do. But now she was the only one among her friends who knew the reason why. She smiled at herself as she walked through the gate.

Goodness gracious, she had to stop smiling. She shook her head as she walked through the empty hall way heading straight to the kitchen, desiring the sweet taste of pineapple juice. The scent of Tom's car still lingered. Lacey filled her glass with the yellow sweetness and headed up the stairs. She stopped short when she heard Darin's television on in his room. No one was supposed to be home, except for Lola. They were meant to be at their dad's doing whatever. With her bag still in hand she headed Straight for her brother's room. The door was slightly open, she pushed it further and stepped inside. "Why are you here? Is Sadey here too? Did he leave already?" She questioned the moment she saw him, Darin staring at his TV from his king sized bed.

He reduced the volume of the blazing guns and loud trash talking before he answered. "No. I came to get you. Get your stuff we're leaving."

Her face fell. "What? No. I'm not leaving. I don't want to go over there. Call mom she'd back me up on this."

He sighed and did as she asked, in no mood to argue over nothing. "I have to warn you though, mom's in on it. And why did Becket come back without you?" He asked as the phone rang.

Pulling the band that held her hair up in the usual ponytail, "What do you mean she's in on it?" She hissed, hoping her frustrated look would keep him from repeating his last question.

"Sadey called her, said she wanted you to go over."

"Darin." Came his mother's voice.

"Yeah mom, Lacey's here." He took the phone from his ear and put it on speaker.

"Mom I don't want to go over there." She whined straight away.

"You have to. And if I hear you didn't then you'll have to take the bus to school for a week. You and your brother."

"What?! No! Mom..." She stamped her feet. Darin sighed and ruffled his hair.

"Sorry baby but you're just collateral damage in your sister's mess. Pack a bag and leave. Or else." Lacey groaned loudly then sighed in defeat. "And why did Becket come back without you?" Great the question she was avoiding. Only Darin would tell her. And now she had to answer it.

She looked at her brother then closed her eyes as she said, "Uhh... someone offered me a ride home. Tricked more like it." The last part she muttered to herself. Her eyes opened just in time to see Darin shake his head. Obviously he knew, and her too cool to care brother won't bring it up again.

"Pack a bag Lacey." Her mother commanded before the line went dead.

"The both of you do this every time he comes into town. Sometimes you win, and sometimes he wins. Whether you like it or not he has this one, and mom got involved, which she hates." Lacey backed him as he spoke, her eye brows furrowed and her arms folded, the content of the glass in her hand swirling with the movement. He was right, she just didn't like it when he got his way.

"I get it, you're punishing him for being clueless. But Lacey, mom won't even be in the same town with him or talk to him so he can't see it. Not in the last five years and you know it."

She turned to face him, her anger growing. "He was clueless even before Sadey was born, hell even long before that. And why aren't you upset, you're the one who wanted them to get back together the most."

"I'm not, because Marvin was right, and you know it. It took a while but we both know he was right. I've been pissed and I let it go. And we both know you don't care about it anymore. Now its all just cause you know she still cares and it pisses you off. It pisses you off so you take it out on him when he's here. Never when he isn't." There was nothing she hated than how much he knew her. But then again she knew him just as much. He wasn't yelling. It showed in his voice that he was tired of having the same conversation. "Pack your bags Lacey and let's get out of here. I have a party to get to after I drop you off." He stretched out his hand, pointing at the door. She turned around and walked out. It just wasn't a day for her to win at anything.

Once she stepped through the the door her father stood before her with a bright smile and a hug she just couldn't refuse... mostly cause she had to pretend she was alright being there. She gave him her brightest fake smile when he pushed her back to look at her face. She giggled with another fake sweet smile when he handed her the bag filled with all sorts of chocolates. He always did that, and she loved taking them. Sadey couldn't have been more happy to see her big sister take a seat beside her. With her dainty arms round her sister she bounced on the couch for a good five minutes telling her how much better everything was now that she was here. Lacey only laughed and stroked the little girls hair.

As the night wore on, Lacey laid on her bed with her legs forming a four and her hands holding her lower arms over her pillow. She watched herself on the mirror that took the place of a ceiling. Sadey had out lined her frame and position with all the colourful chocolates. She looked like a decorated Christmas tree: gold, silver, red and purple. It was cute. And she didn't dare move... she just didn't want to. She looked up at her reflection in the mirror. She was short. Small and plump. Not too plump anyway, after all she could wear a small or a medium. Just not the kind of small her friends could wear. Looking at herself made her remember what she always thought she would look like. Tall and slim, slimmer than she was now but not too slim. And then she would fit in his arms perfectly like Ariel did in Eric's arms. Her hair was almost replacing the pattern made on the pillow case with the way it was spread over it. Her fingers picked at it, the hint of red somewhere in there in her chocolate coloured hair which she tried to hide in her ever constant ponytail. She couldn't feel any less imperfect, especially since she had the scar on her back from an iron that fell on her when she was nine, her mother had fired the house help because of it but Lacey hid the scar. So aware of it she never let anyone see it. Seriously she was weird, even her thinking was different. But so was Ariel and Eric loved her. Different that is. She thought Dennis was her Eric, even if she was too short to fit in his arms perfectly. Sadey had made her watch the cartoon after dinner. But that aside, we all make mistakes. When she was in middle school she was just the right height. At least she thought she was, but then she saw Bethany and the girls... Most of the other girls, and slowly her image of herself changed. They said you stop growing at eighteen or was it twenty one. She wasn't that age yet. But she saw the movie Penelope and the girl wanted to keep her pig nose in the end. So she accepted her five foot something height, even if it didn't make her have a Scarlet johanson type body, like accepting her nose made Penelope have a human one.

She looked down at the large shirt she had on and her eye brows furrowed. What was she thinking? She sat up, the candies moving. She wasn't the only short person in class, school much less the whole world and there are people smaller and shorter than she was and who was she to talk perfection when nobody is perfect. So why was she looking at a mirror and having some sort of pity party? She made sure she didn't accidentally sit on the candy bars as she made her way off the large bed. Sadey sat on her reading table making faces at the open blank laptop screen. Lacey took out a pair of leggings to wear under the large t-shirt that stopped mid thigh. She walked over to Sadey who was now sticking out her tongue and sucking it back in while still watching herself in the blank screen. "Sadey you want to see another cartoon and have some milk?"

The little girl stopped what she was doing and turned completely towards her older sister, eyes wide with disbelief. "But it's almost bed time."

Lacey chuckled. "Wow! Look who knows a lot about time." She placed her hands on her hips. "Its the weekend Sadey. And I'm sure daddy won't mind. It'll only be for like thirty minutes. Okay?" She stretched out her hand and Sadey took it excitedly.

With a nod she replied "Okay."

As they reached the bottom of the steps Nicholas Atkins, their father, looked up from the reading table in the distance. "Hey pretty little ladies what's happening?" He smiled, his left hand in his dark brown hair which was much darker than Lacey's. But matched his second son's and second daughter's.

"Milk and another cartoon!" Sadey replied with a hop. As Lacey led them to the kitchen.

"Sounds like fun. Sadey could you get me a candy bar, I'm starving." He stressed the last word and widened his eyes.

She laughed as she let go of Lacey's hand. Okay."

"No Sadey come back." She snapped and turned to her father who had a questioning look already plastered on his face. "I'll get it." Then she added quickly, "Sadey fell down the stairs a few weeks ago and mom thinks it's best she doesn't go up or down the stairs alone."

She hurriedly headed for the stairs once he turned his attention to Sadey with a gasp, "You fell? What happened?" He stood up to reach for her, bending and examining her like it happened moments ago.

"I was going to get Darin and Lacey so we could have dinner and then I slipped and fell back down..." was the last thin Lacey heard before she reached the top. Grabbing four different ones she rushed back down to hear, "you didn't break anything did you?" From her father.

"She got a bruise, but she fell from the fifth step going up." She felt the need to explain. He looked at her, his hands gripping Sadey's tiny shoulders.

"But it hurt and I started crying and Darin came out-" as she said his name he opened the front door. "And mom came and picked me up and yelled Lacey's name and-"

"Speak of the devil." Their father said while Sadey spoke.

Lacey smiled at the tale her sister was spinning, well aware that it was a lie. Darin stuffed his keys in his pocket, making his way to them. "That's not what happened Sadey." Lacey announced, giving her father the candies.

"That's how I remember it." She folded her arms with a scowl.

"You," Lacey pointed at her "were to busy crying to know anything."

"What's going on?" Darin finally asked.

"She's telling dad what happened after she fell down the stairs." Lacey answered, stressing the 'after'.

He nodded. "How could you? you were to busy crying." He chuckled and stuck out his tongue out at her. Sadey gasped and turned her head away from her older brother and sister closing her eyes.

They all laughed at her reaction, including her father. "At least you're alright." He stood up straight. He was broad, in his plain white t-shirt and sweat pants. "Watch your cartoon and then up to bed." He gathered the laptop and the papers on the table. "I'm taking my work to my office. Come say goodnight before you go up. All of you." He pat Sadey's head and walked passed them.

"Hey, what cartoon?" Darin directed his question at Lacey once their father headed up the stairs.

"Whatever is on."She answered, opening the fridge."

"Or..." Sadey started, "that band of misfits cartoon."

"That?! No it's too long and it's past your bed time." She stated, pouring the milk into a cup.

"It was your idea to watch a movie and like you said it's past my bed time. It's too late to sleep." She sank into the couch with her arms crossed.

"I said for thirty minutes and if you're going to be like this then you're going off to bed and Darin and I would watch TV without you."

Darin scoffed. "Its never too late for bed time Sadey, so we'll watch it for thirty minutes like Lacey said and then it's bed time. You can finish it tomorrow." Sadey sighed and nodded, taking the milk from Lacey. She finally won at something, even if she needed Darin to do it.