Chapter nine

He wasn't given a little space to breathe let alone reply before he felt Darin's fist hit his stomach, he groaned aloud, gripping his stomach in pain as Darin's fist pulled away from his stomach. He could feel the blood rising to his mouth. No one had ever punched him that hard. Needless to say he wasn't expecting it. It could be another genetic trait the Atkins carried. "You hurt her or let anything happen to her and I promise you, that face you never let anyone hit. I would hit you so hard you'll be bleeding from all corners. How's that for expression?" Darin spoke while Tom coughed, unable to look up, still gripping his stomach with goosebumps trailing his arms.

In the space of a deep breath Darin was gone. "His actual threats leave you having nightmares." He said in a strained whisper. He reached for the wall and stood himself up. His plan was useless, instead he ended up getting punched by the devil. A warning punch.

Tate's heavy sighing broke his train of thought. His best friend leaned against the old tree with his elbow, while he had his back against it with his arms folded and his eye brows furrowed. It's long branches and plentiful leaves shading them from the sun's rays. "This is beginning to get to me." Tate stated plainly. "What is wrong with you? For weeks you've been brooding. I thought you needed space but clearly you need help. This is not you." Tom had to agree with Tate, it wasn't him. He got shut down once and has turned into a brooder. Realising it made his frown deepen. It couldn't just be that. She rejected him and then never looked his way, acted like he didn't even exist. "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing." He looked ahead, watching her laugh with her friends. Tate looked at his face, interested in what Tom was looking at, sharply he shifted his gaze, fast enough for his friend not to know who he had been looking at.

Tate sighed again. "Dude nothing has a better look than that." He shook his head. "This is so not you."

Again he was right. He felt like a stalker now. Lacey Atkins rejected him and he turned to watching her in silence. It had to stop. He pat Tate's shoulder and pushed himself up. They had taken a few steps away from the tree when he felt his back being poked. Tom turned, coming face to face with her. Abby's presence made his frown deepen, why wouldn't she leave him alone? Tate turned as well and scoffed. "Maybe she's what you need."

Her eyes sparkled at his words. "You need me Tommy?" Tom closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead, looking behind to give Tate a death glare. Tate shrugged and chuckled. Abby took the opportunity to cup his face, bringing his head back to her. "You do need me Tommy. And I need you." Tom took hold of her wrists and pushed her hands from his face. "We can't keep doing this. You made your poi-"

"Stop it Abby not now." He cut her of.

"But Tommy I-"

"I said not now Abby." He turned back to Tate. "Leave me alone." They walked away. Leaving her standing. Her eyes wide, her face red with anger, and with crossed arms she scanned the area, mentally selecting a person to take her anger out on. She noticed the black long gypsy skirt first, then the ever neatly held up ponytail. Who could be more perfect than the person she blamed for everything. With a determined smile she stalked over to the group of girls, her prey had her back to her. The other three girls watched with wide eyes as she came closer. "Witch." She stopped and turned Lacey to face her, towering over her, her hold on Lacey's shoulder was tight, it made her flinch. The sun light didn't help much. "Weren't you supposed to stop casting whatever spell it is that you're using on my Tom?"

"Stop it Abby. Lacey didn't do anything it's all just been some coincidence." Jody stepped up.

"Don't talk to me. If I wanted to talk to you I would be looking at you." Abby's eyes never left Lacey's face. "It has been over a month, and you have refused to stop this."

"I'm not a witch Abby and I'm not doing anything." She frowned. This was one of the things she was trying to avoid.

"Yeah? But all of this started the very day you came back. And that tells me something. That you" She poked her forehead twice, making her step back. "are a witch." She spat. The others watched in silence, while Abby spoke. "I will make your life here a living hell if I don't get him back. You would be wishing you stayed in rehab or taking care of Dennis spawn somewhere very far from here witch." She smiled satisfied with the horrid expression on the witch's face. "I better get him back for your own go-"

"Hey." Came a calm voice, and then there was silence among them. Abby turned to see who had interrupted her. Shawna stood behind her with a bright smile.

"What is it?" She demanded, facing Lacey again.

"Are you making her your business?" She nodded at Lacey, only Anita, Bethany and Jody saw this.

"Yes. Now please leave." She glanced at Shawna.

The sweet smile turned into a deep scowl, only those three saw this. "I can't. Because I want to make you my business." Before Abby could comprehend the words Shawna grabbed a good amount of her hair and pulled her back. Dragging her away from the group. Abby screamed from the pain, trying to hold on to her hair she did her best to keep up with Shawna's movements. Few seconds later she felt herself hit the ground still screaming. Everyone outside watched the little bit. She gasped and felt for her hair. Abby turned back to see Shawna holding some of her beige blonde hair extensions, a smug smile on her lips. She groaned loudly and bent on all fours before getting to her feet. She hurriedly walked up to Shawna who walked backwards, stretching out the locks and chuckling. Abby followed her like cat following a ball of yarn it couldn't get. "What is wrong with you?"

"I'm bored and I feel like it. And don't worry. It's no witch's spell." She kept on walking and Abby kept following. Something must be wrong with Darin for being into her. The thought on its own made her boil with anger. With a sigh she tossed the extensions to the ground and walked off. "Abby what are you doing its just hair extensions." One of her bees spoke in a loud whisper.

Abby stood still in shock. She blinked continously before looking around to see the mass of students watching her. "It was just as perfect as my hair." Dusting off her trousers she stood up straight and walked away as well. Leaving the discarded hair.

Lacey watched with hooded eyes, grateful for the interuption. She smirked at Shawna's actions. She shivered with anger. Jody and Bethany hooked their arms on her's, walking her back to the school building. Counting to ten didn't stop the anger that surged through her. But watching Shawna practically drag her across the school lawn pleased her. What she wanted to do was push her head down on the grass and make her eat it while she tried to breathe. She tried to slow her breathing that was accelerating. She had barely spoken to Tom and Abby singled her out. Who knew what would happen if she actually saw them talking. Or taking her home. She shook her head. Raising her head her heart skipped a beat, for the first time since she got back he had his eyes on her. Dennis looked right at her, a small smile on his face. Instinctively she pulled her hands free from her friends and made a right turn, away from all of them she picked up her skirt and ran. Like renewed energy the anger came back. Home. She needed to go home. The last bell had to ring soon. She needed it to. It was turning out to be a day she did not like.

It took a lot to concentrate on the pictures moving on the big screen. Her right hand stroked the big soft furry head of the giant teddy bear she laid very comfortably on. She could have said something. Instead of standing completely silent she could have said something. Like "instead of focusing on her she should try focusing on trying to get him to want her back since it was clear he didn't want her anymore," or maybe "it was her bitchy attitude that made her go after her boyfriend./ Or maybe, "to watch her back or she would use her 'powers' on her." She could have told her to "shut up." The one that pleased her the most, that her 'Tommy' had his eyes on her. The last one didn't feel right to say. Why did all the perfect come backs always come to mind after the entire confrontation was over? Always. And now she'll be stuck with such almost words all day. She hissed and stretched her hands towards the furry ear, still stroking it. Not to mention Dennis, with his very low sandy blonde hair and dark brown eyes that were looking right at her. Since she'd been back it was like he didn't know her all over again. Even when she glanced his way he never saw her. And now out of nowhere, he's smiling at her.

She heard keys jingle and the front door being opened. She looked to see who it was. "You brought that thing down here?" were Darin's first words once he saw her. Referring to the bear. "That thing is practically the size of a queen sized mattress, and it took you fifteen minutes to get it up to your room." He pointed at the stairs.

Lacey turned back to the television. "I wanted it down here." They both sighed simultaneously. He dropped his keys on the table and proceeded to join her. He took his position on the floor and rested his arm on the bears stuffed stomach. "I saw Dennis today." They both had their eyes on the screen.

"I know, I saw." He rubbed his forehead. "Next time. Don't run."

She nodded. "I was thinking the exact same thing." A few minutes passed with only the sound from the television. Lacey cleared her throat and said. "You were watching me?"

He scoffed, "I was waiting for you to say that. I just knew you would." She laughed. "No. I was going to get something from the car and I saw you running away from your friends, and then I saw why."

Lacey nodded. Ten minutes passed with more silence before she spoke again. "I want to make the jump." Her eyes sparkled with excitement when he looked at her.

"Uhh... why?" He chuckled, caught off guard by her words.

"I'm in a fowl mood and I need the rush that's why." He chuckled again. "I know it's been over a year and I might be a bit rusty but I want to do this. So tell me where the keys are and please go draw back the tarp."

Amused by her eagerness he answered "Dad's desk, second right drawer." She quickly got up with a nod. "I'm doing it with you."

She had already started to walk away. "Even better." Her hair bouncing as she jogged up the stairs.

Moments later she stood before the french doors beside her room that had been unopened since she got back and since her father came back. Which was done to protect their little sister. Lacey unlocked the doors and stepped into the open balcony. Taking off her slippers she walked over to the railings. Gripping it, she looked down at the clear water below her. The indoor pool ran under the balcony, and was almost just as wide. The area directly below her was deep enough to keep them sinking once they jumped. Therefore Sadey wasn't allowed up there. Her heart started to race. Just like she wanted. It was scary exciting the first time she'd done it with her brothers and till now it still was. More so since she hadn't done it in quite some time. "Darin hurry up. If Sadey sees this you know we'll get in trouble." She yelled

"I know. And I'm here." She turned to seem behind her. "With clothes on." He noted she still had on her shorts and t-shirt.

Lacey nodded. "I like it when we think alike." Also noting he had his clothes on too. "You first." Her heart beat so hard against her chest she could almost hear it. He gently climbed the railing, one hand stretched to the ceiling to keep him steady, the other reaching for Lacey. She let out a puff of air and shook her head. He chuckled. Gently as well she climbed, holding his hand to keep herself steady, her feet felt wobbly and she shivered from excitement. "One day I'm going to do this without you."

"Yeah till then. But for now on three." She nodded, taking in deep breaths. "One... Two... Three..." They jumped. The force of gravity pulling her down made her scream, she let go of his hand and her's went up above her head, as did her hair. She began to laugh with her eyes closed just as her feet touched the water. Once her whole body was enveloped in the pool's cold embrace, she swam to the shallow end with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Where are you going?" She asked seeing Darin leave the pool

"To lock the doors before Sadey wakes up. After that screaming you did. It shouldn't be long now." She nodded and let herself get taken by the water. It worked, she wasn't so mad anymore. Not when her heart still raced from the thrill of jumping.

Another week had begun. Tom had given it a lot of thought. Sitting in the lunch bar they locked eyes more than he could count and she would break away first. He was stalking her, at least he felt he was. What was the name of the guy in the vampire movie who watched the girl he liked sleep, or was it a book? He couldn't be like that could he? Not when he felt like that. He didn't like it at all. It wasn't good for him. He shook his head. He just had to stop looking. Then stop thinking. And all together it would just leave. She did after all say no. But right now Abby clinging to him like gum under a shoe wasn't doing him any good.

Lacey's legs moved restlessly, looking at Jody place her hand on everybody's hand while she talked irritated her, even listening to her talk had her irritated and pissed her off. She kept hitting herself mentally for her new sitting position. And now she couldn't help but look up at him or look behind for him in class. She got to her feet picking up her bag, she took one last look at the boy who had his eyes on her. "I'll be right back." She blurtted before anyone of the girls could speak. She needed to stop being pissed and it had to be a blessing that she had a free period after lunch. Her legs moved quickly with the burnt house in mind. Lucky for her the one place no student went.

Folding her legs on the large cloth she had kept for the very occasion, she took out her note book and pen and began to write. One of the other things she did in the small building besides changing into other clothes.

- 'It was a great weekend. Really great and stress free and now I'm here and every little thing she does makes me want to hit her. I can't say I hate the feeling cause I know she deserves a beating from me but still. Sometimes listening to her talk just makes me want to yank her mouth and toss her across the room. And they say he's the devil.' She smiled at her last sentence. 'The only good thing that's happened this week was seeing Abby react to the video Shawna made of her grovelling. It was delightful seeing her whine and almost lose her mind.' she rubbed her face with both hands. 'Talking of losing minds. I have to stop looking at him. It's getting harder to look away and I need to look away. What if Abby notices or one of the girls notice? Then I'll have to talk and and and' her writing slowed and she sighed. 'and.... I just need to stop. I'll go back to my original position. I'll skip the lunch bar if I must. But I have to stop. No matter how much I must admit I enjoy it. I have to.' -

With the last words written down she closed the book and looked up at the burnt ceiling. Completely enjoying the silence, she jerked up when she heard a foot drop on the cemented floor. She hastily shoved the note book in her bag and got to her feet. Shaking with fear from the startle, she looked at the opened window. How did she not hear it open?

"Wow! I have not been here since the last burning hazard lecture." Tom spoke slowly walking up to her. "No one saw me I promise. It's crazy how you chose to use the one building that is set to collapse any time as your... hide out." The burnt house was built to teach the students about fire incidents. It wasn't a firm structure, and so students weren't allowed in. At all.

"What are you doing here?" She assessed him.

"I came to ask you a question." His face held no expression.

"How has no one seen you talking to me?" She didn't know why she asked.

"Besides the fact that principal what's his face thought putting me in the same detention room as other students was a bad idea, I guess luck." As he spoke he pushed up his brown blazer sleeves. She liked that. She always thought pushed up sleeves were hot. "My question now. If you dated Dennis, how did he not know who you are?" He arched a brow. Closing the distance between them.

"I never told him. And he never took me home. I told him the same thing I told my friends. My mom hates strangers, and people walking into her spotless house." Her heart raced, what was he planning to do?

"It wasn't a no." He changed the subject, like what she had said didn't matter. He looked down at her hands.

She searched his down cast face confused, "What are you talking about?"

"You said you can't be my girlfriend. It wasn't a no." He raised his head. His eyes looking into her's.

She felt weak under his close stare. "It took you three weeks to think that up?" She mustered the strength to look amused with folded arms.

"No. Just today." He stepped even closer. Reaching for her hands. "Lacey, I'm asking you again. Would you be my girlfriend?" His deep blue eyes didn't move from her's.

His hands holding her hands sent chills up her spine. She licked her lips and swallowed air. "To be much clearer this time. No." She smiled at herself for saying it. "Didn't you hear what I said last time?"

"You said you can't last time. Which is the edge of maybe and no. Meaning it can happen. And I want us to happen." She shook her head. He chose the opportunity to continue. "What are we doing Lacey?" He stroked her arm then slipped his hand round her waist. She stood still. "We make insanely intense eye contact and I know it's not for nothing. Not to mention I can't stop thinking about you. Lacey the heart wants what it wants." He smirked.

"Your heart wants me?" She looked amused.

"No my head does."

She closed her eyes with a scoff. It was impressive. She took two steps back. "Why?"

"Because shorty, you're smart and very different. VERY. and so beautiful." He came closer, this time respecting her implied boundary. "I can also tell you I'm not Dennis."

"I never said you are."

"I'm just putting it out there."

"Even if. What kind of person asks a girl to be his girlfriend without a date? You barely know me."

"Someone who thinks that was covered during detention or that they could have a whole lot of that, including getting to know each other when they are together." He pointed his finger between the themselves.

Lacey placed her hands on her waist. "Apart from that. Just because it feels right doesn't mean it's good. And it's not good for me. You know I want to be left alone. I told you that and this would not help. Just last week Abby threatened me. I didn't handle it well, I can't handle it if it would continue just because I agree. We both know she would do worse than that. It's not what she says, it's what she would do. I said that last time. It wouldn't be right for me. In any way. For you It's okay. You would be all right but I wouldn't. So I can't, I won't and no. Please understand."

He was frowning. "I understand." He cleared his throat and ran his hand through his hair. "I mean it makes sense." He sighed.

Great. Now she was beginning to feel terrible. "Please go. I don't want to take any more chances with luck. And I believe you have gym soon."

"Uhh... yeah." He chuckled turning around. "Thanks for reminding me." She nodded and watched him leave. This time it was him who didn't look at her