Chapter ten

Tate glared at Tom while he tied his shoelaces with vigor, jaw clenched and eyebrows furrowed. "You looked a lot happier an hour ago." Tate stated as they proceeded to walk out the locker room. Tom didn't respond. An hour ago he had told himself he wouldn't bother with her again. And then it hit him how she'd rejected him and he found himself looking for her, there was a little hope. And she let it roll away. He liked how she fit in his arms, he could have held her that way if she hadn't stepped back. Not to mention the urge he had to pull off the band that kept her pretty hair up and neat. He let his face relax once they joined the crowd of students walking to their lockers. He understood her point. Abby most definitely would be a pain. He stopped in front of his locker, allowing Tate and his other friends to walk ahead to theirs.

As if on cue Abby stormed over to him, a deep scowl on her face and her hands on her hips. He blinked slowly with a sigh once he saw her approaching. "You, Tom Wade can not treat me like this." She wagged her finger at his face. Causing a scene. "I could be with Brad or Christopher or even a college guy but I choose to want to be with you."

"I don't think they'd want you after that video." He heard Tate chuckle behind him. He looked back to see his friend typing away on his phone, the others watching with amused smirks on their faces.

"So what? I could also be with Ta-" he arched a brow just as she stopped herself. Knowing exactly who's name she would have mentioned. "I mean um... We are good together." She placed her hand on his chest. "You shouldn't treat me this way. I am a princess-"

"Yes but you are not a queen now are you Abby?" Shawna commented. Walking up just in time to hear the last part. Her and her friends laughed as they walked past them.

"Shut up Shawna. I do not know what you-" before she could finish her ramblings, Shawna looked back at her with a deadly glare. Making her hide herself with Tom's frame.

"Look L- Abby." He sighed, relieved for controlling his words and distraught for almost calling her name. "You're right. You are supposed to be with the most popular kid. Not me." Tate looked up.

"Baby you are just as popular as him. You know there is no Tate without Tom."

"She's right mate. Tate'n'Tom all the way." He heard Tate's British accent clearly. "I mean they love me. But they love you too." He pat his friend's shoulder.

He sighed again. Maybe he should hit Tate. "I'm not... let it go Abby."

"Don't do this Tommy. Your mother liked me she wouldn't want you to just leave me like this."

Once she said "your mother" his body shivered with burning anger. His furrowed brows returned as did his clenched jaw. This time accompanied by balled fists. "HEY!" He hit his locker denting it and startling everyone close enough to hear the bang. "Do not" it was his turn to wave his finger at her. "Ever presume to tell me what my mother would want. EVER!" He saw the hurt in her eyes. But he didn't care. He didn't wait for her to speak. He walked off. Leaving her and his friends behind.

Making a turn outside the school building, Tom gripped his throbbing hand. He looked at the back if his hand rubbing his reddened knuckles, he winced from the pain. After the short walk, he was no longer angry. The good thing now was Abby wouldn't bother him for some time. That alone in itself was a good thing, he couldn't help but smile. He looked up just in time to see a girl step out in black trousers and a brown top. He spotted the motorcycle a few feet away from her and in that instant he knew it was Lacey. She'd let her hair down, and it bounced as she jogged over to the motorcycle. He looked at his watch, 13:45, she shouldn't be leaving yet. School wasn't over. It was amazing how she managed to look so different from the girl he talked to an hour ago. No one looking in her direction now would know it was her. Hell if he didn't see the motorcycle he probably wouldn't have known. And yet he was the only other person besides her brother who knew anything about her, even her friends didn't know. She was so different, so weird and for some reason she was stuck in his head.

Still gripping his hand, he headed back towards the main building. In front of him, Tate stood with his hands on his hips, his head darting all around. "Look at you." Tate said once his search was successful. He looked at Tom's hands, "How are you feeling?" Tom nodded in response. "You punch people no problem, you hit a locker and your hand almost bleeds." He chuckled and shook his head.

Tom glared at him. "It was a metal door." He felt the need to explain.

"I know mate, I'm just messing with you." He pushed him playfully. Tom gave a fake smile and a nod. Which he saw right through. "You have been so... so for too long. You know what you need?" He placed his hand on Tom's shoulder

"No, what?" He gave his best friend a questioning look. Very aware of the glee in his friend's eyes.

"To throw a party Tom." He flashed a broad smile.

Tom shut his eyes, squeezed his face and shook his head. "Oh, no dude. I'm" He opened his eyes placing his hand on his hips. "I'm not ready to... you know... its still too early, I'm not ready to throw a party, not yet."

"Oh... oh no... I'm not ready yet." Tate mimicked. Tom scoffed at the impression and shook his head. "There's no way I'm listening to that excuse. No. You're not using your... loss as a crutch, not this time mate. You need this." Tom chuckled. "I'm serious. You need this. Throw the party, forget Abby. Since that's what you want to do. Kiss a girl or twenty." Tom laughed. The only girl he wanted just rode off on a bike ten minutes ago, and he didn't see any hope there. "Just this once don't use it. Just do it." He shook Tom's shoulder. "And by the next day you would be too busy hanging a nurse over to remember what's got you so down."

Tom arched a brow. "That was not intentional was it?"

Tate smiled. "Absolutely not. Complete slip of the tongue."

"Slip of the tongue." He repeated with a scoff.

"Yes, and you my friend, would be making slip ups just like that by the end of the night." He winked.

Why couldn't he just tell Tate what was wrong? The obvious answer being Lacey didn't want any one to know, even if she hadn't really said it. "Alright I'll do it. But at your place." The only way to keep a concerned Tate off his back. Since it all happened, Tate made it his mission to keep him from going over the edge. He also knew when he was upset about his mother and sister and when he wasn't. This would be a way to thank him for not asking too many questions. "It's going to be at your place."

"Not a problem mate." Tate rubbed his palms together.

"Now that you are happy, let's get to class." Tom said.

"Uhh... hold on. Are you mimicking my accent." Tom laughed. "Stop it."

"Like you were mimicking me before? I'm doing this for the rest of the day so buckle up." He pat his back.

"Stop it. Or I won't-"

"What? Have the party in your house? Good, I don't want the party." He kept up the accent.

Tate gave him a sly smile. "I'll tell Abby you want her back."

His smile quickly faded. "You do that and there's no party." He still kept up the accent.

"Either way mate you're stuck with the gum you're trying to peel off your shoe." He shrugged.

Tom's shoulders fell in defeat. "Fine." He dropped the accent. "You win."

"Brilliant." He chuckled, as they started the walk back to class. "Friday night has got to come soon. I know it's no M party but still. I wonder when that one's going to happen, the school year is almost over."

"I thought about it. Maybe it's stopped."

It isn't a hard thing to do. But if he asked someone to send it up they would know and she just might kill him, or she'll leave and he would never see her again. Tom contemplated his plan for the second time while Mr. Eddington explained what was on the board. His mind was torn between paying attention and finding a way to send his message. He could send a text. But a note sounded sweeter, why he thought that, he couldn't figure out. Lacey sat in the first row, second desk by the door, and he sat third row fourth desk. He has to send it some how. What if she doesn't check her messages? But he'd never called her before so it had to be off if he JUST sends a message out of nowhere right? He sighed at his own confused thoughts and tried to process what the teacher was talking about.

He bent his head and rubbed his forehead in frustration. Why was it so hard to decide whether to send a note or a text? It made it worse seeing as the party was two days away. Why was he getting messed up about inviting a girl who rejected him twice? He felt a light tap on his left arm, he raised his head to see a book being handed to him. "Send it behind you." The tapping boy whispered. He looked at the name scribbled on it before doing as he was told, it was her's. He sighed and sunk into his chair finally deciding to pay attention. Two minutes into listening and it hit him. A chance to send a note. Excitement in his movements, he quickly opened his note book and gently tore a sheet of paper into a small semi perfect square. He clicked his pen and put down:


Throwing a Party at Tate's on Friday.



Happy with his plan, he sat patiently, it didn't take long before he heard whispers behind him, he abruptly sat up straight and anticipated the tap that would get him to fully execute his plan. Seconds after sitting straight, he was handed her note book. He placed it on his desk and opened it, quickly getting to the last page he decided was were she last wrote in. Just as he placed it in as discretely as he could, the boy who handed it to him the first time tapped him again. He gave the boy his most convincing confused look. "That's not your note book."

He picked it up, glanced at the name on it still looking as confused as he could before making a silent "oh" and handing it over to the boy. As the boy sent it to the person in front of him, Tom looked at Lacey who immediately faced forward.

In that moment doubt set in. What if she doesn't open in? What if she didn't know it was him? Granted To.W was his way of identifying himself discretely since he wasn't the only person with the initials TW in school. Shoving the thought aside, he waited anxiously for her to see it. Which she did the moment it touched her hand, relieved to know there was no need for doubt, he watched her pick up the paper and squeeze it. Taken aback by this act, his heart sank, even more so when she shook her head slowly. "Something the matter Lacey?" Mr Eddington asked.

"No." She shook her head again as an added reply.

"Do you understand?" He stepped towards her.

"Yes I do."

And so did Tom, maybe nobody would know, but it was all too clear to him that she had rejected him again. She was very good at rejecting him, she didn't even have to look at him or face him to do it.

He sat among a few of his team members, others standing around. His back not too far from the exit, this wasn't his usual sitting position in the lunch bar, but it wasn't lunch time either. "I swear I thought he would hit me with it." He said to the group before the conversation changed. The loud bang and the screeching sound of a chair being dragged called everyone's attention. The students in the hall at that moment could be counted. Confused by the sound, Tom looked behind him just in time to see Darin enter, and then looked forward only to lock eyes with the picture bad enough to make his heart skip a beat.

Abby glared down at Lacey with her arms folded and a scowl on her face. Two of her friends holding onto the chair Lacey was sitting on. She was backing him but he knew the pony tail and long gypsy skirt any where. The other boys continued their conversation but he couldn't quite look away, his breathing became heavy. "What's your problem witch?" He heard Abby say. The word made his eyes wide with shock. "You can't get to me with your stupid witch powers so you control Shawna to do it for you?"

"Come on that's ridiculous." One of the girls sitting with Lacey stated.

She turned to the talker. "Is it though?" She looked back at Lacey. "I mean it's pretty suspicious that she started bugging me when I confronted you. You witch." He couldn't believe it. It was really happening. Filled with anger a drive to defend Lacey, he placed his hands on the table. Already getting to his feet, he felt a hand press down on his shoulder, forcing him to sit back down. He looked back with a deep frown ready to smash whoever did that only to see Darin shake his head at him. He looked calm. Tom looked back at the scene unfolding. It didn't make sense, how could he be so calm when his sister is being harassed? Fine, he stayed out of her school life, but to be so calm. He was ready to drag Abby away from there and scream some sense into her.

"First you make my boyfriend get detention, then he breaks up with me and now you're using SHAWNA" She spat her name. "to get to me? Because I asked you to undo your witchy spell? It doesn't matter what you do, I will make your life here hell until you undo it." It was hard to swallow, he couldn't see Lacey's face. But she had to do something, or say something instead of sitting still.

"Hold your crappy tongue stupid." He saw Shawna walking up to them from across the hall. "You are something else to think this... " She looked at Lacey. "girl had anything to do with you being dumped or me making you my business. I don't even know her name. And even better, I think its likely he dumped you because of such crazy thoughts. You are so pathetic that you decided to take out your frustrations on this girl who just clearly wants to mind her business." He sighed with relief at Shawna's speech. "You know what. I do not need to be under a spell to make you my business, because it won't be as satisfying as this." She gripped the back of her neck and pulled her out of the hall, with Abby holding Shawna's wrist and screaming.

He stood up abruptly, hoping to get out before Abby noticed he was there. Too late, their eyes met and she started yelling his name. Pretending he didn't see or hear her, he darted out. Grateful nobody was giving her any attention. "You shouldn't be so dramatic and irrational." He heard Darin say beside him.

"Why? She was insulting her." He pointed at the hall door in anger.

"Clearly you are unaware that your ex girlfriend has been doing that for some time now." Darin adjusted his wrist watch as he spoke. Disinterest steaming off him.

"Yeah? And you just know this and let it go?"

Darin ignored the question. "If you'd have stepped in, you would only have made it worse for her. She wants to stay out of sight and you coming in to defend her messes that up." He walked away, his point was made.

Here was full proof of what Lacey was saying, and he got it, both their messages and the must see video he just witnessed. He ran his fingers through his hair. There was nothing he could do about it.

It was Friday night and his party was in full swing. The music was so loud he could almost feel the vibrations under his feet. He spent the first hour and a half avoiding Abby who managed to find him every where he went. After successfully moving through the living room crowded with dancing sweaty bodies with her on his heel, he stepped into a nice airy place and sighed in defeat. Facing her with his arms crossed. His expression asking 'what', a question he didn't want to say out loud. "You've been avoiding me Tommy. Why? Because you were too much of a coward to face Shawna?" She rose her voice over the music

"You know that's not true. And besides, you were making a scene. I wanted no part of it." As did he. She clicked her tongue. Since they were here, he might as well talk some sense into her. "I hear you've been picking on some girl and calling her a witch, blaming her for our break up." He did his best to spin it

"Yeah, and?" She folded her arms and tilted her head.

"And stop it. You know why I broke up with you so stop acting out on someone else."

"Fine. Only because it'll make you happy." He nodded. Glad he chose to confront her. "Dance with me." She reached for his hand.

"I'm not in the mood." She sighed and walked away, her heels clicking as she did.

Fifty minutes later and he was on his fourth cup of beer. He did as his best friend wanted. He approached his second girl for the night who was more than eager to make out with him. By the ninth cup, the faces of the girls he had kissed were a hazy memory and he couldn't remember their names. He sat on the counter in Tate's upstairs living room with his tenth cup in his hand and his legs dangling from both sides of the counter top. His thoughts nowhere and everywhere. He felt a tug on his arm before he was pulled and crashing into another lips. He pulled away with a lazy smile on his face. He took in the pretty face in front of him. Big eye lined green eyes and dark purple lipstick. Her hair fell full over her shoulder. He couldn't help gripping it into ponytail. Tate was wrong. He still hadn't forgotten her name or her face. Frowning at the sad look on his face she kissed him again. Lacey who?