The city of Millstone, part 2

Without even wasting a single second of his life, he lunged forward and punched one of the three men that were in the group with the bald man he just beated. His punch landed right on the man's liver area that instantly howled in pain and fell to the ground.

(As I said, a liver shot that is punch, kick or knee is really dangerous)

Right after that, he kicked another man, once again landed on his liver and he, too, dropped to the ground, howling in the pain. The one that left standing amongst the group of 4, took a step back and pulled a knife out of his pocket, "You want to go? Huh?"

Aiden smirked and shook his head while mockingly said, "You think you can win just because you hold a knife? You want me to pull out my… wait, nevermind, it won't be a good idea if I do that"

The man, agitated, lunged toward Aiden with his knife. The 19-year-old was lucky to barely dodged the knife that was coming for him. But now, with the man's hand extended, Aiden wrapped the man's arm with his armpit.

With only one hand, he proceeded to punch the man on his face, hitting the man's nose, eyes, ears and even doing an uppercut. Needless to say, the man soon fell to the ground with blood covering most part of his face.

Aiden smirked and cleaned the blood in his face with a handkerchief. Soon enough, he realized what was happening around him. People gathering, staring, muttering and chatting to each other, "Hey, you see that man?"


"That boy is so brave!"

"The group stood no chance"

All of a sudden, from afar, could be heard the sound of metal clanking, coming toward him as someone shouted, "The city guards are coming!"

He came face to face with the man that guided him through the city yesterday. Of course, they both recognized each other, "Good morning guards"

The man rushed toward him and said to him, "Sir, care to explain what happened here? What did you do to the group of four muscular men that they ended up on the ground, crying in pain?"

"So that's what happened…? Well, thank you for your cooperation, sir, please remind here until I talk with these men about what truly happened" Aiden nodded, and the guard went and asked all the 4 men, now sitting on the ground.

Soon enough, the guard returned to him and said to him, "Sir, it seems that your part of the story is… more unbelievable than these 4 men's… can you please follow me to the office?"

Aiden sighed, 'What did these 4 men do to make the guard to side with them? Did they bribe him or something? Whatever it is, I think it's better for me to go with this guard,"

Now sitting across a desk, Aiden found himself face to face with the guard that has his book and quill ready on the table, "So… Sir Aiden, was it not? Let me introduce myself to you, you can call me Alon"

Aiden nodded and slowly asked while he took a peek of the information in the book, "Yes, I am Aiden. Can you… perhaps tell me the reason I'm here?"

The guard closed his book all of a sudden and placed his quill down, he then linked his arm together and said to Aiden with a serious face, "Those guys are from a famous gang, if you fight them, you will surely get killed. We, the guards, can't do anything too, even though I wanted it so bad, but the higher-ups opposed it"

Aiden sighed and smirked, "There's a noble… or perhaps, the governor itself that is supporting them, am I wrong?"

The guard was surprised, "H-how… did you know about this? Well, that doesn't matter. Your answer are correct, they have the legal backing of the governor because he bribed the pig with a lot of gold coins…"

Aiden nodded and was quiet for a few seconds, but he suddenly grinned to Alon, "Well… lucky for you, I know a man who's known for his kindness and bravery, he is someone with a good position in the nobility. I could send him a letter to him and there's 60 percent chance that he will talk to the noble that runs this city"

Alon, the guard, was silenced. He was contemplating, even to the point where he closed his eyes and his breaths could be heard by the 19-year-old. When he opened his eyes, he sighed and nodded, "Please help us, even though a wise man once said 'If you want a thing done well, do it yourself'. But I don't think I would be able to handle the consequences if I fight against the governor, "

He then passed Aiden a piece of paper and the quill he used earlier and the 19-year-old wrote the letter.

1 month later

'Well… it seems that Alon can't give me the information about the people that moved to this city while the governor was still ruling the city… When will Sir John talk to the nobleman that runs this city?' Aiden laid on his bed, calmly thinking.

Knock, knock

He then heard the sound of the knocks on the door and got himself up from the bed, 'Who was it anyway?'

His eyes were greeted by the sight of the guard, Alon that has a big smile on his face, "Sir Aiden! How are you? I'm good, thanks for asking, I have something to tell you though! I got the records from the Office of the Governor about the people that moved to this city!"

Surely, a big smile appeared on Aiden's face, "Where can I see the record? I really need this record to find my lover!"

The man handed Aiden a piece of paper, "Here is the record of the people, take your time and browse through it carefully, don't mess up a girl's name with a grandma's name!"

[You acquired the record of the people of the city of Millstone]