It had been a week ever since Soren had arrived in Scoln, he was enjoying his time at the Imperial residence.
It was against traditions for the couple to be married to meet one another and this kept a distance between the two which Soren found tolerable.
He did feel something for Conelm but he just wasn't ready for his face to flush red whenever she saw him.
Soren was in the Library as Helren was tutoring him the basic way of doing things in Scoln.
He greatly improved his accent and articulation of the Scoln language as he had already mastered the basics in speaking it while in Endra.
"Salez dout scheren scitz du blavera maforeni, isignia toneta, fambarlana shoreun." Soren said as he curtsied.
"It is my pleasure to meet you your Royal Highness." Helren replied in the common Endran language that Soren knew too well.
"There is great excellence your highness, We have a Scoln Royal born now." Helren teased and the two laughed.
"It is quite interesting." Soren said.
"There is no doubt that you can now hold a proper conversation in Scoln, for that bit I believe that you are very ready your Highness." Helren said.
"Thank you Helren." Soren said.
"It is my duty and now it is time we visited a concise history of Scoln." Helren said as they walked to a table and sat down.
Helren held a very thick book with a maroon leather cover.
"Very well then, we may begin." Soren said as Helren opened the big book halfway to a particular page.
"How many more Queens must I know about in order to understand my royal duty?" Soren asked.
"Well, around thirteen more but lucky for you today we shall study an interesting one." Helren said.
"You literally said that for all of them at the very beginning and all they do is seat and watch and not say a word." Soren said.
"This is Queen Marlhor III, who was supposedly the very first male Queen regnant in the whole world." Helren said.
"Pretty much not like me, he had all the power centralized in his hands, that is why he could have been significant." Soren said.
"Well, he was quoted to have said,'my rite is as strong as my determination." Helren said.
Soren listened and grasped those words and he realised they had a very strong and staunch meaning, he had to definitely hold on to them from that very moment.
The Castorian's lessons went on with ease and interestingly until it was approaching noon.
A servant arrived at the table where Helren and Soren were sitted.
"Your Royal Highness." The servant said as he bowed his head, " the Queen requests for your immediate presence now." The servant said.
Soren's heart began to imstantly beat there and then, he really feared the woman's fierce expression and to make matters worse, his first week was more convincing that that was her nature.
Soren recalled hearing some stories Gerald had narrated about how she hit one of her servants with her heels, how she broke her dressing mirror because her bath was not prepared in time and how she threw a knife at a maid for over boiling her eggs.
Soren swallowed hard and looked at Helren who nodded as though telling him to not waste any time and go.
"Alright then, take me to her." Soren said as he rose up and walked after the servant only to be joined by Gerald who had been waiting in a seat im the hallway while reading a book.
"Gerald, lets go." Soren said as the young man rose and followed his master.
Soren's heartbeat became more intense as he moved on towards what appeared to be the backyard of the palace.
He felt the need to perhaps be swallowed by his gown which was a beautiful and shiny silver velver one with floral designs, it partly exposed his chest but at least it was light and bearable it allowed him to breath.
The servant led Soren to the garden benches where Soren spotted a woman standing near the pond.
"This way." The servant said and Soren continued to move towards his future mother in law while Gerald was halted.
The Queen must have sensed the presence of a Soren that she turned around and also moved closer.
"Your Royal Majesty." Soren said as he curtsied in Scoln.
"It is alright with me, you may speak your native language, come with me." Marietta replied as she stretched out her hand for Soren to lock it with his.
Soren was hesitant but he did not let it show as the two started to walk around in the cool noon air.
The sun shone but it was not very hot, the heat was bearable for the both of them.
I am impressed by my dear Conelm's decision, he really chose wisely because you are really far too beautiful than I had ever imagined before I saw you." The Queen said softly.
"It is a pleasure Your Highness." Soren replied as they continued moving around the pond.
"He really was head over heels in love with you the very moment that he set his eyes on you, I understand his heart now.
When Conelm was still very young, he was someone whi hated people so much but as a future king, it was necessary that he met them.
Conelm was not a fan of formal gatherings until the time that we travelled to Endra ten years ago.
He could never forget that banquet and it was perhaps the very best when he noticed a very charming six year old boy that turned out to be you." Marietta said.
"So that was him, that is why?" Soren said as he seemed to recover his childhood past, he was never the person for those fancy parties like Sian and Sabrina but it was very difficult for Soren to go unnoticed.
"Yes and I understand that you may not feel the same way towards him." Marietta said.
"Noooo." Soren hurriedly spoke that the Queen just developed a queer smile on her face.
"That is very good and you must feel lucky that he has that much affection for you but I am not the person to care about your personal life and affairs.
You understand the position that lies ahead of you and I will not contradict in whatever it will have for you." Marietta said.
"Yes Your Majesty." Soren replied.
"Very good, you know that primarily, your duty is to never speak, submit to the King whenever he calls for it, whenever he demands, you musr avail yourself.
Be it rain or sunshine, a king can never bow to the desires of his wife, you are to assist but to remain politically neutral unless the king grants you a charter." Marietta said.
"Yes your Majesty." Soren replied.
"Then you do understand well whom you should kneel to but the most important duty as a Queen is to be by his side.
Fighting for him, protecting him, his life is much more worthy than your very own and he is the heart, the essence of your duty." Marietta said.
"I get it Your Majesty." Soren said.
"I believe that indeed you are doing so and that is why I am speaking in your mother tongue, after this you won't need an excuse for all your actions because your duties have changed.
This here is the Scoln way of doing things, that you are fit for the job, you are the primary advisor of the king and you cannot advise against court unless you have a staunch reason." The Queen said.
Soren simply bowed down his head, much of her words were stun even though she gave a smile, it was one that looked to be consequental.
"You know your duty but the pride of every King is in keeping their name and legacy, you very well know the way you can give Conelm an heir from his own blood and yours.
It requires the sacrifice to the gods to have the extra ordinary conception for your case and you must endeavour that you fulfill that as well." The Queen said.
"I understand your Majesty." Soren replied.
"Then you must remember very well that your duty to this kingdom endures, love your husband and be loved back, love your people and be loved back, that is your motto from now on.
You were bought for freedom but consider it that you nolonger have a price, you were exchanged for a crown you must certainly wear all your life.
Remember whether it be peace or war, your stand with your husband and your king is over all." The Queen said.
"Yes Your Majesty." Soren replied.
"Very well then, I believe that you will certainly not disappoint me at all." The Queen said.
"Yes." Soren simply said as the Queen walked away and left him standing by the pond and gazing at the water.
At that very instant not so far away across, Soren beheld Conelm standing and looking straight at him.
Gathering all the courage he had before he would blush, he simply walked out of sight back to the palace.