Soren a splendid figure, he had been famously known and loved for his beauty, Surely, every one knew of the famous Castorian whose beauty made the heavens shake.
It had been two months and he enjoyed the comfort at the imperial palace of Silver Sottinbrow, he was endeared to the people and to the servants and every once in a while, the king loved the praises that came from both the court and his people.
"He is the finest Castorian we have ever seen, the gods have blessed his Majesty, His elegance is unmatched, He is the fairest in the world." The people said.
The King who with his wife were dazzled by the numerous compliments they received and started to lift their heads in pride.
As the time approached according to the traditions of their ancestors, Kings and Royal families from across the continent travelled as far as the North west to pay homeage to the Castorian.
Why this, because Scoln had a great stand in the whole world, he was not only the biggest but also the most powerful only equalled to Endra.
Soren was being prepared for his ultimate presentation to different royals, one one hand he was happy that at least he was growing to accept his fate while on the other, he was happy because he was going to see his family after a very long time.
He had received very many letters from Sabrina and a few from other family members, he really missed Sabrina's company but he could not do anything about it.
Soren was being dressed by a group of male servants who primarily served as his men in waiting, they did not have to wear like he wore, he was comfortable when they were present and did all that was required of them.
Helren who supervised them served as the master of the robes, he was granted a charter to choose and design whatever the Castorian had to wear.
The fact that he understood the bulk of the ordinary gowns that were commonly worn by the Scoln nobles, he devised a simple but beautiful design.
This made it easy for Soren the wearer and as for him, he was soon the workshop of all other members of the Royal family.
Soren had to wear a gown that was made and stitched by the High priests and priestesses, these being their spiritual mediators in so doing symbolized the acceptance of the gods in the matrimony and this acted as a sign of dressing a new title to a future Queen.
Soren wore a bright and beautiful gown from ivory silk tafetta designed with a few pearls and diamonds.
He wore simple jewelry but he was no less charming than he was usually, he looked every inch a perfect Queen.
"You look so splendid your Highness." Helren who helped him dress said.
"Thank you." Soren replied with a smile as he looked at the mirror.
One of the servants knelt beside him and helped him dress his heels as he smiled.
"Tell us, how does it feel?" The servant asked.
"What in particular?" Soren asked.
"To be loved by the Crown Prince, the future king, I can only imagine how lucky you must be that he loves you alot." The servant replied.
"It feels good." Soren simply answered as they worked on his long hair, freeing it and keeping it straight.
"All eyes shall be on you the very second that you shall walk down the aisle in the Engagement hall, every one there will marvel at you exceeding beauty." Another servant who applied more perfumes to him said.
"I know, after a very long time I shall get to see my family, this is going to be very nice." Soren said
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
"Come in." Soren said and the doors were flung open as one of the guards stepped into the Prince's suite.
"Your Royal Highness." The guard said as he bowed down his head and stood up," it is time for you to depart for the hall." The soldier added.
"Let us leave then." Soren said as he was helped up by both Gerald and Helren who held his arms.
In an instant, Soren was led through the doors as the other servants held the train of his Engagement dress.
Down a series of hallways that were very busy with servants, who marvelled as they bowed and curtsied while The young Castorian passed them.
Soren was led to the courtyard near the central fountain where a golden carriage awaited his arrival.
There, the coachmen helped Soren to sit inside.
Gerald who was trying to get in as well, slipped only to be helped by Helren who availed himself as a support.
"Thank you." Gerald said as Helren followed and the servants stayed behind and bid the lamp lit carriage farewell.
The streets that led to the Engagement hall were lined with lamps as the people in the dark also watched the Castorian's carriage pass by being led by some horsemen and followed by some as well.
Soren had to conclude that imdeed the place was stunningly beautiful even in the night until he caught sight of a very beautiful three storied building that was glittering with lights from coloured glasses.
"This is beautiful." Soren said.
"Castle Hall, it has stood for five hundred years and has been the centre of every Enagagement Since the time of King Darian II." Helren said.
The carriage came to halt near the entrance that was open and was colorfully decorated with very many colorful flowers.
The coachmen opened the carriage door and held the hands of Soren to help him out of it.
Soren moved out unhesitantly and as he marvelled before a group of women walked towards him.
They wore simple smiles but had the crested headresses which symbolized that they were high priestesses.
The came and in an instant, Gerald and Helren handed over the train of Soren's gown to them.
Soren was led by another pair of priestesses who bore two baskets of pearls and beads as they walked into the crowded building.
As it was predicted, the Engagement hall was crowded as the Scoln people burst into the harmonies of a Scoln hymn or song they looked to be very well informed with.
In all splendour and elegance as Soren smiled and maintained his composure getting used to the spotlight and the attention he always received.
Everyone could not help but murmur amongst themselves as they looked at his glory pass until a small floral shed that stood in the centre of the hall.
There, Soren beheld a sight of Conelm who was dressed in gold and scarlet robes and his heart was captivated by his own charm as well.
He was lucky to be marrying perhaps the most handsome man in the world.
Soren was halted by the high priestesses as he came to stand face to face with Conelm, they were all quite tall but he was far taller by a few inches.
Soren did not stop to stare into those scarlet eyes as they also didn't cease to stare into his blue ones.
The high Priest who wore Dark Maroon robes raised his arms to the sky where a brilliant beam of the full moon light shot upon the floral shed.
"We are all gathered here today so that we can witness the affirmation of the gods that the marriage of these two may proceed." The High priest said.
Sudddenly, a pair of female priestesses approached the Priest holding a golden chalice that had two arms.
"Filled with the life giving water of Rounea, the goddess of marriage and purpose, the Queen of the heavens, let the intending partners drink of it." The high priest said as he raised it to the heavens.
He handed the chalice over to the two and as they held it together, they drank the water and its contents empty.
The chalice was handed over to the Priest who returned it to the high priestesses.
"A union of two to become one, they shall exchange the crowns of heaven a symbol of sharing whatever belongs to them." The Priest said as two priests moved towards the couple bearing cushions that had crowns on them.
The two took the crowns and they crowned each other that the people gathered burst into singing.
The High Priest then held the hands of the two and then he placed them together and lifted them up to the skies.
"The gods accept this match, it is undoubted and unopposed." The priest said.
"May it stand long till death." The High priest added and Soren was very happy, overwhelmed by having at last won the acceptance he had hated before.
The Engagement had been concluded and the Engaged couple sat on silver thrones as they received presents from the visitors that had gathered.
The Royal couple was the epic centre of attention and they were really loving it as they smiled beimg dressed in garlands of flowers and being surrounded by treasures of gifts.
Soren beheld a sight of his family and everyone of them looked very happy except from Sian whom he would have talked to but he couldn't.
Soren had still not forgotten that Sian knew that Molken loved him but he did not tell but he was very grateful to know when he was not comfortable leaving Endra, Sian had forged a way for him.
Soren let himself forget everything he hated and first basked in some importance, despite being just a consort, he would earn much more respect than he had ever earned in his life.