It had been nearly a week following Soren's engagement to the Crown Prince Conelm of Scoln.
Soren had not had a glimpse of him in ages and he began to miss him slowly as time went by.
Soren did not know how he could explain his feelings but this keeping them apart was certainly not working effectively.
Soren sat looking through the window of his suite as he stared at the backyard.
There in the lawn sat the Prince Conelm who was seemingly talking to his father about things that Soren was not certain about.
His lucky guess would be about this whole relationship of theirs.
"Conelm my son, you understand exactly what you are doing, and I hope that your feelings for him won't lead you into a mistake you might regret for the rest of your life." King Valga said.
"Father, I understand your concern but believe me, Soren is as important as any of us are, you see him so small, a man so confined, when I look in his eyes, I see unmatched greatness." Conelm replied.
"Of course, I do understand that you are in love, what more has he done, he can not be aware of the mistakes that he does, this is because he is foreign in our land." King Valga said.
"But he has endeavored to learn all that we have taught him all this time, he chose to leave his own home." Conelm said.
"But does he love you as much as you love him?" King Valga asked.
Conelm kept quiet for a while.
"I give it time father, love is not to be forced, my liking of Soren is sincere and Genuine, his haert radiates a warmth that no other person on this earth has been able to do." Conelm replied.
"So what if he can never love you back?" King Valga asked.
"He will father." Soren said.
"That is all you keep saying clinging to your own belief, remember he is a son to my greatest foe, he was exchanged for the freedom of his family.
He has no choice but to succumb to this because he knows it is one way he can save them, what if there is a time that he will turn your own court against you?" King Valga asked.
"And why would that be so father, I thought you stood with me on my decision?" Soren said.
"Tell me something my dear, were you not afraid if he could convince the masses to love him, the court adores him just as much as you do.
Your mother and I saw what he is capable of, If he could get the masses to love him, wouldn't he get them to hate his enemies?" King Valga replied.
"Father, he made an oath to the state and to the law, it is very clear now more than ever, do not look at Soren as an enemy, look at him as your family right now." Conelm said.
"You can convince as many people as you want but I want you to ask yourself genuinely are you not afraid that your future consort might become more popular than you are?" King Valga asked.
"I do not care father, what you and the rest of the world may think but I want to tell you that no matter what may happen noe or in the near future, I am going to only marry Soren and my decision is final." Conelm said.
"Then I shall leave you to it but Remember be careful son." The King said as he rose from his seat and walked away.
Conelm stood up and turned around to depart from the place when suddenly, he caught sight of Soren staring at him through the window of his suite.
Soren had a questioning look as he was able to see the sad expression of Conelm who looked to be having a rush of millions of thoughts.
Conelm just gave a faint smirk that Soren hesitantly returned before he walked away.
Conelm who was walking through the castle hallway came to meet the old Narissa, Calissa's governess.
"Your Royal Highness." Narissa said as she curtsied after coming to a halt in front Conelm.
"Narissa." Conelm said but in a rather sad note.
The Royal family here really treasured and cherished Narissa so much, serving as Calissa's governess brought her closer to the Imperial family that they greatly loved and cherished her.
"What is the matter your Highness, you look so sad, if it is something you can tell me or you need help with, I can listen." Narissa said.
"Let us sit down." Conelm said as they moved to the nearby siiting hall and they sat down.
"If you are ready Your Highness." Narissa said.
"Well, Narissa, father and mother are having second thoughts about this proposed marriage of mine to Soren." Conelm said.
"And why is that?" Narissa asked.
"They believe that he is not good enough for me and that he could exert so much influence in politics yet the law demands that he remains politically neutral and second to me alone." Conelm replied.
"And what is love to you your Highness if I may ask?" Narissa said.
Conelm kept quiet unable to compose an answer for the question that he had been faced with.
"Very well, you can not speak, that is the answer." Narissa said.
"How is silence an answer?" Conelm asked.
"See, sometimes we see things differently in this world Conelm, you cannot expect your parents to understand how you feel for Soren.
Not even your best friends or siblings, or even your court when you become king can understand that, love is only understood by those in it." Narissa said.
"Hmmmm." Conelm hummed.
"Sit down and ask yourself, with the time that you have grown to love Soren, how does your heart feel about it.
Are you confident that even if he woke up one morning as the ugliest person in the world you would still love him?
Such matters need sincerity of the heart and if I may ask, is it everytime that the monarchy needs a figurehead for a queen?" Narissa said.
"Not really." Conelm replied.
"Exactly my dear, you chose Soren not only for his beauty but also the great Queen that lies deeo inside.
A Queen sufficient for the state, honorable, efficient, strong and dignified, all these are qualities one must posses.
The state can make the law but never at any one point can the law make the state." Narissa said.
"So what exactly should I do Narissa?" Conelm asked.
"That is up to you to decide for yourself, either to follow the thoughts of your parents or to follow your heart ." Narissa replied.
Conelm sighed and looked so troubled at the moment in a way that Narissa felt that she could understand.
"But two pieces of advice if I may offer to you your highness." Narissa spoke.
"What are they?" Conelm asked.
"Never ever give up on true love, when you have the chance of holding it, cling onto it like there is no tomorrow because external opinions once followed and personal ones once neglected, the aftermath could destroy your life." Narissa said.
"And the second?" Conelm asked.
"Watch out for your family, yes we all make sacrifices for those we love but how ready is our family to die for us and how ready are you to die for them?" Narissa said.
"I understand that they do mean good." Conelm asked.
"Not every time, no they don't, they might not see it as well as you do but sometimes, most of their decisions could be made by them under the wrong influence of character." Narissa replied.
"I certainly will." Conelm said.
'Then I shall take your leave Your Highness." Narissa said as she moved away from him.
Conelm was left seated and thinking about everything that Narissa had said to him.
After a while, Conelm rose and departed as well, thinking about the words that his father had spoken and recalling the speech of Soren from the past week.
"What Queen does Scoln need ?" Conelm asked himself as he rose from the seat and departed from the room.
"What is the matter with you Your Highness?" Helren asked as he walked in on a wondering Soren having his eyes fixed on the lawn in the backyard.
"There is nothing wrong Helren, it is just that I was wondering if the imperial family likes me." Soren replied.
"And what makes you think so your Highness?" Helren asked.
"I do not know, perhaps it is just a canal thinking, what do you think about it Helren?" Soren asked.
"Well, I have grown in this palace and I have watched Conelm all his life, he is very isolated and reserved but if he ever loved something then his love was sincere." Helren replied.
"According to your law, according to your state, do you see me fit to be your queen?" Soren asked as he stood up and faced Helren.
"If Conelm chose you he must have seen one in you." Helren replied.
"That is out of the Question, I need your own individual opinion on this." Soren said.
"Well, if I were seeing what everyone else is seeing, the people are seeing only charm and submissiveness but to me, I see more than that." Helren replied.
"What more do you see?" Soren asked.
"A definite symbol of honor, stability and peace, sincerely, I see greatness in you and you alone can prove everyone wrong." Helren said.
"Very well, if it is a Queen that the Scolns want then I will give them a Queen they will never forget." Soren said as he turned around and looked through his window.
Following the end of the fence that surrounded the Imperial residence, he rested his eyes on the buildings beyond that constituted the capital of Aristograd where he would rule one day.
All that burnt in his blue eyes was fierce courage and will, determination to prove everyone who underlooked his abilities and he was not willing to cease doing so even if it was his very own future in laws.