
New Beginnings

Kayleb's Pov

The spaceship in the sky started to descend causing my father to pick up the pace. He picked me up and placed me on his back. I was finally able to see ahead of me and saw lights from a ship.

Jon: They came a lot earlier than expected!

Kay: Who is "they"?

Jon: …

My Father kept quiet after I asked him the question. He mentioned a "they" as if he knew that "they" were coming. Maybe he was preparing for a war and they came just a little too early. With my thoughts spiraling, I didn't even notice that we had made it to the ship.

Jon: Get in Kayleb. Lillien and Jaku'o are already inside.

Kay: What about Luna and the twins? Shouldn't they be here with us?

Jon: They won't be able to make it. We were only able to get you three. Now enough questions, we're running out of time!

My father pushed me into the ship and followed after me. He went to see if the destination was set properly and then activated the ship's cloak. On his way out, he walked up and gave us hugs before exiting the ship. We began to take off, and my father waved his goodbyes before running back into the mansion.

We were able to fly past the black spaceship unnoticed and were on our way to space. I turned around to see my cousins and they were a lot calmer than I had expected. No one had said a word, but I was pretty sure it was because it was so early in the morning. I looked at Lilli and her hair was so frizzy, she also managed to look very exhausted and angry at the same time. Jake, on the other hand, was glistening from his training. He was also staring into nothing, so it was clear to see that he also had no idea what was going on.

10 mins. later.

Kay: Hey Lil, how much longer until we get to where we're going?

Lilli: The navigator says a little over five hours.

Kay: Do you know how long we're going to be there for?

Lilli: I don't know Kayleb, I'm as clueless as you are right now.

Kay: Well, none of us packed any clothes. What will we wear? How will we clean ourselves? Where will we us the-

Lilli: Ugh...why are you asking so many questions? We don't know!

Kay: ...Sorry. I'm just-

Lilli: I know...It's okay.

Kay: I hope Luna and the twins are going to be okay.

Jake: As much as I would love to say the same thing. There's a possible chance we may never see them again.

Lilli: Are you serious right now?!

Kay: Yea! Are you saying that they're going to die?

Jake: I'm saying that there's a possibility. You guys saw the size of that ship.

Kay: You're acting as if grandpa isn't there.

Jake: Our planet has never been attacked, because of grandpa! But he's getting old, he can't protect us forever. I mean, if everything was under control we wouldn't be on this ship in the first place.

Kay: You actually can't be serious right now!

Lilli: Alright, alright you two! Now is not the time for this. Whatever happens on Gala is out of our control. We're going to a place we've never been before, and we have no idea what it's like, or how things are run there. We won't be able to stay focused if we're going to be constantly arguing with each other. So from here on out we look after each other...Okay?

Kay: Okay

Jake: Yea, you're right...I'm sorry.

Lilli: Good, now you guys get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us.

Even though there was truth in Jake's words, I couldn't help but get angry. But Lilli was right. We had never been to this place before and we had no idea why our parents were sending us there. I laid my head on Lilli's lap and Jake rested his head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around us, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. She was trying to stay strong for us, but I knew deep down she was also...scared.

Kay: I don't want them to die.

Lilli: I know Kay...I know.

5hrs 33mins. Later.

Lilli: Oh shit! No,no, no! This is not good!

Kay: What happened?!

Lilli: I was asleep for too long! Look at all the missed notifications! We also entered the planet without permission, and we're out of cloak charge! I mean, what kind of planet doesn't have an entrance tower?!

Jake: It's too late to go back now. Try to find somewhere safe so we can ditch the ship.

Lilli: Already on it!

Kay: Hopefully this works.

Jake: Well if it doesn't, I just have one last thing to say...I'm the one who ate your plumperberry cake last night, Lil!

Lilli: What?!

Jake: I'm sorry! I thought it was for anybody who wanted it, that's when Mesa came into the kitchen and told me it was yours! Can you forgive me?

Lilli: You better hope we die!