
Welcome To Earth

Lilli: You better hope we die!

Kay: I know you're angry right now Lil, but I'd prefer to live. So if you don't mind finding us a place to land, that'll be great!

Lilli: Fine!

Lilli takes control of the ship and searches for a safe place to land. After minutes of flying over a vast land of trees, she finds an area in the forest where it looks like it wouldn't cause damage to its habitat and harm its wildlife.

Jake: Listen Lilli, before you explode let me explain! I-

Lilli: I don't care for your excuse! Today was supposed to be my day off! My plans were to stay in bed, relax, and watch tv. The fact that I was forced out of my sleep, dragged onto an escape ship, and was sent to a different planet is already enough reason for me to explode! And now realizing that I'm going to be stuck on another planet with you two is only putting the cherry on top.

Kay: Hey-

Jake: I understand all of your frustrations, I do, but you don't have to be angry about the cake. We can get you a new one.

Kay: Guys-

Lilli: Do you know if plumperberries grown on this planet?!

Kay: Hey guys, quiet down! Don't you hear that?

The air went from a gentle breeze to a bustling wind as a helicopter located and hovered over their position. The three look out their window and see soldiers in armored cars surround them with haste, giving them no chance to escape. The soldiers rush out of their cars and set their defenses.

A girl with dark skin, black wavy hair, and dark green eyes emerges from the swarm of soldiers and walks forward. She raises her hand to signal the helicopter that it's okay to leave, and the helicopter takes off causing the trees to revert back to their casual dance in the breeze. The area was left dead silent and the girl makes hand signals commanding some of her men to move out.

Girl: You have sixty seconds to explain who you are and why you're here!

Lilli reaches for the controls and flips a switch turning on the ship's speakers.

Lilli: Uhh...we come in peace?

Lilli's voice causes the girl to take a pause before she asks her next question.

Girl: How old are you exactly?

Lilli: I'm fifteen ma'am.

Girl: What is your name?

Lilli: My name is Lillien...ma'am.

Girl: Are you alone?

Lilli: No, I'm with my two younger brothers.

Girl: Well Lillien, what I need you to do is exit your ship with your brothers slowly, with your hands on your heads.

Lilli turns off the speakers and looks at the boys. She closes her eyes and tries to muster up the courage to leave the ship. She releases a sigh and gets up to lead the boys outside. They put their hands on their heads and follow Lilli to the front of the ship where the girl can see them.

Girl: You three really are just kids, huh? Well, if you cooperate with me everything will be fine. But I'll let you know now, if you try anything suspicious, I'll be forced to take care of you in a not so friendly way. Now, I need you three to come with me.I also need someone to return this ship back to the base. And for the rest of you...you know what to do. Let's move.

The kids follow the girl to an armored car and she instructs them to get in, entering after them. They began to drive off and the car was silent as the kids had nothing to say. As for the girl, she had a little smile on her face watching them try their hardest to avoid eye contact.

Girl: My name is Cece, I'm sixteen, so you guys don't have to feel so intimidated...I've already learned one of your names and age, I just need to know the other two.

The boys look at each other to signify who would go first.

Jake: I'm Jaku'o, but you can just call me Jake. I'm thirteen.

Cece: Jaku'o huh? Nice name, and what about you little one?

Kay: My name is Kayleb and I'm ten years old.

Cece: Well hello little Kayleb, nice to meet you.

Lilli interrupts Cece out of frustration.

Lilli: I'm sorry, before we continue this...ma'am, aren't you worried that we might try to escape? You just seem a little too...nice to be in your position.

Cece: No, I'm not worried. This car is fitted with a built-in limiter, so not even I can use my powers. That limiter is the only thing keeping you alive right now, that is...if you were planning to escape. So I strongly advise against it. Plus, you probably wouldn't be in this situation if you had just waited before entering the planet. We tried radioing and even messaged you multiple times so you can verify yourselves, but all of our attempts were ignored. It's a good thing our computers identified your ship as an escape ship, otherwise you wouldn't have had the chance to land.

Lilli giggles nervously to herself.

Lilli: Sorry about that, I was asleep. It's been a pretty hectic morning for us and we're still pretty tired. Also you guys don't have an entrance tower, so it can't be entirely my fault.

Cece: There's a reason for that.

Jake: I have a question for you Cece. How did a girl your age get the position you're in?

Cece: Well, do you know that every planet has a world government?

Jake: Yea, but what does that have to do with the question?

Cece: Long story short, the government on this planet knows who my father is. That's why. Sounds crazy I know.

Kay: So are you some sort of Queen?

Cece: Uhh, not quite.

The car comes to a complete stop and Cece looks out the window. She grabs a black box from under her seat and puts it on her lap.

Cece: It looks like we're here. We're going to have to set our conversation aside. In the meanwhile I'll give you a quick introduction. Welcome to planet Earth.

Jake: ...Earth?