

After Lisa and Gerald finished having lunch with the kids, they took them out to the local mall to buy some clothes.

40mins. Later

Lisa: Gerald, let's split up. I'll take Lilli and you take the boys, and we'll catch back up in lets say...half an hour.

Gerald: Sounds good to me. We'll see you then.

Gerald and the boys walk off to the boy's clothing section, and Lisa and Lilli to the girl's.

Lisa: Whatever catches your eye is yours.

Lilli: Thank you. Uhh, I do have one question though. I have never been to a public school before, so is there some kind of uniform we need to follow?

Lisa: No, there isn't. The schools in this area are pretty lenient when it comes to uniforms. You can wear whatever you want so long as it's nothing explicit.

Lilli: Okay. Would it be okay if I pick out clothes for my sisters as well?

Lisa: Of course sweetheart! I must say though, around this time of year it starts to get a little chilly. So focus more on the warmer clothes, okay.

Lilli: Okay.

Lilli starts to giggle while picking out clothes for Luna.

Lisa: What is it?

Lilli: Normally my little sister wouldn't need to wear anything warm for the cold, but I guess it'll be too obvious if everyone is wearing hoodies and coats while she wears a tank top. As for Kayleb, he's the exact opposite. He absolutely despises the cold. I should let him know. Actually, maybe I shouldn't for making me mad earlier.

Lisa: Don't worry. I'll go over and tell them. Knowing my husband, he probably forgot to mention it. You go ahead and keep picking out things you like, I'll be right back.

Lilli: No, no, it's okay. They're not that far, I can let them know from here...{Hey Kayleb, Jaku'o, pick out some warm clothes. It'll be getting cold soon.}...Okay! They know.

Lisa: They know?!

Lilli: Yea, I just told them.

Lisa: But...how? You haven't moved from your spot.

Lilli: Oh! I used our link.

Lisa: Your...link? Explain to me what that is please.

Lilli: Uhh, it's when two or more people have a close connection with each other. A link forms between them and it allows them to communicate with each other telepathically.

Lisa: Is that so?! You must be really close to your siblings then aren't you?... Actually, I've been meaning to ask. Are they really your siblings or your cousins? Because I was told they were your cousins but you address them as siblings. I'm a little confused.

Lilli: Oh, uhh, they're my cousins. But we really do have a tight connection. I was there for all of their births, and I also helped raise them since they were babies. To them, I am their big sister, and to me they're my baby brothers and sisters. I mean...since I'm being honest here, they do get on my nerves, like...all the time, but there is nothing in this world that I love more than them. Nothing...and that will never change.

Lilli continues to pick out clothes for her and her sisters, and Lisa watches with a smile and joy in her eyes. Her eyes then overflow with tears and she wipes them away as soon as they roll down her cheek.

Lilli: What do you think of these Mrs.-...hey, are you okay?

Lisa: I'm fine sweetheart, nothing to worry about. What were you saying?

Lilli: Well...look at these hoodies I picked out, they're nothing too special but I like the colors. They fit our style.

Lisa: I like them a lot, which one fits your style?

Lilli: The yellow one. The purple one is for Mela, and the white is for Luna.

Lisa: Is that so?! I can't wait to meet them!

Lisa and Lilli continue to pick out clothes while learning more about each other in the process. Some time passes and Lisa notices a text message she had gotten from her husband that reads, "meet us at the food court when you're finished.". Lisa then wraps up their shopping spree and catches up with Gerald and the boys in the food court. There they see the boys having a good time. Kayleb drinking a milkshake and Jake eating a sandwich, listening to Gerald tell them a story.

Gerald: ...At this point her village loved me, well...all but one. But I was still determined, even though I couldn't speak their language, I tried anyway. I walked up to her and told her how I thought she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I told her that her eyes glistened like the stars in space and that her hair were like waves in the ocean. By the way, I told her all this while trying to get her to understand what I was saying. She kept a pretty straight face so I thought it wasn't working. I didn't give up though, I kept going and told her that her scent was like a field of flowers, and right there and then she busted out laughing. I asked her, "do you understand me?", and she replied saying "of co-

Lisa: Of course I understand you, you idiot.

Lisa and Lilli sit down with them to finish hearing the story.

Gerald: What a time to show up. We said to catch back up in half an hour, not an hour and a half.

Lisa: Well, we weren't just shopping for her, we were also shopping for her and her sisters.

Gerald: That's fine, next time just let us know that you're taking extra long.

Kay: ...Hey Lil, we got you a smoothie.

He passes the smoothie over to her

Lilli: Thanks, Kayleb.

She takes a sip and immediately grabs a napkin to spit it out.

Lilli: Eww...what is this?!

Kay: It's a banana smoothie. Jake and I thought you would've liked it.

Lisa: Didn't you tell me that you dislike bananas, Lil?

Lilli: I do. They know that too, they're just messing with me.

Lisa: That's not nice boys.

Lilli: No, it's okay. I'll get them back.

Lilli grabs Kayleb's milkshake and gives him the smoothie.

Kay: Hey!

Lilli: I'll take this and you can have the rest of that. That way we can call it even...for now.

Gerald: Alright guys, It's still pretty early in the afternoon. What would you like to do?

Lilli: I would like to get familiar with the area... if you don't mind.

Gerald: Of course I don't mind. Let's go!

Gerald gets up and take's Lilli's bags into his hands. The others follow him to the car and once there, the boys place their bags into the trunk. They get in and Gerald drives back into town to start his tour. His first stop, the school.

Gerald: What better than to start off with the school you'll be going to tomorrow. New Dia high.

Kay: Whoa, this place is huge.

Gerald: Yup, that's because this isn't a normal high school. All grade levels attend this school. From pre to twelfth.

Lilli: Wouldn't that cause trouble? How does that work?

Gerald: Well, seventh to twelfth graders go to school at seven and leave at twelve. While the pre to sixth graders go at twelve-thirty to five-thirty.

Lilli: I guess that makes sense.

Gerald: Alrighty then. Are we ready to move on?

Lilli: Yes.

Gerald continues driving, showing them around while explaining what it's like in New Dia.

Gerald: As you can see, New Dia is surrounded by trees. The woods around here are very dangerous so I suggest staying away.

Kay: What is so dangerous about the woods?

Gerald: There are some scary people who lurk in the woods, waiting to snatch up anybody foolish to enter. I mean it when I say stay away. No good can come from going there...Another thing about New Dia, the city is small and word spreads fast, so be careful with the things you say and the things you do. Got it?!

Kay: Got it!

Gerald: Good...New Dia overall is a safe and very quiet place. You can go out and do things like, play at the park, or attend after school activities. You can even just walk for hours if you want. The crime rate is pretty low, so the only way you can find trouble is if you look for it.

Kay: ...Hey, Mr. Gerald, is it easy to make friends?

Gerald: Of course! Well, it all depends. Some people are outgoing and some are more reserved. It all comes down to who you want to be friends with. One will be easier to befriend, while the other not so much.

Lisa: ...That came out of nowhere. Kayleb, why do you ask?

Kay: I just never really had friends before, unless you consider maids and butlers as friends.

Lisa: Never?!

Kay: Uh-uh.

Lisa: Well, you're very sweet...you all are. So I don't think you'll have much trouble when it comes down to it. Just be yourself and everything will be alright. Trust me...What about you two?

Jake: We're in the same boat. All we know is family.

Lisa: Well, there's nothing wrong with that.

Gerald: You know, friends can become family.

Kay: Really?!

Gerald: Yep, you make a close enough bond with someone and it becomes more than just friendship.

Kay: So all of my friends can become a part of my family?!

Lilli: I don't think he means it like that, Kayleb.

Kay: Aww what?!

Gerald: Right. Don't get ahead of yourself Kayleb, you can't just become family with anybody, it requires respect, trust, and loyalty. Not everyone can provide that, so it's better to keep some people as just friends.

Kay: If that's the case, what's the point of being friends with those people?

Gerald: ...Good question, I guess I never really thought of that. I say, at the end of the day, it's all up to you.

Kay: Then I'll make sure to choose wisely.

They spend the next two hours driving around the city and doing errands at the superstore before returning to the house. They make their way inside and Lisa takes the kids upstairs to their room so they can unpack. The room consists of two bunk beds, one on each side of the room, two wardrobes, respective to each bunk bed, and a closet.

Lisa: Here's your room...We always wanted multiple children, so the rooms are already made for at least eight. So go ahead, unpack, make yourselves comfortable...And also, Lilli, if you feel like you need space for yourself, don't be afraid to move to the other room.

Lilli: No, no, that's okay. Thank you.

Lisa: Alright...before I go, are there any questions?

Kay: Where's the bathroom?

Lisa: Right out this door, turn left, go straight down the hall and the first door to you left.

Kay: Thanks.

Lisa: Anything else?

Kay: Nope.

Jake: I have nothing.

Lilli: Neither do I.

Lisa: Alright then, I'll leave you guys to it. If you need me, I'll be in my room right down this hall. Gerald will probably be downstairs watching tv. Also, one last thing. I advise going to sleep early, you have school tomorrow so you'll want to be refreshed. That's all, see you guys later.

Lisa closes the door behind her leaving the kids to tend to themselves..

Kay: I call top bunk!

He runs and jumps up onto the top buck with ease.

Lilli: As long as you don't have to sleep with me.

Lilli and Jake walk over to their beds, Jake sitting on the one under Kay, and Lilli sitting on the bed on the left side.

Jake: Well...this is a downgrade.

Lilli: Jake!

Jake: I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But this is seriously a lot different than what we come from. Like bunk beds. Seriously?

Lilli: Be grateful we have anything at all. For all we know, it could've been a grave instead of a bed.

Jake: Don't get me wrong. I am grateful, it just opens my eyes to how good we had it...how much I really didn't care for it. Once again, don't get me wrong, I didn't mind all that stuff. But at the end of the day, that's all it ever was, just stuff. Makes you realize what's truly important in life.

Lilli: Love.

Kay: Family.

Jake: Yea, both of those things. Sure there's others but those two are the most important. To me at least. I mean, without you guys I'm nothing. Powers, big house, money. All of that means nothing to me without you guys.

Lilli: Yea.

The three sit there, pondering about everything that has led up to this point.

Lilli: ...Come on, let's start unpacking.