
The Rat

The next day. 5:30a.m.

Lilli is already ready and all that is left is to wake up Kayleb and Jake.

Lilli: Alright boys, time to wake up.

Kay: Mmmhh.

Lilli: Yea, yea, I know, you're tired. You're not the only one. Come on Kayleb let's go, you too Jaku'o.

Jake: Mmmhh...ten more minutes.

Lilli: No… Now!

She grabs Jake by the ear and pulls him off of the bed.

Jake: Ow, ow, ow, okay, okay.

Lilli: Your turn Kayleb, get up.

Kay: Mmmhh!

Lilli: Okay.

She gets a hold of his leg and pulls him off of the bed. This time she doesn't support him and lets him flop onto the floor.

Kay: Ow...

Lilli: Go...Get...Ready!

6:15 a.m.

The boys make their way downstairs and into the kitchen where there were already two plates on the table waiting for them.

Jake: Good morning!

Kay: Good morning Mrs. Lisa!

Lisa: Good morning boys! Go ahead and eat up, breakfast has been served.

Kay+Jake: Thank you!

Lisa: ...Wow, it's only 6:17. You guys are really early. You're a natural at this Lilli, must be easy.

Lilli: Yea, well, it'd be easier if it wasn't for this bracelet. Isn't that right boys?!

Jake+Kay: ...

Lisa giggles in response to their silence.

Lisa: Anyway, we're pretty early. Whenever you're ready we can head out.

Lilli: Actually Mrs. Lisa, we're going to walk from now on.

Jake: We're walking? Why?

Lilli: Cause I said so...It's only like a fifteen minute walk, maybe even less. You'll be okay. Also, Mrs. Lisa, I'll be making breakfast for them as well. Anything that allows you to sleep in.

Lisa: ...Lilli are you sure? I don't mind doing any of those things for you guys.

Lilli: No, it's okay! You already do so much for us. It's the least I can do.

Lisa: Well...alright then. What a wonderful sister you boys have.

Jake: More like, cruel.

Kay: And mean.

Lilli: Oh really?! Hmm...well would you look at that! It's time to go!

Kay: What?! But I didn't finish eating!

Lilli: Aww, that's too bad. It must be because I'm so mean and cruel...Let's go!

Lisa laughs while she watches Lilli drag the boys out of the house. Once the door closes, she cleans up the table and goes upstairs to rest.

First Period. Lilli's Class.

Rach: Hey, Lil!

Lilli: What's up Rach. How did your UFO search go yesterday?

Rach: No luck unfortunately, but I did find something you might like.

Rachel digs into her bag and pulls out a red stone.

Rach" It's called a fire stone. They say that these stones were once caught in a fire, but instead of burning and charring like all the other stones. It embraced the fire and became one with the flames. They also say that if you look close enough, you can see the flame alive and well… So whatcha think? Pretty cool huh?

Lilli: ...Yea, that looks amazing.

Rach: Here...keep it.

Lilli: Umm...you're giving it to me? Why?

Rach: This is to confirm our new friendship. Go ahead, take it.

Lilli: Thank you.

Lilli takes the rock and places it into her bag.

Teacher: Alright class. settle down. As we all know there's a new student in our class. But because we were taking a test yesterday, we didn't have time to get to know her… So, Lillien, what I like to do in my class is whenever there is a new student, we dedicate an entire class period to that student. So, go ahead and tell us about yourself.

Lilli: Ummm...uhhh. I-I don't know what to say.

Teacher: Ok, tell us about your likes and dislikes, or your favorite tv show or book.

Lilli: Ummm...well, I like braiding my hair.

Teacher: Oh really! What's your favorite kind of braid?

Lilli: I-I don't really have a favorite. I like them all.

Teacher: That's nice. And what about your dislikes?

Lilli: ...I hate bananas and I'm terrified of heights.

Rach: You hate bananas?!

Lilli: Yea, they make me sick.

Rach: You and I are like complete opposites. Bananas are like the best fruit. Straight facts by the way. And heights are awesome! The adrenaline rush is so thrilling!

Lilli: Yea...I'd rather do something else if I'm being honest.

Teacher: I'm with you there. Any siblings atg all?

Lilli: I have two little brothers and thr-uhh, two little sisters.

A voice from behind her speaks up.

Boy: Was that kid that got into a fight yesterday your brother by any chance?

Lilli: Yes, that was my brother.

Boy2: Haha, no way!

Boy: He really beat Alex's ass yesterday didn't he?

Lilli: What about it?

Boy2: You see, Alex makes things easier for us. So we don't need a little runt running around thinking he can do whatever it is he likes.

Lilli: Is that so? Well, how about this. I apologize for my brother defending himself. Does that help fix our little issue here?

Boy: You got a smart mouth on you, huh?... Just tell the little runt to watch his back.

Lilli: Or what?!

Teacher: Excuse me! I do not tolerate such things in my classroom. You can either take a trip to the principal's office or apologize. What will it be?

Lilli: Wait, Mrs. Anderson, it's okay. There's no need for that. I actually want to get to know these guys… What are your names?

Boy: Hawk.

Boy2: Eagle.

Lilli: Seriously?... Well, anyway, Hawk, Eagle. I will not relay your message. If you mess with me or my brothers...well, I don't think I can go into much detail but I'm sure you know where I'm going with this. Right?!

Hawk chuckles to himself and the rest of the class whispers their comments to each other.

Hawk: You're very bold.

Lilli: Right!

Lillien then turns back around to face the teacher.

Last Period. Kay and Jake's Class

Lui: You two should join our all science club. We do all sorts of things, like building rocket ships and cars, mixing crazy chemicals, and even just exploring the woods. It's a fun and calming experience. Whaddaya say?

Jake: I'll have to think about it. It does sound fun though.

Lui: What about you Kay?...Kay?

Jake bumps his shoulder.

Kay: Huh?

Lui: Are you interested in the club?

Kay: Uhh, yea! Sounds fun...I'll check it out.

The bell rings and the class gets up, ready to go home.

Lui: Well, once you guys made up your minds. Meet us in room 439. That's where you guys can sign up… See you guys tomorrow?

Jake: Yup.

Lui: Alrighty then. See ya.

Jake and Kayleb walk out of the class ready to leave when suddenly Kayleb stops in his tracks and taps on Jake.

Jake: What's up?

Kay: I want to go sign up for that club.

Jake: ...Oh really? What's it about?

Kay: Uhhh...

Jake: Exactly. You've been spaced out all day… What is it that you're really about to do?

Kay: ...

Jake: Does it have to do with that Mira girl?

Kay: ...Maybe.

Jake: Kayleb!

Kay: Shhh...Listen, I-I just want to-

Jake: You know what, I don't even want to know. Whatever you're about to do, just don't cause a scene.

Kay: I won't. Can you do me a favor though?

Jake: What?

Kay: Can you cover for me? When you see Lilli, just tell her that I went to go sign up for that club.

Jake: Fine, but you owe me. Just make sure to come home early so it doesn't seem suspicious.

Kay: Got it!

Kay runs off and exits the school through the back door. He runs down the flight of stairs and onto the sidewalk to see if he could spot Mira. But all he sees are parked cars and trees.

Kay: (Am I too late? Did she even come this way?)

Not too long after, someone opens the back door and he quickly rushes over to the side of the stairs so whoever it was, wouldn't notice him.

Kay: ( Mira?)

He's right, and he watches her walk off in the direction of the woods. Secretly he follows her, keeping his distance. They enter the woods and Kayleb continues to follow her for another eight minutes until she reaches her destination. Which was a cabin. On the cabin's porch sat two guys, smoking and having a laugh. From behind a bush, Kayleb watches as Mira approaches the men on the porch.

Boy: Well, well, well, Where have you been? It's been three days. And don't lie, we know you've been at school.

Mira: Well, I've been trying-

Boy2: Were you at Alex's house? Yes or no?

Mira: Y-Yes.

Boy: Then there should be no excuses. If you have time to be at school and at a boy's house. Then you should have J's money, right?

Mira: Bear, Rilla, please listen-

Bear: Yes or no?

Mira: ...Y-Yes.

Bear: Then...

Kayleb's bracelet vibrates before ringing two times. He conceals himself behind the bush to prevent being seen.

Kay: (Stupid bracelet!)

Cece: Hello Kayleb. I'm calling to see how you're doing.

He whispers.

Kay: I'm good, and yourself?

Cece: Wonderful! May I ask, what is it that you're doing out there?

Kay: ...Oh nothing, just exploring.

Cece: Exploring huh?... And why are you whispering?

Kay: Uhh, there's this beautiful deer I'm watching that I don't want to scare away.

Cece: Is that so?

Kay: Yup!

Cece; Hmm, well okay. Just make sure to get yourself home early. I don't want to have to tell papa where you've been.

Kay: No problem. I'll be going home soon.

Cece ends the call and the screams of Mira become more apparent. Kayleb peaks from behind the bush and sees the boys grabbing and harassing her. Not taking one bit of this, Kayleb runs out into the open and yells.

Kay: Hey!

Rilla: What the hell?!

Bear tugs Mira's hair to pull her closer to his lips.

Bear: Who the hell is that?!

Mira crying and trembling responds.

Mira: I don't know! I have no idea!

Bear throws her onto the ground but before they can do anything else, Kayleb dashes towards them, deciding to attack them head on. Kayleb runs up and jump kicks Bear through the front door, then gut punches Rilla, knocking him out instantly. He then approaches the stunned Mira, grabs her hand, and runs away with her.

4mins. Later.

After minutes of running through the woods, Mira finally snaps back into her senses and pulls away.

Kay: What's wrong?

Mira: What the hell! Everything was under control!

Kay: It didn't look like it. They were hurting you.

Mira: And who are you to care about me?!... Who are you, even?!

Kay: I'm Kayleb.

Mira: Who?

Kay: I sit next to you in school.

Mira: What?!...What?!...W-

Kay: It's okay. Take your time, we're safe now.

Mira: ...How did you even find me?!

Kay: I followed you.

Mira: ...You fuc-...You followed me?

Kay: Well if it wasn't for what just happened, you wouldn't have known.

Mira: Why are you so casual about that you creep! ARGH!!

Mira plops herself onto the ground, curls herself into a ball, and places her head into her lap.

Kay: Are you okay?

Mira: ...Just leave...please.

Kay: ...Why do you hate me so much?

Mira: What?

Kay: All I tried to do was be nice to you and get to know you.

Mira: Is this how you try to get to know someone? By following them? Please, you're just like every other creep out there.

Kay: I-I'm not a creep.

Mira: Is that so? Then tell me, why do you want to get to know me?

Kay: Because...I think you're pretty.

Mira: Hmph, typical.

Kay: Is that a problem? Can I not think you're pretty?

Mira: You think I'm pretty and you follow me home. Cause that doesn't scream creep.

Kay: ...You're right...I'm sorry.

Mira: Just leave already!

Kay: ...You didn't answer my question.

Mira: Ugh, why are you still here?

Kay: Why do you hate me?

Mira: ...Don't take it personally kid, I hate everyone on this planet.

Kay: So like...Earthians?...Earthlings?

Mira: Just say humans. You sound stupid.

Kay: Yes, that… Well, what if I tell you I'm not human.

Mira: ...What?!