
Chapter 11

Amy winced as the pack doctor was covering some of her burns with aloe. "Well for someone who fell off of a waterfall amazingly you have only had to deal with minor burns and it looks like there might be an infection there." She pulled out some petals from an echinacea flower and wrapped them onto one of Amy's open wounds. Wrapping her cut closed she coaxed Amy into eating some oregano. "This will keep your wounds from swelling up."

Amy ate the oregano and scrunched her face as she did so. The pack doctor laughed, "I know its not the best but medicine isn't supposed to taste good, its supposed to heal you."

"I miss the stuff they gave us as pups." Amy clicked her tongue to the roof of her mouth.

"Well the worse it tastes the more potent it is and in turn the faster you will get better."

Amy went to speak but was cut off by the three wolves from before carrying and unconscious and shaking Des. Her eyes widened in fear as she realized how far she has been away.