
Chapter 8

Chynna stared at her brother from a distance. He was reading to prepare for his upcoming exam, but Chynna didn't like it at all.

"Jin, why are you doing this?" she asked. "There's no need to take a new exam for another University."

"Chynna I need to," Jin said. "There's no need to cry over spilt milk."

"You were the best candidate in the exam, so that means they deserve to give you the admission," Chynna explained her point. She couldn't watch her brother give up on his childhood dream, all because of Wei's action.

~All this is Wei's fault.

Chynna's eyes were storing the tears she didn't want to let go of. "Jin, don't you trust me?"

"I do." Jin replied.

"If you trust me like you say you do, then why are you doing this?" she asked. "I promised to make sure you got your admission back, and I planned on keeping that promise."

"Face it, Chynna." Jin sighed. "It's not possible."

"Says who?" Chynna rolled her eyes at her brother. "I'm going to do it."

Jin stared at his sister. All his life she was the only one who raised him, loved and protected him. She had always given him whatever he needed, fulfilled all his desires even when they affected her own dreams. She had always placed him first before anything else. But his sister can not get this for him.

"You can't force them to give you back the lost admission." Jin muttered. "It's over."

~How can I tell you that your admission was stolen from you by that awful man? He is the root cause of all this, and I will make sure he pays dearly.

"Jin, please trust me," Chynna said. "There's more to it than what meets the eyes."

An idea came to Jin. He knew the answer already. All he wanted was to hear it from her mouth. "Chynna, I want to ask you something."

"Go ahead."

"When my letter came in, was the reason for my denial stated?" Jin smirked.

"No," Chynna replied.

"Did you get to know the reason when you went there?" he asked again.


~No Chynna you can't tell him a thing about The Mafia Gang being involved.

"No, I didn't get to know the reason." Chynna mumbled. She didn't want to tell her brother about Wei because she knew how he will react.

"So how do you plan to fight with The Chancellor?" Jin inquired. "You do not know why I was rejected."

~I know the reason Jin, but I can't tell you. If I do, you will not allow me to make Wei pay for his sins.

"Jin, please wait." Chynna pleaded, but her brother wasn't willing to hear it.

"Chynna all my life you have satisfied my every need, you always prioritized your needs over mine," Jin muttered. "But this time there's no way you can help me. I think I need to sacrifice something for the first time in my life,"


Jin walked out on his sister. He didn't want to talk about the admission denial case again, nor did he want to hear a thing about it from Chynna.

~Wei, this all your fault.

Her thoughts flew round. Wei's recent behaviour left her puzzled. The way he spoke to her yesterday was weird.

~What's his motive?"

Being nice to her suddenly, hearing her out and inquiring about her childhood is not something that just happens out of the bloom. He had something up his sleeves and she was sure it was something deadly.

The sound of her phone disorganized her thoughts. The caller id that was shown on the screen wasn't a familiar contact, the only thing that she saw on her phone was the persons' number.

~Who is this?

"Hello who is this?" she asked immediately.

"Hello Chynna." a manly voice replied. A voice that wasn't familiar to her at all.

"Who is this?" Chynna inquired in a firm voice.

"Li Jun," the voice said. "I hope you remember me."

~Why is Li Jun calling me? Does he know anything about Wei's kidnapping?"

"Of course I remember who you are but lets cut to the chase." she chuckled. "Why did you call?"

"You are right and I want to cut to the chase," Jun said, his voice was as clear as a microphone.

"Then go on."

"I want to talk to you, but the topic can't be discussed over the phone," Jun said.

"You want us to meet?" Chynna repeated.


~Why does he want us to meet? What does he want to talk about?

"Where do you want us to meet?"

"Bourbon Coffee," Jun replied. "Four on the dot."

"Okay," Chynna muttered. "See you there."


Her palms were getting sweaty. Her heart was pounding. Her breath was getting shallow with every passing minute.

Li Jun wants to see her, but why? Did he get a clue about Wei's whereabouts? Does he suspect her?

"I see you are a punctual person." a manly voice caught her attention. The man that she didn't want to see was standing right in front of her.

"I'm a journalist, so punctually is a core value in me." Chynna retorted.

"I see that," Jun muttered.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Chynna inquired. Her hands were folded, and she focused her glare on the man in front of her.

"Let's order something first," Jun smirked.

"Okay, let's do that," Chynna mumbled.

She went for the caffè mocha while Jun ordered an espresso.

"So spill it out," Chynna ordered.

"You are a journalist right?" Jun inquired.

"Is that a question?" Chynna asked with a raised brow.

"A question shouldn't be answered with a question, Chynna," Jun said.

"You know my profession already, so why ask?" Chynna muttered. "Just get to point."

"I'm sure you know the trending headlines," Jun said with a smirk on his disgusting face.

"The news changes every passing day so the trending headlines won't be the same," Chynna said.

"But the news of The Maffia Boss been kidnapped won't die so easily." Jun chuckled. "And I'm sure you know that by now."

~You need to be careful Chynna or else there will be trouble

"I know about it." Chynna said.

"Many people don't like him and something tells me you are on the list." Jun took a sip out of his espresso.

"On the list? Me?" Chynna questioned. "What animosity do I have against The Boss?"

"He....." Jun began, but paused. He thought Chynna did not know about the reason Jin's admission was denied.

"He what?" Chynna urged. She could read his mind and she was well aware of what he wanted to say.

"Nothing," Jun muttered.

"You are sure?"

"Yes," Jun muttered.

"I have advice for you, stop suspecting a weak woman like me and start investigating the matter. Find all your arch enemies, and I assure you spotting The Boss will be easy. There's no way I could have done such a thing and as for the list you were talking about, I don't think you should include my name because I hold no grudges against The Boss." Chynna said.

"Don't tell me what to do, women," Jun warned. "Leave now."

"I was about to leave now, Jun." Chynna chuckle. "Just follow my advice.

With a big grin on her face, Chynna left the cafe.

~Jun doesn't know and he will never come to discover who kidnapped Wei.