Give me everything you've got quickly! !!

In a alleyways between tall building a mugger was mugging a poor man whose age isn't more than 32.

The mugger was a young man with a yellow dyed hair and piercing in his ear. He looked like a drug addict too. Maybe that's the reason for his daylight robbery.

The poor man was trembling and crying out of fear. But he also felt helpless. He is a honest man earning honest living. He has only today got his salary. This salary will feed his family of five including him. If it gets stolen from him, he won't be able to provide his family with food.

Man, I can't give you the money. I need it.

The poor man bravely refused.

I need the money more than you need. He will kill me or worse.

The mugger roared.

The poor man thought what could be worse than being killed.

But still he stood his ground and refused to hand over the money.

Seeing the poor man being so stubborn, the mugger finally lost control of his mind. He took out a knife from his pocket.

Seeing the mugger taking out a knife, the poor man tried to run out of instinct. But as soon as he moved, the mugger stabbed him in the back.

The poor man felt his back being stabbed by the mugger. He moved his hand back to the place where the knife struck him. He felt the warm red blood gushing out of there.

The mugger was also terrified. He tried to get the money peacefully but this happened. He cursed the day he met the devil.

He was a-

Ya know it

He was a-

He is here!!!!!

Oh, no there ain't no rest for the wicked

Until we close our eyes for good"

Not even 15 minutes later

I'm still walking down the street

When I saw the shadow of a man creep out of sight

And then he swept up from behind

He put a gun up to my head

He made it clear he wasn't looking for a fight

He said, "Give me all you've got

I want your money not your life

But if you try to make a move, I won't think twice"

I told him, "You can have my cash

But first you know I got to ask

What made you want to live this kind of life?"

He said, "There ain't no rest for the wicked

Money don't grow on trees

I got bills to pay

I got mouths to feed

There ain't nothing in this world for free

I know I can't slow down

I can't hold back

Though you know, I wish I could

Oh no there ain't no rest for the wicked

Until we close our eyes for good"


[Enters our evil MC into the scene. For this book the song "Ain't no rest for the wicked " is both our MC's entry song and theme song. ]

Isn't that right now, Tim?

The mugger shuddered when he heard someone singing behind him. But he is more afraid of the man singing the song.

He will never forget this voice in his entire life. This is the devil who ruined his life. The reason he is here now. But he is afraid of this devil so much that he is not even able to move in his presence.

Tim : Bo-sss Lucifer. What are you doing here? Did you co-co-me to find me? I have the money and I was ab-ab-ab-out to go to see you in a while.

The mugger named Tim was stuttering in front of the guy named Lucifer. He also called him Boss.

Lucifer : no, I was just passing through and saw that something is going on so I stopped by to spectate the scene.

The new guy named Lucifer spoke casually as if there wasn't a half - dead guy lying on the ground in his own blood pool. He is a handsome 25+ something aged man. His looks are not some ordinary handsome face but like a piece of art. He is tall, black hair and black eyes like charcoal. His dresses are also black. He wore a black linen shirt and pants which are worn nicely and accentuated his devilishly charming persona even more.

Lucifer : So , do you have the money?

Lucifer asked Tim with an intense tone.

Tim : yes, here is the money.

Tim, the mugger ran towards the poor man stumblingly. He searched the half-dead man for the money and the guy named Lucifer just stood there and watched this amusedly.

Tim fumbled here and there for money. Finally, he found the money and took it.

The blood - soaked man saw his hard earned money being stolen by a mugger as he lost track of reality slowly.

Before the mugger could fully leave the man, he(the poor man) caught his(Tim) arm one last time.


But Tim jerked off his hand hastily and left the poor man to die. Who knows what the poor man wanted?

Tim : Here is the money I owe you, boss. You will let me go now, right boss?

Tim handed over couple of stacks of notes which had some blood on it.

Lucifer : yes, the previous debt is now clear.

Lucifer said without even counting the money and kept them in his pocket.

Tim : good, good.. finally, I am free.

Lucifer gave him a dark smile suddenly.

Lucifer : but you know what about this murder you committed. You know as a model citizen, I have to report you to the police.

Tim was scared so much that his heart almost stopped. He didn't know what to say or do.

He already committed one murder. What about the consequences though??

He was scared of even thinking that.

Lucifer : we can come to an agreement if you make a deal with me again.

Tim didn't know if he should be happy or sad. Deal with the devil is never a good thing for a human.

But he didn't want to go to jail for murder. It will destroy his life. So he didn't have other choice.

Tim : OK. What is the deal?

Lucifer smirked slightly, feeling elated that the fish got even more entangled in the net.

Lucifer : good, I will tell you when the time comes. For now, let's just think you owe me a favor.