Lucifer looked on as Tim left the alleyways fumbling.

Humans... haah...

Lucifer shook his head in disappointment.

"And I was cast out because of them. Became A Fallen Angel "

What irony!

Lucifer was about to leave when the corpse of the poor man made a sound.

What the fuck...

Ghost! Ghost! Ghost!

Lucifer had a fright and cried out loud.

But then he remembered who he is and there is no ghost.

He looked left and right cautiously.

"Phew.. Thank me, no one saw this. Otherwise, I'll be the laughingstock of the Millennium. "

Lucifer calmed down when he was sure that no one saw his embarrassing moment a while ago.

"Now what do we have here?"

Lucifer got close to the corpse of the poor man to investigate.

"Ah, you poor soul. You are still clinging onto your life. Such a tenacious soul."

That's right. The poor man is still alive but barely hanging by a thread.

Lucifer : So what do you want? Huh, why hang on so desperately? Revenge? Love? Lust? Responsibility?

The poor man does not speak.

Lucifer : even if you die, nothing will change. Your family will also forget you and live on normally. The same if you live. No one cares if you live or die. You will just be ordinary human being like all others. But I can give you the chance to be something more than ordinary.

The man was still silent but he was breathing with difficulty.

Lucifer : I take your silence as yes. Good choice. Now to be more than ordinary human. You need to sign a contract with me. Ah, silly me. Forgot to introduce myself. I am Lucifer, yeah, the same guy who rebelled and got kicked out of heaven. Oh, but I don't rule the underworld as people think. That is the place I will end up eventually so I am gathering neighbors here on earth.

The man was not responding and that annoyed Lucifer.

Lucifer : OK, let's get on with the contract. I will loan you a demon who will live inside you for your entire life and help you take care of things. In exchange, you will offer me your soul when you die and accompany me as a neighbor in the underworld when we go there. OK, simple as that.

The poor man made a sound this time.

Lucifer : what? You happy? No need to thank me. I cannot just see you suffer here.

Saying that Lucifer produced a contract paper out of thin air. Then he proceeded to sign the contract with the poor man.

The man lost a lot of blood and could not move so he could not sign the paper.

But luckily Lucifer's contract works without signing too. He just needs to make the poor man touch it and the contract will be completed.

When the poor man's blood soaked hand touched the contract, the contract turned blood red. Then it disappeared in smoke.

Lucifer : So the contract is complete now. Let me keep my part of the deal.

Lucifer then grabbed his hair and plucked a few strands of his own black hair and fed it to the poor man.

Then he waited for a few minutes and saw the man's wound heal gradually. He nodded his head and left the alleyways with broad smile in his face.

Outside of the alleyways, in the main road stood a vintage Aston Martin DB5.

Lucifer got into the vintage car and started the car. Then he drove away the car and sang his favorite songs modified version.

"Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked

Money don't grow on trees

I got souls to steal

I got demons to feed

There ain't nothing in this world for free

I know I can't slow down

I can't hold back

Though you know

I wish I could

Oh, no there ain't no rest for the wicked

Until we close our eyes for good"



Lucifer laughed in satisfaction.

The car then sped away .


In the alleyways,

The poor man woke up. He was confused and his head hurt like hell. It is like he was in a long nightmare.

Then he remembered he was mugged.

"That was my salary for this month. How will I feed my family now?"

"Just snatch from someone else like the mugger did, Jack."


Who's speaking? Who called my name?

The poor man is called Jack.

Jack was surprised when someone spoke to him. But nobody is here. He shook his head helplessly and thought he is having trouble with hearing due to the stabbing.

The stabbing!!!!!

He was stabbed.

Why is he still alive?

He looks around and saw a blood pool.

Then he saw his clothes are also bloodied.

He could not understand what happened. If he was stabbed by the mugger, he should be dead. There is no money on him so he was definitely mugged. This is the fact.

But then why is he still alive? And how does he explain the blood pool? There is no mark anywhere in his body that proves that he was stabbed. So whose blood is it? Also why is his clothes torn and bloodied then?

So many questions and so little answers.

But for Jack most pressing issue is money.

"I must report to police about the mugging. But I have to hide the story of stabbing. Otherwise they will think I am a fraud."

"I also need to change my bloody clothes. They will create unnecessary suspicion."

But where to get the clothes?

At this time, he felt his head burning and his consciousness fading. He also heard someone laughing.

"Don't worry, Jack. I will take care of your dilemma. You just sleep now."

Jack resisted in vain and his body was occupied by a demon that Lucifer loaned him.

"It's so good to have a body."

The demon laughed maniacally.

Then he got to the entrance of the alleyways and pulled a passers-by inside the alley.

"No shouting. Otherwise you will be dead. I just want your clothes. "