
Lucifer was stunned for a moment.

Nobody ever steals something from him. Luna being missing is a great blow for him.

The reason?

Luna is a protected human. Lucifer is the one protecting her. So if something happens to her under his protection that's a great stain in his reputation. Everyone will think that the devil is gullible now.

Lucifer : So what are you waiting for? Find her. Use all our demons to search the whole damn city. Leave no stone unturned. I want her found alive and well.

Lucifer barked at Merrybilim furiously. Merrybilim also rushed to relay the devil's order. Although Merrybilim was just the messenger of the bad news, she still felt scared. But she knew what was going to happen and still relayed the news to Lucifer herself. She knew that Lucifer needed to be made aware about the situation.

Lucifer also felt helpless in this regard. Nobody can calm him once he is angry. In order to calm his anger he needs to find the person responsible and make him pay.


In front of a police station,

Jack was leaving the police station hurriedly. He was scared and confused.

He was mugged and he thought he was dead after being stabbed by the mugger.

But then when he got his sense back from his supposed dead state, he lost his sense again.

When he came to sense again, he was inside a police station, about to give his statement on the mugging incident. But he had no idea how he came from the alleyways to the police station or how he got these clean, blood-free new clothes on him.

He was confused, very confused. This day is almost coming to an end. But so many horrible things happened to him already.

Jack walked along the roads through the crowds of people. As he kept walking, the crowd kept decreasing but the gloominess in his heart was only increasing.

Suddenly he felt something soft falling on his head from above. It was a ball made of scrunched up paper.

He looked up and saw he was under a building. The building was very tall. It's almost about 6 storied but new. It's like it was just finished building.

"Where did this come from?"

Jack was surprised when he saw this paper ball. he opened the ball of paper. There was something written on it.

"Call this number for help.


save us


Jack was surprised.

Who knew he wil come across a sos letter?

But where did this come from?

Jack was hesitating on what to do. He didn't know if this letter is even real. There's no window in this side of the building. So if anyone was trapped inside, they shoud not have thrown it from a window.

Throwing it across the wall is impossible too because the wall is too high for someone to throw something beyond the wall.

The only possible way this paper can be passed is from the main gate of the building. But there's a guard standing behind the large iron gate.

He thought if he should ask the guard about it. But then he thought if there's really a crime happening in this building, then the probability of the guard being part of it is also high.

But Jack still felt a bit hesitant. He didn't want to get himself mixed into this mess.

But what Jack didn't know is that just on the otherside of that wall a guy was holding a boy's mouth so that he cannot scream. The boy looked like 10 years old or something.

He struggled to get out of the guy's grip but failed. Then the guy dragged him inside the building while the boy struggled helplessly.

Nobody came to his help when Jack was in need of help today, because of that Jack held a lot of disappointment towards everyone so he ignored the help letter and went home instead.

His home was in the Carmel road. It's a highly populated area. The people who live here are mostly not so rich. They live a life of Middle Class family.

Jack's family is the same. In his family there are five people. He is the only earner in his household. His wife is a housewife. She is a woman of infinite needs. Nothing seems to satisfy her.

Their marriage is not a love marriage but Jack loves his wife dearly. It's just his wife is sometimes too much for him. Her greed for fame and luxury is an obstacle in their married life.

When Jack entered his home, two little angels rushed towards Jack. These two little angels are his daughters. One is called Maria, other Dalia.

Maria is one year older than Dalia. They are both cute little angels.

"Welcome home, Father. "

Maria and Dalia welcomed their father with cheerful smile.

Jack kissed both girls in cheek and their head.

The girls giggled at his show of affection towards them.

"Where's your elder brother?"

"Big bro went out to play and still didn't come back."

"Hmm, where's your mom now?"

"Mom went out to look for brother."

"When did she go out?"

"An hour ago."

Jack was disturbed hearing this. He didn't know why but he had a bad premonition in his heart.

But he didn't think hard about it. He thought his son must have gone to a friends house and his wife will return with his son in a bit.

So he didn't go out to find them and waited for them in the house with his daughters.

"So what happened today? Tell me if There's something interesting happened."

Jack chatted with his daughters, asked them how they spent their day. They shared everything they did today with him. He almost forgot about his deadly experience.

But even after half an hour his wife didn't return.

What's taking Della so long?

Jack was worried about his wife and son now. Also his earlier bad experience made him even more worried. He was scared if they also came to face with something similar.


Then his households land phone started ringing. He picked up the phone anxiously.

"Your son Charlie has been kidnapped. If you want to save him you will do exactly as i say. If you try to call police or ask for help from someone then you will get your son's head and body in two different parcel delivered to your home. Wait for my next call in an hour."


Peep peep peep

Jack dropped the phone from his hand after the call ended. Two string of tears immediately rolled down from his eyes.
