



That was the only word swirling around Jack's mind now. He felt a emptiness when he learned his son was kidnapped, like everything in and out turned blank.

Then when he snapped out of that strange blank state, he felt anger. So much anger...

Jack did not know that he had so much anger in him. So much hatred is bubbling up inside him that he wanted just destroy everything.

His anger, hatred, self-loathing and all the negative and violent thoughts were creating violent waves in his heart.

His eyes turned dark, literally dark like ink and he looked like a scary demon.


Suddenly his daughters called out together.

He trembled a bit and looked at them, his eyes also turned normal.

"Yes, my dear."

Jack quickly responded to the girls.

"Da-ad, you looked scary earlier. Very scary."

The older one, Maria expressed what she saw. Dalia also bobbed her head up and down to show that she also felt the same.

Jack could not comprehend why he acted like that. Today is the most cursed day in his life. He hid his anxiety from the girl and smiled in a half-crying fashion.

"I am sorry, children. Please forgive me.", Jack said that while sobbing. He couldn't hold back tears thinking what was happening to him today.

"But dad, why are you crying? Don't cry."

The youngest daughter, Dalia hugged her father's leg and pleaded him not to cry.


The door of their apartment opened up slamming. A beautiful woman around the age of 27-28 came in rushing. When she saw Jack, she became even more frantic.

"Jack, Jack, It's serious trouble now. You have to listen to me."

"Della, Just STOP SHOUTING . Can't you see the children are here?"

Seeing his wife's frantic behaviour, Jack raised his voice. His wife also stopped shouting.

"Maria and Dalia, go to your room. Mommy and Daddy needs to discuss important matter."

"Um, ok."

Both girls were very obedient, they nodded their head and went to their room. They lived in the same room.

After sending the girls back to their room, Jack faced his wife, Della calmly.

"Let's sit down and talk calmly."

Della was surprised greatly. What happened to his husband today? He feels really different today, like there is a aura of oppression, aura of control. Della felt she could not deny his command.

Della was anxious because their son is missing. He went out to play in the playground but did not return. So she went to check if he went with some friends to their house. But after searching the whole block, she didn't find her. That's why she came home with such a panicked state.

Della took a seat in the sofa and Jack sat right beside her.

Seeing how much panicked Della was, Jack guessed the reason must be the disappearance of their son, Charlie. He didn't know how to break the news to Della, he would have hidden the news if it was something else. But he cannot hide this news from his wife, Charlie's mother.

Della was more attached to Charlie than the Girl's. She won't stop until she finds him.

"Charlie is missing. "

Jack decided to initiate the talk.

"What? How!‌!!"

Della expressed her astonishment hearing Jack.

"How did you know?"

"The kidnappers called. "


Della burst out in fear.

Jack knew it's going to be hard. So he began explaining the situation to his wife....


In the train station of A-city,

This station is generally empty at this time of the day. The train also left from this station. There's currently no train at this moment.

A man in white suit was sitting in a bench while looking at his watch. He had long blonde hair which was tied like a ponytail.

A few minutes later, someone's footsteps were heard from his behind.

"You're late."

"Hehehe, sorry for making you wait. But Gabriel, you can just come to the church to meet, you know."

"I like it here. It's peaceful here and i don't like to go to church. "

"Hahahaha, you are so weird. An angel that doesn't like to go to church. That's really hilarious. "

The face of angel Gabriel remained unchanged. Being messenger his entire life, Gabriel learned how to ignore such remarks.

The person who came to meet Gabriel is a College student. He came wearing his College uniform.

"Did you do what i told you?"

"Yeah, all done."

"Good, for now my work is done."

"Eh, are you leaving? Will we meet again?"

"Hopefully not. If we meet, then it Will be disastrous."

"Huh, can you elaborate? "

"No, Goodbye. "

Saying that Gabriel vanished from the bench in the blink of an eye.

The person who came to meet Gabriel sighed and left too. He was feeling a little upset about Gabriel leaving but that's how messengers worked. There's no need to stay when there's no message to deliver.


Lucifer was driving his car, but this time he wasn't in the mood to sing. He was searching for Luna.

He mobilised his entire demonic force to search for her. But no one seems to know anything.

"I swear when i find the guy who did this, i am going to burn him to death."

Lucifer spat out angrily.


Suddenly his phone rang...

Lucifer picked up his phone. It's Merrybilim who called him.

"hey, Did you get any news?"

"Boss, someone called my number and told me that he got a paperball containing sos message and my number. There was a name written on it too."

"What name? "


Lucifer's lips curled up in a demonic smile.


Lucifer felt a little bit amused at the situation. The reason will be explained later.


Merrybilim gave him all the information she got from the informant.


Saying that lucifer disconnected the phone and increased his speed.

"Now, Let's see who is going to feel pain today. I shall see what human is so daring to stand my way."