Wings Of Chaos


The night was deep and eerily quiet. The highway road was empty, barely any vehicles were there. But still one can still see a few vehicles, mostly heavy transportation truck and vans.

In this dead of the night, a black semi truck was going on with a high speed. If one drove this truck with so much speed in daytime than they were bound to get into a road accident. But the semi truck had no intention of slowing down.

The driver of the truck was a man who looked not more than 30. He had a panicked face, anxious disposition. He was none other than Jack. He was currently driving this truck.

As for why he was driving this truck, that is because that is what he had to do for the kidnappers. When Jack went to the designated place told by the kidnapper, he was given this truck and was instructed to deliver this truck to an address.

Jack didn't know what was inside this truck and he didn't want to know but he was very nervous while driving.


Lucifer has finally reached his destination. It was very far from his office.

He was standing in front of the same building as the one where Jack stood before and got a letter asking for help.

Lucifer sized up the building from top to bottom. He could not help but get angry about thinking how daring they are that they crossed his path. He will make them disappeare from the face of the earth.

But as he tried to enter the building the guard at the door blocked him.

"Hey stop. This is private property. You can not trespass around here. Go back now or.."

"Or what?"

"Or you will regret being born."

"Regret, huh?"

Lucifer then kicked the guard in his chest and the flew away spewing blood. The guards body broke the door and crashed inside the thick concrete wall.

The front door breaking and the guards body crashing alarmed the people inside the building.

"What happened?"

"What is that loud sound?"

" you morons, go and check it out quickly. "

Lucifer leisurely walked inside. Although he was walking leisurely, he wasn't calm. He only had destruction inside his mind.

Lucifer entered through the broken front door. At that moment, a guy in his early twenties came and freaked out.

" oy..oy.. What the hell happened here? "

Then he noticed Lucifer's presence and began shouting at him.

"Hey you, who are you? What are you doing here?"

The guy was pointing fingers at Lucifer, the devil himself and he didn't like it at all.

So he grabbed the finger pointed at his face and twisted it. The guy screamed so loud that the whole building shook up by his scream.

At that time many more people came out who looked like street goons and thugs. They are each holding sharp knives and pistol in their hands. They really looked like part of some dangerous terrorist groups. But alas! They were facing the ancestor of all evil, not some innocent human.

" I hate people who point their fingers at my face when talking. " Lucifer snorted at the man whose finger he just broke.

" argh..argh.."

This scene was seen by everyone who arrived then. They looked at the man with broken finger and felt sorry for the poor guy. They also felt extreme anger towards Lucifer who caused it.

" argh.. You bastard! I will kill you."

Saying that the man with broken finger took out a pistol from his jacket and started shooting.

* Bang*Bang *Bang..*

He emptied the whole magazine of bullets. A small streak of smoke could be seen rising from the pistol due to constant firing.

But the man could not feel happy. In fact, he could not feel anything. What he saw was completely out of his expectations.

Fear! Deep bone crushing Fear!

His heart gave birth to a one of a kind fear that he never felt in his life before.

He saw the impossible. But that only made him fearful.

He saw that after firing all the bullets in his face he wasn't moving anymore. He saw Lucifer's mangled and bloody face. He thought he had destroyed the face of the arrogant bastard who looked down on him. But he was wrong.

He saw the blood and pieces of flesh of Lucifer's face wriggling and going back in place. It was a creepy motion to look at. But he couldn't look away because his body froze due to fear. Lucifer's face was restoring.

When his face finally restored a big smile that wasn't heart warming at all could be seen in his face. It was more like the smile of a demon.

"Mo-monster.. who are you ?"

" kekeke.. Me? I am the Devil."

"What are you guys looking at? Kill him."

The man with broken finger shouted crazily in fear. Although he wasn't the leader of this group but the scene was witnessed by the others too and that scene of Lucifer's mangled and bloody face restoring carved a fear in their heart too.

Every single thugs here pointed their guns at Lucifer.

One side has One devil and the other side had at least ten thugs armed with guns. They faced each other with different emotion in their heart.

"Come, fire your guns. I will let you fire first before you all die." Lucifer said with his hand indicating to come.

"Die, you freak! Die!"




All of the thugs here kept on firing their guns simultaneously. Loud firing sound kept on ringing in the ground floor of the building for a few minutes.

But nothing happened to Lucifer. He was completely safe. He blocked the bullets from hitting him with the pair of wings that sprouted from his back.

The wings were blood red in colour with a blackish border. They were not graceful like Angel wings. They were bony and the feathers were red coloured and had metallic texture.

They looked like a Wings Of Chaos.