
Lucifer stopped all the bullets fired towards him with his metallic blood red Wings Of Chaos. His wings looked demonic and battle hardened. The rain of bullets did not even scratch it's surface much less penetrating it.

"Kekeke.. bunch of fools. You don't know who you are dealing with. " Lucifer said in a mocking tone.

Then he flapped his wings of chaos and created a powerful gush of wind that sent the whole lot flying in the air.



After Lucifer sent them flying, they crashed in the surrounding walls.



"It hurts.."

The group of thugs all suffered various degree of damage as they were moaning and groaning in pain.

"Oh, c'mon. That isn't enough to knock out all of you. Get back on your feet. I have so much pent up wrath to vent on you guy's. Stand up, Stand up quickly. "

Lucifer kept on taunting them.

"You monster.. Who are you? What do you want from us?"

"0hmm.. What do I want? I should be the one asking that? Why did you mess with the wrong devil? Now, you are going to pay for it."

"We don't even know you. So how did we get in your way?"

"Aww .. poor souls, you did not know right?"

As Lucifer kept on talking the thugs laid down on the ground got up slowly on their feet.

".. of course you did not know. If you knew, then you won't have done what you did. But that doesn't mean I will let you go unharmed. Let's play, bitches."

Saying that Lucifer started laughing maniacally and moved his body lightning fast speed. Each time he passed by a thug, he will punch or kick them in their weak spot. They were all human so they will die if Lucifer used a little more force.

But he was controlling his punch power so that they don't die quickly. He was totally toying with them. He left them conscious enough to feel the pain.

"D-Don't.. Stop it please.."

"Have mercy..."

"For God's sake, let us go."

After getting another round of ruthless beating from Lucifer, everyone began to beg for mercy. They even brought up God's name in front of the Devil. This gave them a one way tickets to hell.

" I am going to ask you something now. If you reply even a second later you will die." Lucifer warned the remaining gang members. Only half remained alive after Lucifer beat them up brutally. Those who uttered the word God, died even more horrible death.

Experiencing how ruthless Lucifer can be, the remaining one's shivered in fear and despair. They looked at the winged Devil with extreme fear of death.

"First, what is your group doing here?"

"You beat us up without even knowing what we did. " mumbled one of the gang members.

Although he whispered it in a low voice, Lucifer could hear it crystal clear.

Without any wasted words, Lucifer decapitated the man with a swing of his hand which was fast and sharp like a butchers knife.

Blood sprayed out of his body like a fountain and drenched the floor in red. Lucifer took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood in his hand. The scene was really gory and terrible.

"If you speak anything outside of what I asked you will die a horrible death, so quickly answer me."

After this bloody episode, nobody else dared to speak anything else. They were waiting like a good dog for it's master's order.

" So speak, What are you doing here?"

"We are a group of children kidnappers. "

"Who is your leader?"

" Our leader's name is Orren D'costa. He is a middle aged man. But he is strong and a bit peculiar. "

"Where can I find your boss?"

" He is in the top floor of this building. He monitors everything from there."

" Where are the kidnapped children? Where did you put them?"

"Kidnapped children are kept in the basement usually but today we moved them in the mid floor. "

"How many children are there in this building?"

"Nine kids."

With the previous violence, Lucifer easily got the answer from them. They spilled everything they knew obediently.

"Good, Good... See if you try, you can always behave. Now Die Peacefully. "

Listening to Lucifer, the face of the remaining goon became horror struck. They couldn't believe the horrifying nightmare they were experiencing. They all wanted to wake up from this nightmare quickly.

So Lucifer relieved them from this nightmare by instakilling them.

The floor was now filled with corpses. Lucifer walked on the blood soaked floor. He didn't take the lift but walked upstairs using the stairs, leaving behind bloody footsteps.

As he ascended, he checked each floor but didn't find anything. No traces of any person could be found.

"Hmm, must've moved them up."

Lucifer kept on going up the stairs...


Jack came to the advised place where he was supposed to deliver the truck and make exchange with the kidnappers. When he reached the place he was a little surprised.

" I passed beside this road didn't I? "

He was surprised that he came here in this building again. When he entered the building premises, he didn't see anyone who came to meet him. So he parked the truck and looked around nervously.

' I smell fresh stench of blood from the building. '

" Whaaat? "

Jack's first thought was ' is it my son's? '

Jack hurriedly entered the building. He saw that the front door was badly smashed and broken into pieces.

As soon as he entered through the front door his nostrils were invaded by the stench of blood. After that what he saw was a scene from a nightmare.


A Brutal Bloodbath!!!

Corpses were littered throughout the floor. Some with head, some without. Some with severed limbs, some with smashed faces...

None of the corpses were normal. From the expression of the faces, it can be felt that they died a horrific death.

Most importantly, they were scared of the killer very much.

" Wh-What happened here." Jack asked the question to himself with a shaky voice. He felt his body run cold with fear. Never in his life he thought he will come across something like this.