

In a hospital,

A doctor is currently examining the test report of a patient calmly. The patient is the only son of a middle-class couple. They are currently sitting in front of the doctor anxiously.

The mother kept crying due to fear and sadness while the father looked tense. The father also looked like he had gone through hell recently. He had bruises on the uncovered parts of bodies that looked painful.

"Your son has completely lost his eyesight," the doctor told them without hesitation.

Hearing that, the mother cried even more. She felt despair like never before. Just thinking of her son's future pains her so much that she feels like the world is crashing down around her.

"Is there no hope doctor?" the husband asked as his voice quivered with fear of a negative answer.

"There is a way." came a positive reply from the doctor that gave them a glimmer of light in this dark situation.