Asmodeus Aeshma

"Stuck? Is something wrong?" Azriella worriedly asked.

Black flames surrounded Azrael's body. A vein popped out from his forehead. And blood came pouring from his clenched fist.

He remembered the most embarrassing event that happened in his whole life.

"I want you, Azrael Morningstar, to follow all my orders forever."

Liam's voice echoed in Azrael's mind.

'Although knowing that he's a special existence, I can't still help but get angry at the fact that a human tricked me.' He bit his lip.

"What's wrong?" Seeing her reaction, she hurriedly flew to his side. She held his blazing hand to show her worry.

Azrael calmed down and retracted his rampant power.

"Something came up. A personal problem of mine." He said, with no hint of shame and hesitation.

"Personal problem? Here on Earth? Don't tell me you've fallen in love with a human?" Azriella gasped.

Both angels and demons were forbidden to fall in love with any human. This wasn't any rule nor order. It's just a purely natural law. A human can't see nor feel a spirit's presence. Only special kinds of humans could converse with them (examples are the five chosen families).

So seeing each other in the first place was almost impossible. Meaning to say, falling in love with a human was the same as one-sided love. You won't achieve anything, a waste of time.

"No, I didn't!" Azrael's aura went berserk once more.

"Then what's this personal problem?" She tilted her head cutely.

"Don't tell me you don't trust this big sis?" She harrumphed.

"It's not that... It's embarrassing... I'll tell you what it is after I solve it." He could at least promise this.

Azriella sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

She laughed. Her laughter was soothing to the ears. It was as if an angelic goddess was singing in your ears, contrary to what she really was. "Oh well. Just don't break your promise. I'm just kinda curious what problem my all-mighty brother is facing right now."

Azrael pouted.

"You could leave now. Thank you for visiting me." He turned his head sideways. Afraid that Azriella will see his burning face.

But how could his sister miss this? She silently smiled sweetly and rubbed Azrael's head.

"Take care Al, I don't want you to endanger yourself too much. Remember, your life is more important for me and for dad. Don't go dying on us."

Azriella could still see internal wounds Sisyphus has caused during their battle in Azrael's body.

Liam might not notice this, but Azrael has been in deep pain too.

Holy energy was running rampant inside his body, destroying his body on the inside. Azrael has to continuously heal himself and suffer intense pain.

It will at most take hundred of years before it will completely heal.

An hour of pain was just like a drop in the ocean comparing to what Azrael has to endure.

Azrael felt warm in his heart. Demons were vicious, cold, and dangerous in nature. Normally they don't care even about their own child, siblings, family, and all relationships. That's how they were made.

But their Father was special. He was more human-like in nature. Perhaps because he was the first and the longest to interact with humans. Remember that this fallen angel was the one who bestowed the first language to those humans.

Although he was one of the Kings of Hell, he was born and created as an angel in the first place. It's just that he chose this path for himself. He betrayed his creator for the sake of proving his superiority. He isn't the first and most prideful creature in existence for nothing.

Azrael hugged his sister. He was really lucky to have her.

"Big sis, I found a trace of where big bro is." He whispered. He decided to at least tell this to her. To ease her worries even if it's a little.

Azriella was shocked to the bones. But she shook her head and hugged her brother back, patting his head on the process.

Azriella has never seen her big brother since she was born. Her father only said that he was just somewhere out there, doing useless stuff. But she heard a rumor his big brother, Lucifer's firstborn, was already killed.

But although Lucifer was prideful, he wasn't a liar. She still believed that her brother was just out there. He'll appear soon enough.

"How does he look? Is he alright? Will he return?" Azriella has many questions of her own.

"I'm still not entirely sure if he is what I think he is, big sis. It's complicated." Azrael pushed Azriella away and scratched his cheeks.

"Oh? Tell me more." Azriella curiously asked.

"He's arrogant in his own way." He angrily remembered his face.

"Well of course. Who's son is he?" Azri laughed.

"He's too annoying. A mischievous person! He's also powerless in the meantime. A pitiful creature. A weak child. And what's worse is he's a battle maniac and a psycho."

Azrael was raging just remembering what happened since the day they met.

"You two seem to get along well." Arzi clapped her hands.

"We don't. I hate him." Azrael replied in a matter of fact.

"Also I forgot to mention, it seems he lost his memories. To him, he's just an ordinary boy who just got lucky because he enslaves a..." Azrael suddenly stop.

'Cr*p. I almost snitched myself.' He perspired

"Enslave a what?" Azriella eyed him suspiciously.

"Uhmmm... did I say enslave? I said he save someone. He saves someone important. Yeah Earning his respect. Yeah, that's what I meant. I'm not lying. Yeah. That's right. He saves him." Azrael stuttered.

Azriella's blue eyes glittered.

'Al is so cute~'

She giggled and amusingly watch Azrael explained himself.

"It just so happens a very powerful man disguised as a...uhmm...disguise as a beggar was in dire straits. And...uhmm...yeah...he saves him...And because of this... uhmm...of course...he...he...helped Liam grow powerful. Yeah..." Azrael was not good at lying. In fact, he was so bad at lying that it was better if he just stays quiet in the first place.

He could lie in front of Liam. But to his family, he can't.

Azriella didn't stop him and only did her best to stop laughing out loud. Her little brother was perfect in all aspects. Except for the fact that his lying skills in front of her and their Father were negative billion percent.

After literally explaining himself for fifteen minutes, he stopped. He was flushed red.

'Did Azri believe that? I think she does. I'm sure I lied my way through.' He rubbed his nose in his accomplishment.

"Ohhh. I see. I see." Azriella simply replied. Although her shaking body betrayed what she said.

Azriella spread her dark blue wings. Flashes of lightning kept crackling all over it. "Anyways, I'll be going now. I also have my mission to accomplish."

"Interesting. What kind of mission?" Azrael inquired.

"A simple task. Infiltrate the castle of Asmodeus Aeshma, the Sin of Lust." Her demeanor change entirely. And her face was full of disgust.

Azrael's face also changed. He flashed a dangerous glint and his killing intent surrounded a large radius.

Asmodeus was widely known for his insatiable lust. He has raped millions of angels, demons, and humans alike. The Demon God turn a blind eye to this since he was a powerful chess piece of his. And Asmodeus knew this full well.

He has been asking for Azriella hands for centuries.

Azriella was known for being the most beautiful demon in Hell. Perhaps one of the most beautiful beings in the universe.

Asmodeus also tried forcing himself for her. Luckily Azriella isn't just beautiful. She was also powerful. Her strength doesn't lose out to Satan Abaddon himself.

Lucifer also warned the Demon King.

"Don't make me force my hand. Touch a single strand of her hair and I shall obliterate you. I have warned you, peasant."

Hearing those words, Asmodeus hadn't touched, not even appeared in Azriella's presence since then. That's how mighty their Father was.

And now Azri dared to enter his castle? This was illogical. She was putting herself in danger, madness!

But Azrael didn't stop her. He knew she has something important to finish. She can handle herself.

"I know you're worried, little brother. But don't worry. I got this." She smiled sweetly.

"Exosia: Thunder Conveyance"

A lightning tattoo glowed in Azriella's right hand.

"Farewell, brother. I shall wait for you and big bro's return to Hell."

After saying that a large thunder dropped from the sky, covering the woman entirely.

After the sky cleared up, Azriella was nowhere to be seen.

"Fortune favors the bold."


The sun rose and sunlight bathed the city. The golden color spread all over the place penetrating a window and shining its light at a young man. 

Liam woke up with bloodshot eyes.

"Azrael lied! The pain lasted for god d*mn three hours. I thought I'll die!" He snarled.

He cleaned his room and went downstairs.

"Oh my. Are you not feeling well today, son?" Veronica touched Liam's forehead.

"You're burning! Go back to your room, I'll bring breakfast and medicine later. Don't push yourself too hard" She worriedly wiped her son's face with warm water.