My Own Superhero Costume

Liam unwillingly went back to his room.

After closing the door, he called Azrael out loud.

"Azrael! I need your help!"

An ink-black portal appeared in Liam's room and from there, Azrael stepped out.

"What do you want?" He grumbly asked.

"Nothing much. Just heal me. I think I have a fever." Liam laid in his bed, exhausted. He felt so weak today.

"Exosia: Healing"

Greenlight surrounded Liam's body. After that, Liam's pale lips regain their colors. His eye bags disappeared. And finally, his strength came back.

Liam jumped out of bed and punched the air a couple of times.

"Your abilities are indeed effective, slave." Liam laughed out loud.

"Call me slave once more and I'll punch your face." Azrael threatened.

"Just kidding. I'll never call you slave ever again, slave." Liam mockingly smiled.

Just as Azrael was about to punch Liam, the door opened and Vanessa entered the room. She brought Liam's breakfast and some medicine.

"What are you doing, son? I said you should take a rest." Vanessa nagged seeing Liam's awkward position.

He was expecting Azrael's punch so he was guarding against it. He has already forgotten how worried his mother was about his health.

"Thanks, mom. But I'm already fine. Maybe I just woke up badly today." Liam smiled.

"What do you mean you're fine! Go to bed mister. You're not going anywhere today." Vanessa ignored what Liam said and beckoned him to rest in bed.

Poor boy. He has no choice but to listen and obediently lay on his bed.

Vanessa patiently fed Liam soup. Her whole being radiated pure love for his son. And her son happily ate her soup, enjoying this mother and son session.

While Azrael was simply looking at the two of them. His expression was unreadable.

Liam wasn't embarrassed being spoon feed like this especially considering his age. He was turning eighteen exactly next month.

"Time flew fast. It feels like yesterday you were just a little innocent child. But look at you now. You're already a stubborn young man." Vanessa teared up remembering the days when Liam was just a little boy.

"Stop it, mom. You're making me blush." Liam who was already blushing stopped his mom from continuing her dramatic words. Azrael was still in the room. Although he felt no shame being spoon-fed, his mother spouting embarrassing words was different.

After finishing his breakfast, Veronica made him drink his medicines.

"I'll be back in your room at noon. Don't worry, I notified work earlier, I'll be taking a leave today. Rest well, sweetie." Her mother kissed Liam's forehead and left.

When Liam was sure that his mom was already downstairs, he jumped out of bed. Not forgetting to lock the door of course.

"Hehehe..." Liam rubbed his hands together, seemingly thinking of an idiotic thing to do today.

"Let's go and search for villains today Azrael." He suddenly thought of an idea.

Since he wanted to be a hero and make the world know his name, he must first announce his existence.

"As for my superhero suit..." Liam tapped his chin.

"Any thoughts Azrael?" He asked the Demon.

"I don't know such things. Why not just wear a random suit or normal clothes." Azrael shrugged his shoulders.

"Hmmmmm" Liam ignored Azrael. His sense of style was idiotic. He regretted asking him.

"I think I'll just wear a black trench coat. That will better complement my black wings. Then a black turtleneck, black pants, and black shiny shoes." Liam smiled at the image in his mind.

Although it sounded like he was only wearing random clothes, with Azrael's help, it will be more useful.

He also wanted a unique look. Not too techy, not too eye-catching, not too medieval-looking, not too weird-looking. His chosen clothes looked normal, modern, and fine.

"They also must be waterproof. And fireproof too. I'll go to many dangerous places after all. My suit must not get easily broken or destroyed." He said out loud.

"I can't also just show my face, so I'll be needing a mask. I still want a normal life, bro. And wouldn't it be awesome if I have double identities? Just imagining it makes my blood boils. This is every teenager's dream!" He exclaimed.

"This will make me famous easier. Since my hero suit is unique and more fashionable than others." He stared at Azrael.

"Hey, come here. Put your hands on my head. I have something for you to make me." Liam grinned.

"Oh by the way. I remembered you chanting and using magic. Why didn't you use your Exosia in the first place? Are they different power altogether or you're just bullsh*tting me?" Liam asked sternly.

Azrael sighed.

"It's different from each other. It's called black magic. Exosias are more like abilities and black magic is simply magic that can be cast by some demon." He explained.

"Some?" Liam raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Some. Only a few can access demon energy and cast spells. Let's just say it's all a matter of talent." He simply described.

"I see. So you can teleport using you're Exosia and also using black magic. Then what's the difference?" Liam asked once more.

"The difference is that Exosia drains my stamina. While black magic drains my mental strength and mana. Simple as that." Azrael lazily answered him.

'What an inquisitive child' He praised and grumbled at the same time.

Liam put that information and his head. "Okay then. Now use that black magic and make something appear out of thin air. Hehe..."

"Fine..." Azrael lazily put his hands on Liam's head.

"Go on. Imagine the things you need." The Demon yawned.

"Hehe..." Liam closed his eyes and snickered.

Azrael could also see what he wanted to make. Seeing all those plain black clothes he frowned. Remembering his big sister's dark blue wings and those crackling lightnings surrounding it, he smiled.

After thirty seconds, all the things Liam imagined appear.

Azrael's knowledge of this world isn't minuscule. He memorized almost everything in this world. He precisely knew what he needed to make Liam's high-quality clothes.

Not just that, but all these clothes were exactly Liam's size! You can say these are Liam's exclusive clothes.

He used every precious materials he has on his inventory. The silk, cotton, everything came from Hell and all of those can't be bought with money.

Four ink-black twin-tailed coats appeared on Liam's hands. Not just that but also four black jeans and four turtle neck tops. Four cool-looking masks were also on the floor. And lastly, four pairs of black shoes beside the four masks gently displayed themselves.

But what made Liam raised an eyebrow was the engravings on it. There were dark blue lines that connected and extended to every side of his clothes like a full body tattoo. But what was amazing was that almost every ten seconds in interval, some flashes of lightning were coming from it!

"BUWAHAHAHA" Liam laughed wildly. This look sick!

'Forgive me for looking down on your fashion sense Azrael!'

"Can you put any enchantments in them?" He asked Azrael while trying to contain his excitement.

"I can only enchant it once. Also, the enchantment wouldn't be too powerful. Those mortal clothes couldn't handle too much power from me. Perhaps you could upgrade them in the near future to be more powerful." Azrael suggested.

"That's fine. A single enchantment is better than none. You can pick any enchantment you want. I fully trust your decision regarding this kind of thing." He seriously spoke.

"How about I enchant it on the spot during a battle. So we can be more versatile and cover more weak point of yours." He sugested.

"'Kay fine." Liam agreed

Azrael waved his hands and murmured strange words.


After that Azrael looked at Liam and spoke.

"I'll enhance the first set of clothes first."

Liam excitedly picked one and wore his clothes. He left the spare hero suits in his closet. He then stared at his own reflection on the mirror and voila.

A handsome man with a cool-looking appearance appeared in his vision.

On the back of his coat, there were two short slits. This was purposely designed so that every time he activated his wings, it will simply appear through it. Same design as his turtle neck top, it also has two slits.

"So awesome." Liam smiled.

"Follow me Azrael. This world shall know my existence."

Liam hurriedly opened his windows and looked around. When he was sure no one was in sight, he jumped out of the window and shouted in his mind.

"Exosia: Flight"

Flashes of dark blue lightning materialized out of nowhere. Black fog also covered Liam's body. Combining the two, it was as if a mini cloud of thunderstorm was forming. Two pairs of black wings resurfaced on Liam's back. It perfectly sprouted in his back without any hindrance from his suit.

He didn't forget wearing his mask that covered his jaw. The mask also has dark blue line engravings on it.