Yay! Robbery!

Flying in the skies, Liam attracted a lot of attention. Although there were a ton of superheroes, those who can fly were the minority.

Defying gravity was no simple feat. Those who have wings like Liam could use it to soar on the skies. Or those some biomechanical engineered thrusters or wings installed on their body could also fly above the air.

But defying physics through supernatural force or unknown objects? They do exist but they were the rarity.

Heroes were like celebrities. And there were also extra or compulsory classes to attend that were related to identifying heroes' known abilities. This was implemented because villains and evil continue to roam the faces of Earth.

This compulsory class will help them identify many ways to save their lives by memorizing Heroes' power, tendencies, and habits. This sound redundant and nonsensical but in this world full of danger, a meager amount of information to save your own life is important like water is to humans.

That's why the people on the ground who saw Liam were flabbergasted. His hero suit was too exquisite. And his pair of beautiful black wings was unique in the Heroes and Villains database. They don't know who he was.

"Is it a new hero?" A man in his thirties commented below the ground.

"Maybe a villain. Black coat and wings? It's too sus!" Another man berated him.

This small argument turned into a large-scale debate in a matter of seconds.

"He doesn't look like someone to commit a crime." Someone commented.

"Don't judge someone just because of their looks. So judgemental!" A hot-blooded woman spat on the ground.

"Hey, who said that! Face me if you have the guts!" That similar man shouted angrily.

A tall muscular woman appeared in his vision. Her biceps were bigger than both his legs combine. Her chest hairs were shouting aggresiveness

"Oh? I'm here in front of you. So what were you saying?" This woman laughed.

The people in the surroundings left a space for the two of them.

The man in question immediately prostrated in front of her.

"This old man is blind to not recognize a gorill- eh Mt. Tai!" He yelled.

"Hey, that old man was about to say gorilla, no?" Someone shouted in the crowd. Obviously wanting this farce to grow.

A drop of tear dropped from the old man's eyes. 'I guess I'm destined to die today...'


"Humans are indeed stupid. Why are they fighting for such childish reasons? Sigh~" Azrael scratched his head in frustration.

"Eh? What the heck is wrong? You're spouting bullsh*ts again, Azrael." Liam stared at the demon weirdly.

Azrael's hearing was indescribable by human standards. He could hear everything from a mile radius if he wished. He naturally heard everything those ants were fighting about.

While Liam was kept in the dark. Knowing nothing about how his appearance created a fight among the masses.

"You're too naive Liam. Your knowledge about human behavior is minuscule." Azrael lifted his imaginary glasses to place.

"Hoh? And who gives a f*ck? The only behavior I know is mine alone. Who cares what the others think." Liam arrogantly threw Azrael a finger.

"A man who's too prideful never lives a long life." Azrael sagely spoke.

"Said the guy whose father's pride towered the heavens." Liam sarcastically replied.

"Ehem..." Azrael blushed.

"Anyways, use your sense thingy. Tell me if you see someone in danger. Or we might be lucky and find a shard here." Liam proposed.

"Affirmative." Azrael closed his eye and sent all his senses to their limit.

On a mile radius, Azrael could see them all. Every speck of dust, everyone's faces, and everything that was happening.

After a while, he opened his eye.

"350 meters, East. A bank robbery." He uttered.

"Holy sh*t! I'm so freaking excited!" Liam changed his directions. And with a single flap, he reached the speed of sound.

After ten seconds, they finally reach the place. But because of breaking the sound barrier, Liam's stamina was almost drained.

He was wheezing when they arrived. He used too much stamina just by going here.

"Too much excitement, Liam. Conserve your energy next time, the outcome of a fight is unknown." Azrael reminded him.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatevs." Liam ignored Azrael.

He slowly descended in the air where a bank robbery was happening.

The cops haven't arrived yet. But judging from the huge hole on the wall of the bank, explosives were used.

The people have already fled. No one seemed to be injured or dead. The robbers sure were efficient in doing their job.

"How should I proceed?" Liam pondered.

"What's the enchantment in this suit again?" He turned to Azrael.

"Indestructible. Enhanced armor and defense." Azrael explained.

"Perfect. Don't interfere, I'll finish this easily." Liam cracked his knuckles. He crossed the road full of confidence.

Liam then entered the broken wall like nothing was wrong.

He saw four armed men greedily packing the money inside a bag. Their face was hidden by your plain old ski masks. Typical robbers.

Their weapons were somehow strange. It resembled those sci-fi weapons with a bluish hue on them.

"Cops will arrive at five minutes at most. Luckily the station is far away from here. Perfect for hoarding easy cash." The man who seemed to be the leader notified his group.

"Come on, we should escape this place now." Another man suggested.

"Let's go, let's go. Old Bob, stop licking the cash. We will leave you if you don't stop that." The youngest-sounding man annoyingly smacked his partner in crime.

Just as they were about to turn around, Liam who was silently observing them opened his mouth.

"So... Uhmm... Ah fuck. It's so awkward introducing yourself to strangers." Liam stomped his foot in frustration.

The four looked at each other. They then shrugged their shoulder since they don't know who this clown was.

"Raise your hands motherf*cker. I'm gonna shoot your d*mn head if you move a single step." The leader aimed his strange rifle at Liam.

The three followed his footsteps and also aimed their guns at Liam.

"Oh, dear. Please don't shoot me. I'm just here to withdraw money." Liam covered his head in fear.

"Is this guy crazy?" Old Bob asked their leader.

"Don't let your guard down. He's suspicious." The leader was cautious. No one in their right mind will just go barging on a robbed bank. His exquisite clothing was also suspicious.

Liam pouted. This guy wasn't cooperating. He dropped his facade and disgustingly stared at them.

"Alright, alright. I'll give you all a chance to drop your weapons and surrender. I'll only give you five minutes at most." Liam arrogantly shouted.

All the robbers laugh. This kid surely has a superhero syndrome or something.


Only the leader kept his poker face. He was about to pull the trigger when Liam threw something in his direction. It was too fast that the man couldn't react.

"Exosia: Weak Telekinesis"

The strange object began to change its direction.

Liam controlled Sharpy and accurately cut the leader's rifle in half.

He has been training this new Exosia of his for some time now. He noted down that the heavier the object he was controlling, the huger the stamina needed.

But his dagger was almost weightless. He could use his Weak Telekinesis on it for a long period of time. But if he put too much force on it, the stamina needed will also increase too.

"Open fire!" The leader shouted upon realizing this kid was the real deal.

Rapid gunshots were heard on the bank. The three fired at will at Liam's direction.

The bullets were blue. They were also stronger compared to normal ones. These bullets exploded upon impact, creating more damage to the target.

Once they run out of bullets, they finally stopped.

Fog and dust were all over the place. The bank was now on the brink of destruction. The firepower of their guns was no joke.

"That should have killed him. Even a Hero with a specialty in defense will be killed by this new gun tech." Old Bob smugly blew the smoke coming from his rifle.

"Be careful. Don't let your guard down." The leader shouted. This boy has already given him too many surprises.

When the fog settled, another black smoke replaced it.

"Eh?" Just as Old Bob muttered this word, a menacing voice resounded in their minds.

"Exosia: Flight"

Liam emerged from the smoke and smugly smiled at them.

His black wings were in display, taunting the robbers to shoot him once more.

"F*cking shoot!" The leader grabs his spare pistol and continuously opened fire. His goons also opened fired while slowly backing away.

Liam covered himself with his wings. He walked in strides and approach these criminals.

"We're out of bullets!" Old Bob shouted.

Liam laughed.

"Thank you for broadcasting that Old Bob!" Liam flapped his wings and he blinked in front of these goons.

"You f*cking mo-"

Liam's fist accurately hit the leader's solar plexus.

Because of Liam's inhumane strength, the poor man's body was flung and crashed on the wall.

"How dare you!" The youngest in the group grabbed his knife and aim to cut Liam's neck.