Noctifer's Scale

Azrael snapped his fingers and a black portal appeared in front of them.

"Let's go!" Liam entered the portal first.

Azrael was about to follow Liam when he sensed something.

He sighed.

'So this was the reason, huh?'

He casually put his hands on the portal.

Liam was looking forward to attending class. After all, he solved the entire misunderstanding, he was excited to talk with his best friend again. He was about to exit on the other side when suddenly a hand gripped his neck.

"Oh come on! What's wrong this time." Liam shouted.

Azrael pulled him out of the portal and raised Liam in the air.

"Wanna know the reason why that man gave those thugs some weapons?" Azrael smiled devilishly.

"Oh? And what's the purpose of that assh*le?" Liam inquired while choking. The demon's hand was still gripping his neck.

"See for yourself. Northeast, 1.2 kilometers. Let's go." He pointed to a specific place using his fingers.

"Don't tell me you're actually interested in doing this hero thing." Liam suspiciously asked.

Azrael gave Liam a disgusting looked and threw Liam with tremendous force.

The poor boy spun on mid-air. He was already exhausted. Adding the dizziness he's feeling right now, he wanted to puke so bad.

He stabilizes himself and used his wings to regain balance in the air.

"Curse you, Azrael!" He wiped the saliva in his mouth.

Since he was also excited for another mission, he didn't make much fuss. He immediately dashed towards the target. He realized his mistake earlier. So he flew at a standard speed. About a hundred kilometers per second. It's actually a fast speed considering he just learn to fly a while ago.

Next time he should probably not get over-excited. Or his stamina won't last a day. Unexpected events might take place. Just like this one.

The people below stared in amazement at Liam. He was an ideal-looking hero to some. While the others didn't react much at him. Heroes nowadays are pretty common. But flying ones are rare.


After two minutes he arrived at the scene.

"I see." A man suspended in the air murmured.

Liam arrived at an old museum. Thugs surrounded the whole building.

Because the police were concentrated on the robbed bank earlier, this place was relatively safe from the police.

Liam was currently enveloped with an invisible spell. Azrael did warn him that this will be the last time he will help him though.

"What's so important inside?" Liam rubbed his forehead.

"Perhaps a unique and mysterious antique!" Liam's eyes gleamed.

Normally, villains will raid places such as museums when they have to steal something really important. But this museum wasn't that famous. It doesn't hold too much important stuff. So it's quite vexing that a lot of manpower was put here.

Now in Liam's mind, he has two options.

First was a head-on collision! He'll dash through at the entrance, warning his enemies on the process. And taking the full brunt of all the bullets. It's the fastest way yet most damaging and idiotic choice.

He wasn't that powerful. But his enchanted suit might shield him from some damage. Nevertheless, he shook his head and thought of the second choice.

The second was stealth and assassination. In real life, this will be so hard and time-consuming. First of all, he isn't a trained assassin. This will be the first time he will engage in such acts.

And unlike in games, those thugs were obviously familiar with each other. Once he took down one enemy, all of those thugs will be alerted within minutes.

"D*mn it!" Liam fumed.

He could ask Azrael to help him but his pride won't allow it. He finally sighed and his left eye blazed.

"The best way currently to get past these thugs is of course the third option. Use what you currently have!"


Liam silently retracted his wings and sneakily went in front of the huge door of the museum.

He was still invisible thanks to his demon slave but his back was soaked in sweat. His face full of determination was staring deeply in front of the door.

So with a maniacal smile, he knocked on the door carefully.

The two thugs guarding the door look at each other. They each held the handle and slowly opened the door.

Liam smiled.

'Sometimes, I can't comprehend my own genius.'

When the whole door was opened, Liam swiftly entered the gap.

What he first saw was chaos. Broken glass, objects, bones, and antiques were scattered. It was as if an elephant entered this establishment.

"What the f*ck man, stop it." One of the guards who opened the door was irritated.

"Are you dumb? Clearly, you're the one who knocked on the door." The other guard furiously yelled.

"Whatever. Just don't do it again. That strange dude might kill us for real this time." They then slowly closed the door once more.

Liam grinned and continued investigating. He entered room by room until finally, he met his foe.

Ten armed men were guarding this specific room. And inside was like a cave-themed chamber.

Liam pondered.

"Ten arm men... Probably there are still ten men inside. Dividing your force equally or leaving a quarter of the team outside to guard is a rational choice."

"Sh*t. Those dudes are the real deal." He frowned.

Unlike the thugs he dealt with earlier in the bank, the soldiers in front of him were releasing a do-not-approach-me aura. His brain was telling him not to engage.

"Think, think, think! Come one, Jimmy Neutron!" He was really in a pinch.

After a minute, a light bulb appeared above his head.

"That's it! If I-" His sentence was cut off when a menacing atmosphere covered his body.

Liam stopped breathing. Sweat was flowing ceaselessly on his forehead.

His mind kept sending signals. Once he moves he'll die!

"Finally, I found one of Noctifer's scale!" A deep beastly voice laughed.

'Noctifer!' Liam gaped.

Noctifer was the creature created by the Demon God to counter Heaven's Lucifer.

It was a serpent capable of mass destruction. And probably that scale contains power beyond imagination.

"I think I need your help, Azrael." Liam still has the gut to chuckle in the face of danger.

"Well, at least this has gotten more fun!" He grinned like a monster.