State of Emergency

Crimson didn't stop on his tracks and destroyed everything in his surroundings. Even the whole museum started collapsing.

The thugs deployed to guard the museum panicked seeing a huge lion galloping non-stop. Those who have poor luck got squashed by Crimson's massive paws.

Using his nose, he detected the Heroes current position.

Actually what he's doing was risky. Quite dangerous to be exact. After five minutes, the Heroes' Association will know his existence and whereabouts. Then after another ten minutes, the city will declare a state of emergency. An S-Rank superhuman was roughly as dangerous as a nuclear bomb.

Letting Crimson roam freely will affect the peace of the country. Many lives will be lost if he wasn't restricted.

And to stop this beast, they have to fight fire with fire. They'll need to deploy S-Rank Heroes to defeat another S-Rank Villain.

But why now? Why did Crimson purposely let himself be known?

Because with Noctifer's Scale, he'll finally transcend. He'll finally escape the shackles of humanity and turn into a new existence. A powerful existence.

With that kind of power, no one will stand on his path to block him. No one can stop him.

With that in thought, Crimson wrecked more havoc. Jumping street by street. Destroying vehicles on his way. And smashing buildings one by one.

After seeing the gigantic lion, many people panicked. Heroes everywhere appeared one by one. The military appeared and barricaded walls to stop Crimson's rampage.

But to no avail.

Adrenaline freely rushed in his blood. Crimson's insanity revealed its fang. He lunged towards a group of soldiers and opened his maw. Eating the poor souls and crushing trucks and cars.

Humans were fragile creatures. Even an almighty Hero could be killed with a single gunshot.

"F*ck! Declare a state of emergency now!" The governor frantically shouted on the telephone. In front of him was a huge screen showing Crimson's unlawful behavior.

"How the hell did an S-Rank Superhuman appear out of nowhere?" He pulled his hair in distress.

Loud ringing sounds were heard all over the city.

Soldiers guided the citizens to different shelters.

These shelters varied. Some were schools, others were public institutions. What's similar about them was that Heroes and soldiers barricaded and guard the said shelter.

"It's been ten years since the first state of emergency." A soldier casually smoking spoke his thoughts out loud.

"Yeah. And this time, that assh*le is insanely powerful." A strange Hero who heard him replied. His ears were unique. They were like bunny ears.

"But don't worry, the Heroes' Association deployed Ms. Copy." He assured the soldiers with reverence in his eyes. His bunny ears cutely wiggled in the air.

"Ms. Copy!" Those who heard him were in awe. The men blushed while the women showed intense admiration.

Copy was one of the most famous female Hero in the world.

Possessing a beauty that could topple kingdoms and empires, she was the most iconic female hero in the country. Not just that but she was also one of the smartest beings in history.

She has only one simple ability. Making it more dangerous.

She could copy everything she touched. It doesn't matter if it's a living or a non-living thing. But the drawback was that she needed their exact measurements and she needs to accurately and perfectly imagine it in her head.

It sounded simple but it's actually not. Imagine copying a notebook, she needs its exact length, width, height, number of pages, color, etc., just to copy one simple object. That's why she couldn't copy it instantaneously.

But her intelligence was off the charts. She has an inherent photographic memory, accurately memorizing an object's measurements.

And after a year of experimenting with her power's limit, she finally discovered its most powerful use. And that made her a Rank S Hero.

Perfectly copying herself. She memorized her own anatomy, her own personality, her own habits, etc. That was unheard of! To copy a living thing, she needs accurate info about herself.

No human being can easily claim that they know themselves fully. But Copy defied reality and did produce a clone of herself. And that clone also inherited her copy ability, also capable of producing another clone. Theoretically, she could mass-produce an infinite amount of herself.

And she only needs little stamina to produce one clone. Her mind did the rest of the work.

That's how she became an S-Rank Hero with only one simplistic ability. She could even defeat a Transcendent or Surpasser with just this one ability alone.


"So this is the one, huh?" A beautiful woman was wiping her eyeglasses while walking towards an enormous lion.

She wears a simple lab coat. It doesn't contain any sort of protective ability, making it easier to mass-produced.

Ms. Copy fearlessly stood toe to toe with Crimson.

Crimson didn't pay attention to her. He ignored him and stared at his huge paw holding three bodies. Two men and one girl.

"Did you think you guys could survive?" Crimson laughed.

"I'll kill you!" Coral shrieked and continuously punched the huge paw holding her.

"Kill me? Little girl, you're about to be eaten and you're thinking of killing me? Ignorance is truly a bliss." After saying that, he threw the bodies high up in the air. Accurately landing on his mouth.

The three shouted for help but no one responded.

Crimson chewed and chewed until finally, he gulped down his food.

"Delicious! Hunted preys are the best." Blood drooled on his huge mouth.

Finally noticing Ms. Copy standing in front of him, he smiled creepily.

"Thank you for the food!" He grabbed Ms. Copy with his paws and opened his mouth.

"Oh?" Looking closer, this food was the most beautiful girl he ever saw. She even smelled more deliciously than Liam.

Her emerald eyes contain a strange luster. She wasn't wearing any makeup but her face was flawlessly glowing. Her pale pink lips were beckoning to be kissed. And her shoulder-length pink hair were being blown by the wind.

"How could a human be this beautiful?" Crimson murmured. But then he grinned maliciously.

"I bet you'll be tastier than that boy!" Crimson licked his lips.