Halloween Special 1.

(AN: This is NOT apart of the actual storyline.)


The tires screeched as the care came to a halt, and there was a loud THUD.

"AHHHHH!" A woman shrieked as bystanders soon surrounded the unmoving body on the ground. There was soon screams and shouts of horror, to call an ambulance and other things.

The body on the ground was shaking, having a fit, as someone shouted to give them some space. That person had moved towards the body having a seizure, while everyone else let out panicked gasps and whimpers.

After a few hours, the ambulance had finally arrived and the body was taken into the hospital. Machines beeped in there, signifying that person's heartbeat. It was strained, as if that person's last string had been pulled.

A sudden strangled scream came from under the tube that was connected into their mouth, as their yellow eyes flung open. The person frantically looked around the white, average-sized room. A sofa rested beside the right wall, right under a large, open window. Birds chirped outside, and the sunlight had seethed through. On the left side of the room rested a table and two chairs opposite one another.

The person continued to look around before a loud BANG was heard from down the hall. No footsteps as the creature made it's way down the narrow, concrete floor. It was as if that thing had no feet.

The person upon the bed became evermore frantic, panicked and growing more sickly as the slow seconds curled by the clock that hung above the door.

Abruptly, the door handle was starting to turn, excrutiatingly slowly. This made the person on the bed panick more and more, yellow eyes wide.

The door finally flung open.

An empty doorway was present.

The person let out an audible sigh of relief as they continued to raspily breathe from the tube.

A large gust of wind then swung into the room, followed by dark, eerie, thick fog. The sunlight from the window had vanished, along with the happy chirps of the birds.

A quiet piano began playing down the hall, the keys going between the deepest to the highest pitch. This creature was toying with them. Why?

There was another loud BANG as the nurse came striding in. The fog and piano had disappeared, along came the sun and chirping of the birds again. Another sigh of relief escaped their lips as they momentarily closed their tired eyes.

The nurse had a bowl of udon upon a silver tray that she placed on the person's lap as they sat up. The nurse continued to give them sympathetic glances as she slowly removed the tube from their mouth. The sympathy annoyed that person greatly. Pity was not something they took easily.

The person took the chopsticks that were beside the bowl of udon, and began to eat the noodles.

"Call me if you need me." The nurse said as she gestured to the machinery beside the heart monitor. It almost looked like a doorbell.

"Hold on." They said as the nurse had turned to leave. "How long am I stuck in here? I need to get ba-"

"You may not have the chance to go back, so I suggest you enjoy hospital life.. Or this'll be difficult for you,

Sir." She said bluntly, as she turned once more on her heel and left, the clop of her heels slowly receding down the corridor.

The man sat there, slightly confused.

He wasn't going to die..

Was he?