Caressing Kisses

Serenica did have a king to kill. She went to sleep, again without her obsidian. She was worried about the latest developments and what those might mean to her beloved.

She found the Dreamer in the same sailing boat, now looking a lot more like himself again.

"It's so good to see you," he said, raising his gaze from the still waters. "My mother is acting strange. I think she knows what I tried to do. She will – my father will -"

"Are you all right?" Serenica interrupted him. "Did they do something to you?"

"No. They'll make me do something to you instead, and that is much, much worse." He grimaced. "I tried to make them let go of their revenge ideas, but they insisted that I at least take that part of you that we talked about."

"It's not your fault," Serenica said. She reached out to him, placing her hand gently on his back.