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A liars ring is what I surrender myself to because I have seen life's lessons and understood its trials. With this liars ring I have protected myself behind the fog of deception. With this liars ring I learned the deception of others and their lies they struggle with. With this liars ring I have found myself surrounded by many because I have fooled them all with a false facade.

But above all, I have deceived myself with this liar's ring because I no longer notice love. Nor can I tell sincerity from false hope, or when someone has fallen for me. Because the person they see is the projection of me that has everything. This liar ring is heavy like a weight pushing you to the ocean's floor, that's the power of this ring I wear. I thought it would drown me but you saved me, why.

My vision has been blinded by the fog I cower behind creating lies and deceit, yet you found your way through that searching for me. Is that your ring of the lover guiding you or is it something else entirely. I cannot tell but I know that you have found your way through this liars fog to me and here you stand unwavering to what I have said and done to protect myself. You told me it's okay and you would stay, I find myself wanting to believe but I'm scared.

I find myself reaching for you only to pull back my hand but you don't hesitate as you pull me to you without a thought. I feel this weight being lifted as I'm pulled from the ocean's floor only to find myself resting in your arms. Do you promise this is real and I no longer need to be afraid of things with you here by my side. The truth is I have drowned once already and I'm willing to do so again if that is my fate, I won't let such a thing be wasted. I'll take off my liar's ring and ill once more follow my heart.

It didn't take long to wear your ring of love and to notice the difference between the two. I know now that I was simply deceived by that liar's ring and never was I protected by my lies, I see that now. I can only grasp at straws as to why you stuck around but thank you for saving me, from the fate of wearing a liar's ring.