Jonah and Teagan

Jonah looked at Teagan. Why did she have to remind him so much of his mother? His father had shown him photos of her, but he never told him the truth of what really happened between them, he couldn't. He was still bitter and in pain.

He glided his hand down her bruised face. ‘Why do you have to look so much like her, why? If you weren’t hers I'd have loved you. If you weren't hers we could’ve had more, we could’ve been together. He leaned down looking at her. Why did she have to be his sister? He pressed his lips on her delicate skin. ‘Why?’

Her eyes flickered as she stirred, she slowly opened her eyes staring into the devil's eyes. ‘Jonah.’

‘Good morning princess.’

‘Is it?’

‘Don’t be like that princess. I thought we were getting along?’

‘Don’t kid yourself Jonah we both know you hate me.’

If only she knew.

‘I have my reasons.’ He simply stated.

‘And what they would be? If it is not my face.’

‘Now don’t be like that.’

‘Why not? I may be a nerd, but I know you hate my face that much you have to disfigure it.’

No I love your face, pity it reminds me so much of hers.

‘It’s nothing to do with your face.’

Apart from everyone looking at it with lust and they shouldn’t, but me.

He glided his hand down her face and she lay frozen. ‘There’s a lot you don’t know princess. A lot you don’t even know about and why I am doing this.’

‘Tell me then.’ She said nervously.

‘Pay back princess, for everything.’

‘I didn’t do anything.’

‘Your brother has my sister. Dumb shit thought he’d take my sister away from me.’

‘Riley is your sister?’ She asked, stuttering.

‘Yes she is, fuck knows how he found out but he did.’ He said glaring daggers through her. ‘He’s dumb he didn’t think I’d have a back up plan. You.’

She lay nervously. As he kept stroking her face with his finger tips. Scaring her.

‘He thought he could get away with it, but news flash I’m ten steps ahead. He thought all of this would stop the way I treated you.’ He shook his head. He’s wrong. He'll never stop the pain, the pain of me knowing my own mother who abandoned me and had two more children with another man.’

She swallowed. ‘I… I don’t understand what’s this got to do with us, what’s any of this got to do with us?’

‘It has everything to do with you dear sister.’


‘You heard! your mother is also my mother.’

‘She cheated on my dad?!’ She asked angrily tears in her eyes.

He wiped them away. ‘I’m the eldest; she was with your father when My dad found my mother and got her pregnant and ended up behind bars because of your father.’

‘No!’ She cried.

‘Sorry princess but it’s the truth.’